Combo Tracker Could Better...

I see a lot of potential in the Combo Tracker. Kabam is on the right track.
1. Help new players
2. Identify input of models
3. Improve game experience
1. There is currently a delayed input (about 0.75 - 1.25 seconds) of the "Combos"
2. Should not be slowing down gameplay
3. Should not be in center screen view, covering info
I hope this isn't the final version of the Combo Tracker. Perhaps, later a survey to identify personal satisfaction with its system functionality.
1. Help new players
2. Identify input of models
3. Improve game experience
1. There is currently a delayed input (about 0.75 - 1.25 seconds) of the "Combos"
2. Should not be slowing down gameplay
3. Should not be in center screen view, covering info
I hope this isn't the final version of the Combo Tracker. Perhaps, later a survey to identify personal satisfaction with its system functionality.

A lot of potential usages with this feature.