BGs Killing my Drive

So not exactly sure how I want to start this post as there is so many factors to consider. The over arching theme is night after night when I finally have a stretch of time to sit and play BGs (after getting up, situating kids, going to work, coming home, dinner, kids to bed) what ends up happening is I alternate wins and losses, make no progress on victory track advancement and just feel like I wasted 30 mins to an hour of play time. Having this happen over and over it just really kills your drive, makes you feel like **** in terms of being able to improve your roster with the tokens in the store and just a frustrating state of mind in regards to BGs.
I’m paragon with a roster of R4s/R3 6*s and can’t get out of silver III atm. I loose matches for various reasons; playing poorly, bad draft, better competition ect. Having to string the 3x wins together is what is really killing things for me and wish there was a better way for progression outside of buying shields for every single match.
Idk, just my stream of thoughts about where I am at with BGs in general. Feel free to reply with good, bad, ugly ect; I’m open for a good discussion to see how other ppl are feeling with BGs.
I’m paragon with a roster of R4s/R3 6*s and can’t get out of silver III atm. I loose matches for various reasons; playing poorly, bad draft, better competition ect. Having to string the 3x wins together is what is really killing things for me and wish there was a better way for progression outside of buying shields for every single match.
Idk, just my stream of thoughts about where I am at with BGs in general. Feel free to reply with good, bad, ugly ect; I’m open for a good discussion to see how other ppl are feeling with BGs.
The frustration is made worse, at least for me, because in no way should a player of my level be struggling this much in the lowest tiers of the VT. That's not me being an entitled A-hole, that's just a fact. I have spent 8 years playing this game, many of which were in a top 10-20 ally, beating all content as soon as it was released and building a roster that is globally in the top 1000 (my lowest was ~100 a few years ago). In literally any other game, that amount of time, money, and effort would be rewarded and I'd quickly ascend and be fighting in the top few tiers of BGs vs others who have similar journies as me. Instead of seeing those fithgts vs seasoned vets in the top tiers, I'm seeing them in Bronze and Silver when I know for a fact that low accounts are getting a free pass to higher tiers because they can't face me.
Also, because I should be winning Bronze and Silver fights, losses feel so much worse than wins feel good. That leads to more anger and frustration, which leads to not wanting to play the mode.
The current BG matchmaking is completely backward and has to be changed. If they won't change the matchmaking they have to implement my proposed win multiplier system from a last week, which is basically how they do AW:
3 tokens for beating a Paragon
2 tokens for beating a TB
1 token for beating a UC or CAV
All losses are -1 token
I made Gladiator circuit last season but it was a lot of fights to get there and there was only like 3 days left by the time I made it in so I finished with like 40 points. Seems the RNG may be involved at times too not to sound like a conspiracy theorist. Seems like the game won’t let me advance too quickly. Usually when I’m on a roll all the sudden I’ll lose 5 matches in a row or lose 1 where I really need the win. Also RNG champion/opponent drafting can destroy you, sometimes the match ups are hopeless no matter how good you play.Usually I wait until I win 2 in a row and then invest in a shield but I don’t usually have many units since I hate/don’t have time Arena.
Iam really clueless whats wrong ? is it I am playing bad, which i think, iam not in comparison to last season, but really it's depressing
Bigger accounts are better in this meta since all annoying defenders work well and all cheese attackers work well too.
Exactly 50% win rate so it takes luck and a lot of time to just climb the victory track ladder. Now they are the best rewards in game, which translates to more shots at the featured and r4 mats.
But, that's the only reason to play BGs. The mode? Fun.
The psychological impact of loss aversion turning it into a mode I viscerally hate? Horrendous.
If the rewards were the same as incursions, I would not play it at all.
Award 2 tokens for a win, and take 1 token for a loss. Alternatively, 2 for a win, -1 for a 2-1 loss and -2 for a 2-0 loss.
This roadblock is exactly what stops me. I need to be “on” when I’m playing - free of distractions, awake and alert - or else it won’t work. That time is hard to come by, and now matchmaking is harder than ever.
The realization that—for a significant number of accounts—BGs feels like a zero sum game is probably more pronounced with this VT meta. There doesn’t seem to be a small number of “meta champs” and, while that’s arguably opens competition up a bit, it also means at VT levels maintaining a streak of wins can be a matter of drafting, banning or just bad luck.
@Worknprogress thinking about your comment that top end accounts are doing fine—do you find yourself matched against similarly stacked accounts with most of the counters known & most decks settled apart from new champs? Apart from random draft anomalies, does each match have a fair amount of stability and/or predictability? Are you facing the *same* fights with the difference largely being small margins or is there a lot of variability for you?
I haven’t seen your champs in a while, but I will assume the roster is as well developed as it has usually been. On the way up, did you run across 16K+ accounts, or did you have some matches against lower Paragon accounts?
I’m genuinely curious. There’s a pretty broad range of account strengths and ability levels at 15.5K+, and I would expect an account like yours to largely be facing off against the pinnacle of BG accounts at this stage. Is that your experience?
Dr. Zola
On top of all this, trying to maintain a win streak has been made even harder due to the insta ko bug.
I refuse to waste my time on something that doesn't guarantee me rewards as much as I can.
It's bad enough this game is flooded with bugs...I dont need anymore frustration fighting against unfair matchups and poor draft options. I don't need anything else adding to my anger about this game right now. Just me...
I feel ya OP
Increase tokens needed per bracket at VT.
Award 2 for win, subtract 1 for loss.
Or the alternative point system you proposed, but I would do differently, as @DNA3000 had proposed:
+2 tokens for win 2-0
+1 token for win 2-1
0 tokens for loss 2-1
-1 token for loss 2-0
That would make the time spent in Battlegrounds worth it, since now if you don’t achieve a minimum of ~60% win ratio it’s basically a time/resources waste, and by definition most players aren’t achieving that.
Prestige matchmaking can remain throughout VT, since most players will met at GC and there will be filtered, to finally place where they really belong, compared to the competition.
Of course all these are good, and would made all players happy, but I personally doubt Kabam will move to that direction anytime soon, since it’s pretty obvious now that they made VT this way and insist on “equal” matchmaking procedures, because they want people to use these overpriced and low value (since they burn even if you win) Victory Shields.
I’m not against a company to try to monetise the game as much as they can, since I spend a respectable amount of money annually, but with this BGs setup they won’t achieve anything other than pushing players away from the mode.
No one will spend hundreds of units on very expensive Victory Shields in order to “escape” VT and reach GC, and that if you can achieve at least 50% win ratio, let alone if your win ratio is lower, then you are looking into thousands units.
If they rewards weren’t so good, Battlegrounds would have already been a dead mode.
Did you guy even actually read what I proposed?
This matchmaking garbage has ruined the mode for me. But on the bright side, at least all though 7-8k prestige UC and Cav get max victory track and some GC rewards while not having to face those that would destroy them and can't get out of silver.