Similar but opposite to my previous post, which champ do you think had the biggest rise in overall ranking in the game? This could be from synergies, being buffed, or everyone figuring out their awesome gameplay overtime, etc. My choice is a tie between Kingpin and Falcon.
Falcon was completely useless, but after his overhaul he's a swiss army knife of utility shutting down so many pain points in the game, and that's not even including his basic Evade counters. And to go along with that crazy utility he does monster damage at a good sig.
Kingpin was just OK, but definitely not a go to choice for anything in the game, but after some simple buffs to his kit he went from meh to arguably the best Skill champ in the game, and one of the top champs period. He's my first skill R4.
Falcon was completely useless, but after his overhaul he's a swiss army knife of utility shutting down so many pain points in the game, and that's not even including his basic Evade counters. And to go along with that crazy utility he does monster damage at a good sig.
Kingpin was just OK, but definitely not a go to choice for anything in the game, but after some simple buffs to his kit he went from meh to arguably the best Skill champ in the game, and one of the top champs period. He's my first skill R4.
People were so disappointed when he was released, but a few months later those same folks were hunting him because of how effective he is, especially in war. I am still dying to awaken my r3
They were trash untill someone got bored and went in creative mode
People hated him for the longest time because uh... he was bad for a long time, literally bottom five.
Took one GODLIKE buff and imo he's still top 10.
Angela…amazing buff, amazing synergy with Odin, amazing champ. Queen of everything 👸🏼
He went from meme tier to an instant cheese option on a ton of content. He rendered so much content irrelevant, that Kabam had to either use Force of Will or make defenders not metal to keep things a challenge.
Other champions that got buffed (Kingpin, Diablo) pretty much jumped only to Solid at the time of the buff, and then over time as people used them, then got bumped up to their top tier status. Kabam didn't have to specifically target these champions to still keep content a challenge.
Red Magneto: Meh to Yeh.
My name says it all