The first batch of 7* looks like this (75% guaranteed)

As a very old veteran player, my prediction for the initial 24 7* champs pool is just like this.
First batch of 7* champs
Mutant: Red Cyclops, Psylocke, Nightcrawler,
Old man Logan
Cosmic: Ronan, Carnage, Phoenix, Superior Iron man
Mystic: Doctor Strange, Mordo, Jane Foster, Iron Fist
Tech: Punisher 2099, Doc Ock, Civil Warrior, Howard the Duck
Science: Rhino, Joe Fixit, Yellow Jacket, Abomination
Skill: Hawkeye, Karnak, Gwenpool, Winter Soldier
And I’m quite sure about my anticipation. The pool might have 1–2 decent champs, but overall it will be as horrible as what they did to the first batch of 6*. Let’s see.
First batch of 7* champs
Mutant: Red Cyclops, Psylocke, Nightcrawler,
Old man Logan
Cosmic: Ronan, Carnage, Phoenix, Superior Iron man
Mystic: Doctor Strange, Mordo, Jane Foster, Iron Fist
Tech: Punisher 2099, Doc Ock, Civil Warrior, Howard the Duck
Science: Rhino, Joe Fixit, Yellow Jacket, Abomination
Skill: Hawkeye, Karnak, Gwenpool, Winter Soldier
And I’m quite sure about my anticipation. The pool might have 1–2 decent champs, but overall it will be as horrible as what they did to the first batch of 6*. Let’s see.
I suspect some of the champs listed could be in it but they’ll ensure a spread across the tiers….
If the crystal is that bad, I'm hoarding my shards, very easily.
I would personally be perfectly happy with a champ that does not need awakening to be useful, like Red Hulk, Yellowjacket, Logan, Ronin, War Machine for example. But not a useless one. And these, most certainly, are not champs that would upset the Meta.
knull, cgr, hulkling, odin, galan, hyperion
nimrod, warlock, mysterio, omega sentinel, idoom, peni
apoc, red mag, prof x, stryfe, bishop, colossus
kingpin, aegon, nick, falcon, moleman, blade
ht, qs, scorpion, spidey99, mr. nega void
doom, bwcv, diablo, hood, sorc supreme, longshot
Skill: Crossbones,WS,Hawkeye,Nightthrasher,Karnak and black Widow.
Cosmic:VTD,Nova,Drax,Phoenix,Red goblin,The Champion.
Mystic:Ghost rider,Mangog,Mordo,Purgatory, Sorcerer Supreme, Dr strange.
Science: She-Hulk,CapWW2,Miles morales,Void,Sentry,Invisible Woman.
Mutant: Stryfe,Pyslocke,Emma,DeadpoolX, Sauron, jubilee
Tech:Vulture,Pyschoman,IMIW,War machine,OG Ironman, mysterio.
I don’t expect Herc or Ghost or whatever, and that’s (sorta) OK with me.
But a bag of trash champs? No thanks. My roster is fine. I can wait.
I hope a honest summoner gets the free 7* from the kabam live broadcast.. not a modder or cheater.
90% chance to pull an OG Iron Man, Iron Fist, Blue Tean Cyke, OG BW
3% chance to pull a Ghost, Wasp, Mr. Fantastic
2% BWCV, AEGON, Mr Sinister, Mr. Negative
1.5% Silver Surfer, Venom, OG Spiderman
.5% Herc, Hulking.
Maybe big hitters like Herc ,galan or the recent set of champs won't be there for now but I believe at least champs from 2019-20 would be on the list
This was the original 6* basic pool, released at the end of January 2018. I believe that this was before any of these champions had received a rework, including early updates like Luke Cage and Red Hulk. By today’s standards, it very obviously leaves a lot to be desired.
But at the time, it really wasn’t miserable. I remember Angela, Yellow Jacket, and even Cap WWII being considered solid pulls. The game back then was much, much simpler. Utility wasn’t as big of a factor outside of basic immunities. Damage was king, and sustainability was a distant second. It was just about hitting your opponent and not getting hit. And since R4 and R5 5* champions were still scarce, any champion at that power level was going to get used at least sometimes.
This doesn’t hold true today. You could double the stats on a champ like Beast and he still wouldn’t be better than even the midtier mutants. And I believe (maybe too optimistically) that Kabam recognizes that fact and will put champs into the crystal who are at least useful.
I could very easily see champions like Hulkbuster, Red Hulk, Cull Obsidian, and others around that caliber in the first 7* crystal. Champions that are fun to use, have their legitimate uses in the game, but might otherwise be overlooked when it comes to a 6* R4 decision. That’s my hope, anyway.
Source: I made it up