Incursion hack nerfed?

The draining degeneration hack in-game drains 20% over 6 seconds, far weaker than what’s listed in the thread. It applies degen, but degen now doesn’t seem to apply per power drain debuff and it seems to have a stack limit of 4.
Is this correct? Were any of these changes shared anywhere? I can’t find it.
Is this correct? Were any of these changes shared anywhere? I can’t find it.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
I also took a screenshot of the node day 1 of danger room and it is the same as it is today, so they probably either changed it before it went live, or it was a classic forums typo.
Looks the same. The forum post is just a typo. OR they changed it before it went live and didn’t update the post.
Are you sure you didn’t also have impact purge or something else that applies a degen?
and why is kabam making changes without letting us know? not that they have to but it would be nice 'cause we are the customer after all, and without customer there's no game.
Before we go blaming kabam make sure you are picking the right hack. I made the mistake of thinking these two hacks were the same and thought Kabam nerf the hacks too. I realize after watching the video again, I just picked the wrong hack. You need to pick the draining degeneration hack. Read carefully.