Is there a way to unequip legends title?

Hi guys, with the addition of the legend title to the side event and potentially being widespread I think it might become desirable to be able to take off the title. Is there currently a way to do this?
Changing your title still leaves the legend border around your profile picture with the legend badge at the bottom.
Me personally, I don't care if more get it as all the title really shows right now is I have an iPhone and I could sit still for multiple hours.
I do agree if you don't want it on, you should be able to take it off though.
Ok? And there are modders with other titles too. They need to be removed. My statement stands, if modders devalue this title, then pretty much every special title or reward that has been and will be is already devalued due to modders. I agree, modders should be taken care of, and hopefully actual modded accounts get banned, but this doesn’t devalue the title.
I think kabam should give this title to only top 200/300 fastest players who complete the sec 6 all zones.
It should be limited since it’s the most prestigious title of mcoc.
Now, if they reworked it and did it in meaningful content like the mythic title, then ok, I get the backlash and anger over it.
Until then, get over your legend title being shared by many now and move on. It doesn’t impact you or the game or progression or rewards in any possible way.
It’s the same for a modded account.
If Kabam investigates both situations, they would see it’s impossible to do legitimately.