Where’s everyone’s BattleGround score at?

My alliance isn’t putting much effort in battlegrounds. I see that rewards are good. I don’t know if this is the case for everyone. How many alliance BG event points is good?
Most people aren't contributing
It's not even hard to reach that 300K mark
I play BGs only once every 2 days to get those solo objectives & even then I've comfortably reached 300k
its going to be more difficult with more BG focused players and alliances
I’ve quit BGs on my main and I’m playing on my alt Cavalier account.
My main is stuck at Vibranium since matchmaking change.
I’m flying through brackets with the new matchmaking system with my alt, and that is showing how wrong the new matchmaking is.
My several thousands of play main account won’t make it to GC and will place lower than my few hours alt account.
What’s the point of ranking up or spending in the game, if at the end instead of being rewarded, that is being punished?
I’m not joking make a new account get Uncollected on next weeks, and have fun on next season of BGs 😉
Instead of banning their mod/bot Accts they just mute or delete posts in forums. Now they have even taken away the hit page to see the mods at work with 1 hit 260k damage so you can’t snap pics of the kabam mod/bot accounts.
What an absolute joke. This company is losing players at an obscenely fast rate.
Personally, only at 73K, in Gold 3. Had 125K
last season and made it into Gold 1, but really struggling to string together wins this time around.