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7 star champion pool teased!

magnus_xixmagnus_xix Posts: 2,019 ★★★★★
What are you guesses?



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    ThePharcideThePharcide Posts: 212 ★★★
    I definitely see Rocket in the tech.
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    I think there is also Korg, Prof X, Jugs, Cull.
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,238 ★★★★★
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    CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Posts: 1,117 ★★★★
    Skill: Korg, Killmonger
    Science: OG Hulk is the only silhouette I can make out
    Mystic: Dragon Man, Mangog
    Cosmic: Terrax and maybe Venom on the back
    Tech: War Machine, Rocket
    Mutant: Sauron, Sunspot

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    ChiliDogChiliDog Posts: 886 ★★★
    Maybe right up front will be the highlight champ. That hulk makes science a toss up for most the rest.
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,237 ★★★★★

    So far we’ve worked out (relatively confidently):

    Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon
    Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit
    Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left)
    Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck
    Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio
    Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot

    Pretty decent pool

    Agree - think I'm seeing Cable in mutant too
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    RebarkRebark Posts: 352 ★★★
    Tech: War machine, Rocket, Mysterio
    Mutant: Sauron, Sunspot
    Cosmic: Venom, Terrax, Cull Obsidian
    Mystic: Dragon man, Saquatch, Juggernaut (?)
    Science: Joe Fixit, OG Hulk
    Skill: Killmonger, Falcon (?), Kraven (?),
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    Mastergamer289Mastergamer289 Posts: 13
    Bottem left of mutant is AA you can see the bottom of his wing and his legs when you zoom in
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    CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Posts: 1,117 ★★★★

    So far we’ve worked out (relatively confidently):

    Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon
    Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit
    Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left)
    Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck
    Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio
    Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot

    Pretty decent pool

    Far from decent, it should have been full of C tier champs like War machine dragon man but they also added trash like venom the duck korg etc defense champs shouldn't be in the 7* pool so early
    Dragon Man and War Machine are nowhere near C tier
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    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,169 ★★★★

    So far we’ve worked out (relatively confidently):

    Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon
    Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit
    Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left)
    Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck
    Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio
    Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot

    Pretty decent pool

    Way better than I expected
    Like way way better 7* dragon man and sunspot and venom and falcon gonna wreck
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