Day of the Deadpool [Master Thread]

So, it seems as though 3-6* Deadpool will be offered soon in a Deadpool-centric solo event (via an in-game mail apparently written by Perd Hapley). It also says "get your 'Pools together and get ready", which I would take to mean that the solo event will focus on using deadpool versions in different content. I'm pretty hype, so here are some of my biggest thoughts on this:
- It says soon....... like how soon?
- Please, please let this be reasonable for players that don't spend. That was one of the biggest wins about the gold offers and several previous iterations of 'Pool based rewards such as the OG Platinumpool drops. Sure, paying helped, but it was doable.
- I'm going to assume this will drop on a Friday since that is how past Deadpool events have done, but tbh who cares. Just interested to see if the trend continues.
- No bugs, please.
- I know Deadpool isn't a gamebreaking champ, but I really don't care. He's fun, rare, and I'd even be happy with a 2* so I could just get that champion aquisition accomplished (without paying).
- My 3x 6* Platinumpool left arms could use a torso.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
Wish he was achieavable by F2P, and not behind a pay wall every 3 years or so
he went way too high
Going to wait and see, the in game email did sound interesting.
No milestone rewards, only peak.
Top 500 players get 6*, the rest get gold and fabulous crystals
you took a really nice surprise and delight gold offer and turned it into an opportunity to push MORE offers down on everyone.
Pasting this here since it got mothballed back to “Suggestions.” Any cuteness intended with the Kabam Thrillson comment seems much less humorous now.
Maybe something interesting pops up later today, but if this is it, then no.
Dr. Zola
Edit, looks like it’s just moving to something like Cyber weekend sales. Most of it is for purchase, or huge arena grinders, and basically nothing in terms of an actual event. I didn’t even glance at the for-money offers until someone posted it, but they look fine, I guess. Not what the game is about though.