Worst Champion Costumes in MCOC? (No Hate to Kabam, Y'all Rarely Miss!)

Hey All!
I was kind of just wondering what are the worst looking champions in the game.
Three that aren't really liked by me are:
Electro (Would be better with Yellow mask)
Loki (Not too bad but I'd love the classic look)
Mantis (Simply don't like looking at her lol)
Remember, no hate to Kabam. They do a great job when it comes to designing champions
I was kind of just wondering what are the worst looking champions in the game.
Three that aren't really liked by me are:
Electro (Would be better with Yellow mask)
Loki (Not too bad but I'd love the classic look)
Mantis (Simply don't like looking at her lol)
Remember, no hate to Kabam. They do a great job when it comes to designing champions
I wish we had gotten comics Gorr instead of movie Gorr, personally. Movie Gorr is just a lot of drab off whites.
and yeah Gorr could have looked so much better if they did a comic book version
Diablo is goofy AF.
Future antman is more like a future housefly.
OG cap marvel's head looks like a roosters head to me.
Electro, yep the same reason.
Havoc looks like he is wearing a bicycle helmet.
Hela's "crown" looks like she is stuck between her own horns. Least attractive design by Marvel.
Kang looks like a scuba diver from 2050 who is catching fish.
Mantis was adorabler in the movie. Opposite here.
Shuri, same as mantis. She was sweet and beautiful in the movie. Opposite here.
Stryfe, ugly helmet. Those extra flaps are too much.
No offence to kabam, Marvel could have done better
Im fine with all the others said above.
I dont like Ibomb.. The 2 heads are quite.. disturbing lol. Took me a while to get used to that.
Outside of that, i would vote for Toad, Red Cyclops or KamenRider with holographic legos (FutureAntman)
And capitán Marvel (the bad one) toad and Abominacion are kind of the intended so yeah
Wish they'd used Alex and Bobby's '90s costumes.
And, Quicksilver for me. I know some people like the look and that's fine. I just thought it looked a bit... awkward and retro, but not in a good way.
Shang Chi
Adam Warlock
Kate Bishop
Wiccan should have his most recent uniform as Hulkling does, not his Asgardian one.
Psylocke is just awful
I found this... odd
Anyway, I can't say I'm a fan of MCoC Quicksilver
or Doctor Octopus (he just looks... unsettling), but I think that's actually how he looks...?
his design is goofy
Would much rather have these costumes:
Or when they mashup several looks based on different media sources. I just prefer the classic looks.
X-Men characters go with however they were drawn in 92
And OG Cap should have the little wings on his head