My 2nd 7*, please help cheer me up.

Pulled this fella right here. I’m kinda down in the dumps about it since now I’ll need 15k for my next 7*
Call me pessimistic, but his synergies seem impractical to get on a questing team and he doesn’t really do anything better then some of the other skill champs I have.
Can any Kilmonger fans or experts help cheer me up?
Call me pessimistic, but his synergies seem impractical to get on a questing team and he doesn’t really do anything better then some of the other skill champs I have.
Can any Kilmonger fans or experts help cheer me up?
i want really want one just because once he’s easy to intercept with and has great bleeds off the special three, and once awakened he’s even better on both offense and defense
While he isn't bad, he isn't great either. Would be better if he could do the sp3 bleeds more times than once, but at least he can tank sp3s with his sp2 indestructible charges.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
I have him and im disappointed with him
His SP2 gives you indestructible
and if you're good at punishing specials you get true strike to fight against pesky evade champs
his void synergy is actually good, he gets purify with slight regen
It makes me feel better about my OG Spidey and Overseer
By no means ridiculous damage figures but not a complete noodle either, and you've not had to invest the resources into yours that I did taking mine to r3
Doesn’t have to parry. Tanks damage. Easy True Strike. Bleeds. Punishes debuffs. Built in crit resist.
I’ve been getting some good scores on quicksilver and scorpion with him.
I feel your pain