Mid-February Followup: New Solo Objective and Solo Event

Hello Summoners!
Here are the details for a couple mid-month events/objectives to celebrate the addition of Cassie Lang and the upcoming release of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania!
Love Conquers All
Start: 02/15/2023 at 18:00 UTC
End: 03/08/2023 at 18:00 UTC
Defeat Kang, Ghost or Yellowjacket in Arenas to earn points
Bonus Points for using Ant-Man, Wasp or Cassie Lang.
*Arenas will contain a Special Team comprised of Kang, Ghost and Yellowjacket

**Note: the will not be Ranked Rewards tied to this solo event
Welcome, Cassie Lang!
Start: 02/15/2023 @ 18:00 UTC
End: 03/08/2023 @ 18:00 UTC

Essentially, celebrity challenges require a lot of tricky collaboration. We can express interest in doing them, but without that specific celebrity signing on and showing the same interest, it doesn't work!
because it is about time Kabam realize by giving us a free 5* cassie lang won't break the game one bit. 5* are old news, you don't see them anymore in AW, all you see nowadays are at least 6*r3 and supposedly next month they will be introducing 7* LMAO. oh yeah 5* are the new 3* in todays meta.
And NO rank rewards for going higher than 50, so really don’t need to try to match against Kang, Ghost or YJ. Those are LESS bonus points anyways versus what you get using the others on your side.
Those “special” teams might be only at streaks around and past the Thanos/Kang ones or beyond anyways (not early streak #’s). So if looking for them in 5*/6* arena at same time you only want to user your top champs to get high scores (instead of using AntMan/Wasp), you could just spend a little bit of time in lower arena and knock it out quick.
Plus they said it would be there so we shouldn’t be letting them off the hook haha
Special Teams (Kang, Ghost, YJ) are in Arena now.
So probably just needed to wait for Arena to rollover to this new one, since event had started in the middle of the previous Arena series.
But only in Champ arenas, not 2-day Cat arenas.