Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Bg rewards are here but unclaimable [merged, w/ info]

NubishBoyNubishBoy Posts: 8
edited June 2023 in General Discussion
Seems that there is a bugged item again, so rewards cant be claimed
Post edited by Kabam Jax on


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    dfmoore26dfmoore26 Posts: 94
    Seeing the same problem here
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    NubishBoyNubishBoy Posts: 8

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    Moha84Moha84 Posts: 103
    I cant claim them too
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    shxmblenshxmblen Posts: 12

    Game won’t allow me to claim the items.
    Im assuming it’s due to the “T1 science” glitched item. Anyone know when I can expect this to be fixed?
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    Double_HelixDouble_Helix Posts: 50
    Same here. Restarting doesn't help. Can't claim from stash or from mail message.
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    2XXTRA2XXTRA Posts: 2
    Same here

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    CsuttonCsutton Posts: 195 ★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Looking into it, now, folx.


    Thanks sir. Standing by
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    ChovnerChovner Posts: 1,204 ★★★★★
    same issue here
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    Kalex19994Kalex19994 Posts: 6

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    Franchise_7Franchise_7 Posts: 45

    Same thing can’t claim it
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    pikito972pikito972 Posts: 2
    edited June 2023
    A Week?? really
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    NubishBoyNubishBoy Posts: 8
    pikito972 said:

    A Week?? really

    A week is a lot, true, but on the bright side, thanks god it wasnt the alliance one bugged. At least we are free to move
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    Pdubs77Pdubs77 Posts: 35
    A week kinda sucks, but the compensation seems reasonable, thanks for the update
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    Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Posts: 40
    A week is ridiculous. Missing out on a weeks rotation of BG’s rewards will take rank ups a week longer too. 5k tokens isn’t really the right amount of compensation for that.
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    HeadhunterHeadhunter Posts: 15
    Wow a week that we wouldn't be able to buy items in the bg store after it refreshes
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    pikito972pikito972 Posts: 2
    NubishBoy said:

    pikito972 said:

    A Week?? really

    A week is a lot, true, but on the bright side, thanks god it wasnt the alliance one bugged. At least we are free to move
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    Hammy816Hammy816 Posts: 16
    These rewards will enable me to open another 7* champ. A week is really not great, hoping they under promise and over deliver on this.

    I had a suspicion this would be an issue when the rewards didn't look right in season.
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    _Pez__Pez_ Posts: 226 ★★★
    I'm sure like with all bugs they will put contingencies in place to make sure similar things don't happen again and do an announcement in-game so everyone is aware...... Oh wait, they probably won't!
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    ICE.ICE. Posts: 18
    We miss a full week of the store rotation for 5k extra are you kidding me? How does 5k make up for that? Why doesn't this surprise me.
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    CsuttonCsutton Posts: 195 ★★
    Well that’s frustrating. A week seems quite long.
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    Standardman1989Standardman1989 Posts: 544 ★★★
    A week it seems normal to me there are a lot of players after it may be only for those who have not been able to recover their rewards
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    Crom_102Crom_102 Posts: 3
    Poxa a gente vai perder 1 semana da loja bg, e vocês vem com 5k de "pedido de desculpas"?. Por favor resolvam isso logo urgentemente, e de uma compensação a altura. Caso a gente perca mesmo 1 semana de loja. Respeitem mais a gente que já tem anos dentro desse jogo, mesmo com todos os defeitos dele.
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    adegokefuad1adegokefuad1 Posts: 7
    I can’t claim my war loyalty rewards. All 3 reward package after a war ends.
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    A week? That sucks.
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    Same for me. I sent tickets to Kabam. So then once we claim them it will be for 25 k trophy tokens correct!!!

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