How would you rate Spotted Dimension Rifts? (Oct 2022 SQ)



  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,308 ★★★★
    5 - Loved it
    I got very lucky, 2 x AG and 1 x T5CC so better rewards than every other month for me. If I was just getting candy the only thing I'd have liked was to spend them all on cav Crystal's. After I bought them all I've not been concerned about the other rewards.
  • TheLightBringerTheLightBringer Member Posts: 452 ★★★★
    2 - Needs some improvement (please share how it could be improved)
    It should have at least 1 key to balance between people getting so lucky and people who got only candy, because seeing everyone getting good staff while you're getting candy daily feels demoralizing
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    3 - It was OK
    As an event, it was spectacularly average.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    4 - Liked it
    Got 1 AG and 20k shards. Plus the store was great. 40 Cavs, a bunch of low level sigs and cats that you can't get any more. I'll take it any month.
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 847 ★★★
    2 - Needs some improvement (please share how it could be improved)
    I enjoy the rift style but to go a whole month of only getting cant is frustrating. Usually we get atleast 1 key to pick a path so no matter what you get 1 item you wanted. Really just putting that back would have greatly improved my experience.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    4 - Liked it
    I liked it... The amount of stuff you can buy with the candy is very nice... Plus I got lucky and landed on non-candy 4 times: 2x gold, 1x 6* Sigs and 1x 6* awakening gem... can't complain...

    The only gripe I have: Why don't practice fights count? Not everybody is on the forums...
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    3 - It was OK
    I always like the riddles but I’ve never been a huge fan of the daily grind aspect. The store is good but some of the prices, like 6* shards are well out of whack.

    Daft as it sounds the 2* sig stones have been my favourite part of the event lol
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    2 - Needs some improvement (please share how it could be improved)
    It feels like being forced to spin the reel on a cav crystal, you see the potential rewards just to be disappointed when you get candy time after time.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    3 - It was OK
    Just salty I didn't get an awakening gem
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 791 ★★★★
    2 - Needs some improvement (please share how it could be improved)
    If they altered the RNG a little bit it could have been better. This was just bad.
  • ChadhoganChadhogan Member Posts: 463 ★★★
    1 - Hated it (please share how it could be improved)
    Same old same old from rifts rng fest some gold and candy for me usual junk never hit the jackpot lanes
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,338 ★★★★★
    1 - Hated it (please share how it could be improved)
    i'm not sure if i can say enough bad things about the event. i'm reserved to the fact that like MANY MANY people, candy is all i'll see but it's not even that ... the overall design of it was just nowhere near player friendly. it was about as bad as I can remember a side quest being.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    4 - Liked it
    Easily goes down as the side event people whined about the most and I don't get it. here's 40 Cavs and 2-3 million gold in a side event (worst case scenario). We have gotten WAYYYY worse rewards before and this isn't even in the top 10 of worst.
  • AdevatiAdevati Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    5 - Loved it

    i'm not sure if i can say enough bad things about the event. i'm reserved to the fact that like MANY MANY people, candy is all i'll see but it's not even that ... the overall design of it was just nowhere near player friendly. it was about as bad as I can remember a side quest being.

    False, on average only 4% of players will only see candy.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    4 - Liked it

    Easily goes down as the side event people whined about the most and I don't get it. here's 40 Cavs and 2-3 million gold in a side event (worst case scenario). We have gotten WAYYYY worse rewards before and this isn't even in the top 10 of worst.

    Completely agree... The fact alone that alot of people got 6* awakening gems is great... Yes, way more people didn't... But some people pull 6* Hercules from a cav crystal, while most people pull 3* Groot... RNG has always been a part of this game...

    But even if you take RNG out of the picture... If you sum up everything that you could buy from the candy store with 700k candy ("worst case scenario" of only getting candy every day) adn then compare it to the rewawards of the past side events... It's not even close!

    Please, if this event is as bad as people say, someone point out a side event of recent months with "much better" overall rewards... I'm curious...
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    3 - It was OK
    The practice fights don't count is obnoxious. I can see how it wouldn't count towards the I Want Candy crystal shards event, but having to not only solve the riddle but then find the champ somewhere to fight is very painful. Even with the helpful dual target thread here, the fact that duel's are bugged where half the time it errors and won't start is infuriating.
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★★
    5 - Loved it
    I got the Awakening Gem and a ton of 2* sig stones so I’m all about it
  • AdevatiAdevati Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    5 - Loved it

    Adevati said:

    i'm not sure if i can say enough bad things about the event. i'm reserved to the fact that like MANY MANY people, candy is all i'll see but it's not even that ... the overall design of it was just nowhere near player friendly. it was about as bad as I can remember a side quest being.

