Okay, since when the AI perform special intercepts?
I just dashed into Miles and that mf just retaliated with a sp2 right to my face. I was not made aware of any changes to the AI that would make it so this and it has never happened before.
On a side note anybody noticed that AI started to wait out protections and indestructibles recently or is it me getting paranoid?
AI intercepting with specials isn't one.
I think veterans would agree that we've all learnt to bait specials, at least initially, by getting closer to the opponent and hitting their block.
I don't think back then it was common for the AI to throw a special as you were about to make contact. Currently, I have had plenty of times where my medium is actually mid animation and I get hit in the face.
As I said in some other thread, being extremely weary of the opponent even having a bar of power because they can clip you at will makes for very dull gameplay.
That isn’t the case anymore.
Seems to be happening more and more often the defender won’t be baited into throwing a special by dashing in/out and leaving yourself open.
Go to block hit and get whacked with a special intercept.
I’ve also noticed defenders seem less willing to throw their special on nodes with enhanced power gain.
It's not very common (yet) but has started to happen
U are waiting for them to dash in & they just throw 2 lights in the air, & the 2nd one connects more often than not
For about 7 years of MCOC's existence, AI would only use mediums when at a distance & lights when they were close enough to get a connection....this is what made intercepts a lot safer in those days
Then they started doing light intercepts
And now they just randomly keep throwing lights in the air when we try to dash in