Rintrah Neutralize On Spidey 2099

Rintrah Neutralize ability should not work on Spidey 2099 since Spidey can't gain buffs. Spidey 2099s debuff pausing icon that pops up when he evades is not a buff but Rintrahs Neutralize prevents it. Thus needs to be fixed.
Spidey gains his pause passive in place of Dexterity buff
Rintrah's neutralize prevents him from gaining Dexterity so Spidey cannot "trade" dex buff for the pause passive so he doesn't gain pause passive
Spidey2099 dex = activate buff
Since he cannot gain buffs = the dex buff is prevented. And he pauses the debuffs
Since neutralise also stops buffs from happening. It will rather take Neutralise and the buff will not "trigger" to be prevented hence it will stop it from activating before spidey2099's "cannot gain buffs" kicks in
QS is able to place wither whenever he evades because that does not depend on the dexterity mastery at all. QS cannot be struck while dashing back, and successfully dodging an attack inflicts the wither. Furthermore, as a part of his kit, the dexterity mastery is replaced. The text will still pop up to let you know you dodged an attack, but the mastery will be essentially deactivated while using him
Anyways, AAR overrides immunity, if you want to fight rintrah or wiccan, use someone who is immune to AAR or Longshot who has increased Ability Accuracy.
1: Neutralise prevents the character even trying to generate the buff to which they're immune.
2: Since the buff fails due to AAR before it gets the chance to fail due to immunity, the character takes the hit for failure rather than gaining the benefit for immunity.
The explanation is accurate; and 'makes sense', purely considering the rules of coding. Sadly it doesn't feel like it makes sense from the perspective of a player: a major selling point for the Science champions who are buff-immune is that they bypass largely Mystic abilities like Nullify, Mystic Dispersion, and buff-related degeneration.
instinctively, it feels like a Science champion who doesn't gain buffs should bypass the abilities of a Mystic champion who punishes you for failing to gain buffs.
But they don't. And it's not going to change: from the game-balance perspective, buff-immune champions already bypass a lot of abilities of the Mystic class. They shouldn't necessarily bypass all of them.
Spidey vs Rintrah
Nick can place bleed.
Thing ability - immune to bleed hence effect wont trigger.
Spidey can dex .
Rintrah neutralise - prevents buff from happening hence effect wont trigger.
I can't put it easier.
@Magrailothos tried to but some just don't understand.
The bleed is prevented by thing’s immunity, nor by something reducing nicks AA of placing a bleed in the first place, which is in fact the actual analogous situation.
Source : AuntM.ai
Neutralize doesn't allow him to trigger buffs therefore no buff immunity
Spidey needs to "gain" a buff to get the "immune to buff" ability which THEN leads to him pausing a debuff. Neutralise PREVENTS a buff from being "gained" hence he can't trigger his "immune to buff" hence not pausing
Now spidey must first gain a buff to be immune to it. So if you have 0% chance to gain a buff then how can he be immune to a buff if there is no buff in the first place? Where if you don't have neutralize then the buff WILL trigger where he is THEN immune to it which triggers his buff immunity since it has 100% chance to gain dexterity.
Now, do we players agree to how IT SHOULD FUNCTION? Probably not.
I mean if neutralize is going to affect the buff-immune champions, what’s the point of buff immune in the first place?
Especially when neutralize is given to mystic champions, and buff immunity is given to science champs, who should be having class advantage?
Neutralize does not affect science champs in a way more detrimental in any way than they would any other class.
There are science champions immune to shock but Wiccan, a mystic champ, can inflict degen instead of shocks . So then what's the point of the shock immunity? Might as well give degen immunity too
I regarded buff immune as ‘not gaining buff’, regardless of whether a buff was triggered or not.
So I thought buff immune would be a counter to buff control in general, i.e nullify, stagger, fate seal, and neutralize.
But it turned out that neutralize is preventing spiderman 2099 to pause his personal debuffs, rintrah is gaining power gain, and wiccan can inflict incinerate. For me it just didn’t seem… natural shall i say.
I know game mechanics is set up the way it is now, and i understand it. If kabam is going to stick to it, that’s just fine. Np. I’m not going to argue against it, or plead to change it.
But even though i understand it, down in my heart i will remain skeptical.
In the same breath, neutralize counters buff immunity and instead of using a buff immune, you need to use an AAR immune champion or Longshot to render their neutralize useless.
Then the biggest culprit of them all, Magneto. Nuff said.
It is becoming more of a norm to know specific interactions and how to counter champions instead of just throwing class advantage at it.
Let's say you have a friend that lives 2 hours away and you decide to visit them. Upon your arrival you notice that your friend isn't home and you have wasted gas and time. Your decision to visit your friend unannounced was costly. Logically, you should have called your friend before hand to make sure they would be at home.
This is the idea behind AAR checks. Every ability check in this game has a certain computational complexity, and in most cases, it is higher than the complexity of AAR checks. While the difference might be 1 or 2 milliseconds, in a game like MCOC, or most games for that matter, there are thousands of calculations taking place every second, and operations with higher computational complexity will affect the game's performance. Therefore, it makes sense to perform AAR checks before every other ability check because it is less expensive for the program. In the few edge cases where the operation performed afterwards has the same computational complexity as the AAR check, the program just takes the hit and carries on. But on average, it will save more time and space than it loses by having AAR checks take priority over other abilities.