    False, on average only 4% of players will only see candy.
    95% of my alliance has only seen candy. you must have some insight into the game's inner workings to speak this with confidence especially judging from the multitude of people mirroring my sentiments.

    i am speaking on what i know to be true in at least 20 other alliances. but let me guess .. math right? lol
    So you are arguing the drop rates are bugged? Are we really to believe that A) the drop rates are bugged and B- you have honest reports from 600+ people and C) your sample happens to be an astronomical rare anomaly?

    There was a poll on Reddit exactly one week after the event dropped. Seven days of entries. At 10% chance of a rare reward, that would put 47% of the population, on average, getting nothing but candy. The poll showed 44% got nothing but candy. That is plausible. That falls in line with math. Your accusations do not.
  • AdevatiAdevati Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    5 - Loved it

    Adevati said:

    i'm not sure if i can say enough bad things about the event. i'm reserved to the fact that like MANY MANY people, candy is all i'll see but it's not even that ... the overall design of it was just nowhere near player friendly. it was about as bad as I can remember a side quest being.

    False, on average only 4% of players will only see candy.
    95% of my alliance has only seen candy. you must have some insight into the game's inner workings to speak this with confidence especially judging from the multitude of people mirroring my sentiments.

    i am speaking on what i know to be true in at least 20 other alliances. but let me guess .. math right? lol
    Forgive me if I don’t take your word on your personal claims of the 600+ people that 1) got nothing but candy, 2) actually told you, and 3) weren’t misrepresenting that they got nothing good as nothing but candy.

    For that stat to be wrong, the drop rates have to be wrong/bugged as posted on the forum and in the game.

    Are you prepared to claim the drop rates are false?

    Here’s evidence we do have:

    One week after the start of the event, a poll was posted. Over 1400 users responded. Only 43% reported they got nothing but candy. The statistics say, at that point in time, on average 47% would have gotten only candy. That is in line with expectations.

    In this thread alone, of those that explicitly stated whether they got only candy or other rewards, over 82% got at least one rare reward. Lower than expectations but nothing alarming given the context of the thread.

    So your claim of 28/30 members of your alliance getting goosed, as well as your other 20 alliances, is completely outlandish and self-fulfilling. The multitude are mirroring your sentiment on the event; not the claim that most get nothing but candy.

  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    2 - Needs some improvement (please share how it could be improved)
    I would have gladly saved a majority of my candy to purchase one path selector for the month. I've landed on a path without candy twice, and it was gold both times. It's a nice amount of gold, but not compared to an awakening gem.
  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,695 ★★★★★
    1 - Hated it (please share how it could be improved)
    Any event that promotes mass frustration in the player base is a bad one.
  • MᗅՏᗅCREMᗅՏᗅCRE Member Posts: 194 ★★
    4 - Liked it
    I like it a lot but it would have been pretty nice if we got some type of key like from previous rifts side quests to garantee us something we really want. I get its too early for 6 star ag to be given easily just by completing a side quest but eventually it has to happen.
  • ChuckD05ChuckD05 Member Posts: 174
    2 - Needs some improvement (please share how it could be improved)
    BigBlueOx said:

    The RNG in the rifts felt unbalanced compared to value in the store. Just made the whole thing feel repetitive and un exciting. More paths with different candy values and with different nodes would have helped too. At least try to make it feel unpredictable. Also a type of control your fate mechanic would have been nice

    This mirrors my feelings well
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,473 ★★★★★
    3 - It was OK

    Final Candy Cav was a fitting tribute to this event.

    Dr. Zola
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    edited November 2022
    3 - It was OK
    DrZola said:

    Final Candy Cav was a fitting tribute to this event.

    Dr. Zola

    Got trhashed huh?
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    edited November 2022
    3 - It was OK
    I pulled everything except 6* shards from SQ , and i do not prefer such SQ as i know many people got only candies and still getting candies only. The good part tho was 42 cavs. this month.

    Why can't we have mutant treasure island SQ or Spider Ham December 2020 like SQ back ? SQs should be the most interesting part of the month , not the most disappointing.
  • AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Member Posts: 391 ★★★
    2 - Needs some improvement (please share how it could be improved)
    Good things: easy access to cavs and a decent amount of gold and iso for those starved of it

    Bad things: everything else
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,173 ★★★★★
    1 - Hated it (please share how it could be improved)
    Watching people get multiple awakening gems while only getting candy yourself is ridiculous and unfair. You only block my comments because I call out every time you do something shady.
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