Unable to claim compensation rewards [merged, with info]



  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    cl41776 said:

    Not once but twice in a single day that Kabam has proven to everyone they have absolutely no clue wth they’re doing lately. This is embarrassing to say the very least.

    U really gonna make a big fuzz over free stuff?
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    Curious to know what was the "bugged node." None of them seemed overly difficult with the correct counters.
  • PpurpleIIPpurpleII Member Posts: 20
    Coppin said:

    cl41776 said:

    Not once but twice in a single day that Kabam has proven to everyone they have absolutely no clue wth they’re doing lately. This is embarrassing to say the very least.

    U really gonna make a big fuzz over free stuff?
    Well my free stuff is reduced because I did not want to play through a bug with units instead of skill. I completed the top path, but I never attempted the bottom path on level 5 because why attempt something you know you cannot finish, so I am now "not eligible"
  • SandPounderSandPounder Member Posts: 356 ★★★
    Mine disappeared after restart
  • hydrogohardhydrogohard Member Posts: 225 ★★
  • Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 103
    Same here. I now have them in “inbox” and 2 sets of them in “stash”
    Neither are claimable. I’m thinking that situation is game wide.
    Just keep us informed Jax and thanks for your diligence in this matter.
  • mixalisplaymixalisplay Member Posts: 50
    Δεν μπορώ να πάρω ανταμοιβή
  • mixalisplaymixalisplay Member Posts: 50

  • Bigramrod69Bigramrod69 Member Posts: 60
    Hello. Is anyone else having trouble claiming the Mojo compensation rewards? Every time I hit the claim tab the game freezes, I’ve had to restart twice now
  • Lee99Lee99 Member Posts: 97
    We can this getting kabamed 🤣🤣🤣 the compensation for the bug, compensation is bugged not once but 2 times in one day.
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 883 ★★★
    I got the message but cannot claim. Oh the irony of a claiming bug associated with compensation for a game bug.
  • JinJihnsJinJihns Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2023

    Kabam what is going on? I got two compensation packs and I cant claim both. I don’t know if I should claim both or if I do I will be banned so I will leave this here.
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited March 2023
    They just had to link "claim" button to Rickroll site to make us more happy.

    "Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down"
  • Ceti_EelCeti_Eel Member Posts: 70
    Has anyone else not gotten any compensation rewards message yet ?
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    PpurpleII said:

    Coppin said:

    cl41776 said:

    Not once but twice in a single day that Kabam has proven to everyone they have absolutely no clue wth they’re doing lately. This is embarrassing to say the very least.

    U really gonna make a big fuzz over free stuff?
    Well my free stuff is reduced because I did not want to play through a bug with units instead of skill. I completed the top path, but I never attempted the bottom path on level 5 because why attempt something you know you cannot finish, so I am now "not eligible"
    Still free, and u saves up all those units u wanted to save.. win win
  • JJ5KJJ5K Member Posts: 17
    Where is comp at kabam I didn't receive anything not even a message
  • noclutchnoclutch Member Posts: 186 ★★
    Finally, some damn good communication.
    Thank You Jax
  • Sadat08Sadat08 Member Posts: 73
    Didn’t even getting anything?!?!
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,215 ★★★★★
    So the comp is coming later this week, even for the folks who never got a message at all?
  • KILLMФИGЕЯKILLMФИGЕЯ Member Posts: 122 ★★
    How is it that we all played the same bugged content yet only some people are getting comp? Lol
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Still no message or got the reward
  • CashRichCashRich Member Posts: 8
    Freeze the stash countdown timer whenever there is a bug affecting our valuable resources expiring. For example, delaying 6 star shards reward will make us lose the opportunity to pull a good champ to rank up using the expiring iso-8 and catalysts. For those who paid money to buy resources, this is totally unfair and shouldn't be ignored for so many years. Hope Kabam finds a good solution for this. Thanks
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Kabam dint u feel embarrassed.. u sent a package as compensation for a BUG and the package in itself is BUGGED? Cumon …
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    CashRich said:

    Freeze the stash countdown timer whenever there is a bug affecting our valuable resources expiring. For example, delaying 6 star shards reward will make us lose the opportunity to pull a good champ to rank up using the expiring iso-8 and catalysts. For those who paid money to buy resources, this is totally unfair and shouldn't be ignored for so many years. Hope Kabam finds a good solution for this. Thanks

    What?... How is compensation (pretty much a gift) affect your resource management?... If this wasnt given today your stuff was going to expire anyway
  • Amanda_CruzeAmanda_Cruze Member Posts: 67
    People posting 2 compensation in a picture
    Meanwhile me with 0! 😭😭😭
    @Kabam Jax Why always me?
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 473 ★★★
    Yo jax, just to clarify- EVERYONE is getting compensation right? Theres some ambiguity as some of never received the message at any point. EVERYONE will get compensated right?
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 473 ★★★
    Yo jax, to clarify- EVERYONE will receive this compensation right?
  • Sha1emadeSha1emade Member Posts: 22
    Yeah. I’m still waiting for my chance for me to not be able to claim them. Lol also missing a grandmasters key but they don’t seem to want to give me that one for some reason. ;/
  • Mcca89Mcca89 Member Posts: 77

    Can't claim either of them
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,803 ★★★★★
    Seeing two of them (unclaimable) as well.

    No rush, just wanted to give information.
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