It's time for Fun in the Sun(spot)! Summer Sales start Jun 30 @ 10AM PT

Greetings Summoners!
We’re kicking off our much-anticipated “Fun in the Sun(spot)” Summer Sale tomorrow! This annual sale has taken on many forms, but it always means one thing… great deals on rare items and resources!
The Fun in the Sun(spot) sales event will run from Friday, June 30, 10:00 AM PDT to Friday, July 7, 10:00 AM PDT.
You can expect BIG bonuses when buying Unit packages, and this year, you’ll be able to buy one extra of each package in the new Summoner’s Market! Don’t forget, Summoner’s Market packages include even more Units!
Check out the Summoner’s Market on our website at As pointed out by DNA3000, ensure you are only purchasing from the one official Summoner’s Market on
If you want more information on the Summoner’s Market or need help linking your account to a Kabam ID, check out this post here! If you've ever needed to log in to MCOC on a new phone, you already have your Kabam ID! Use the same email and password you would use to log into the game for the Summoner's Market!
If you purchase the total limit of any of the Unit packages, you will be given access to the Unit package for the Progression level below you.
“But what about the Unit deals?!” Don’t worry, we’ve got those too, and this year, we’re giving Cavalier Summoners access to the Thronebreaker offers and all Proven and Conqueror Summoners access to the Uncollected offers. We hope this will help you conquer the hurdles ahead and accelerate your progress!
The Unit Offers this year are designed to let you customize your deals to your needs. When you log in after the sale starts, you’ll be given the option to buy one of 3 Packages. 1A, 1B, 1C. After purchasing one of those, you’ll be given access to 2A, 2B, 2C; once you’ve purchased one of those, you’ll get the final choice of 3A, 3B, or 3C. Purchasing any of those will give you access to Package 4. This one is a single option.
For those with plenty of units to spare, you’ll be able to go through this series of choices a second time after you have purchased Package 4! That means that you can choose 2 different sets of packages or can double up packages that suited your needs.
Packages in Tier 1 will be available for one week, but after purchasing one of them, you’ll only have 48 hours to purchase each tier afterwards.
No sneak peeks, but keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter for previews when the sale goes live, or check the sales out in-game when they go live!
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
@MrSakuragi - Is package 4 available once or multiple times?
Package 4 is available once, initially. After purchasing package four for the first time, you will be able to start the series a second time, which would allow you to purchase it a second time if you cleared the entire series. For example: You can purchase 1a, 2b, 3c, 4 once each and then start from the top.
@_Pez_ & @Fox13 4 in game and one additional in the webstore? Or up to five in the webstore?
You can make the regular four purchases for each package, in-game. Only one set of purchases with bonus units will be available in the webstore, totaling five.
If you came out and said “a new progression title is coming and you will need 3 r2 7*” then fair enough, but with story content being halved, I can’t help but worry for the future of the game.
Shame really, was a great opportunity to hype us up with a *what’s to come* type post; not even had one of those for ages and I’m sure they were due to be a regular occurrence.
If a new progression title is coming in the next six months, Kabam really owes it to players to tell them what’s required.
People will be here throwing an absolute hissyfit, and rightfully so, if they fail to reach a progression title because they put t6cc toward 7-stars instead of 6r5 or vice versa.
Does this mean if you clear out the unit store as a paragon, the deals come back but for the thronebreaker level? And you can buy those as well? Or did misunderstand this part, lol