Why is this like My second/third most lols in a comment? Is because the one who made this thread made another one the day before that or i was being stupid?
Hey Ascencion boosted the Aegon prestige Also kabam test accounts can reach prestige that shouldnt even be posible
That isn't prestige it's just the champs power rating. It's likely that that's just what it inflated to with the increased attack and health + masteries. But it's Kabam so i could definitely be wrong lmao
I got super skrull as a 6* earlier last month, awakened and duped him twice last week, 4 superskrulls in total 😀 I may or may not have gotten depressed
There may or may not have originally been 13 months instead of 12.
October is the 10th month, Oct = 8
November is the 11th month, Latin word “novem” meaning “nine”
December is 12th month, Latin word “decem” meaning “ten”
It goes way deeper, apparently the new year began April 1st, now known as April Fools, to stop it being celebrated.
It’s wild out there with conspiracy theories, but this one has some sort of logic compared to others, if you choose to look into it.
There were origionally 10 Roman months, and a bunch of random days the dictator of Rome was responsible for to ensure the calendar kept up with the seasons. If it was neglected for a time, a year could have 400 days.
Late in the Roman Republic, two months were created at the end of the calendar, January and February, to make sure things like that didn't happen again. This was the beginning of the Julian calendar. Then new years moved from March 1 to January 1, throwing off the numbered months 5-10.
Then some genius decided to rename the 'fifth and sixth' months to honor Caesar and Augustus, thereby robbing modern western calendars of the month of Sextember.
There may or may not have originally been 13 months instead of 12.
October is the 10th month, Oct = 8
November is the 11th month, Latin word “novem” meaning “nine”
December is 12th month, Latin word “decem” meaning “ten”
It goes way deeper, apparently the new year began April 1st, now known as April Fools, to stop it being celebrated.
It’s wild out there with conspiracy theories, but this one has some sort of logic compared to others, if you choose to look into it.
There were origionally 10 Roman months, and a bunch of random days the dictator of Rome was responsible for to ensure the calendar kept up with the seasons. If it was neglected for a time, a year could have 400 days.
Late in the Roman Republic, two months were created at the end of the calendar, January and February, to make sure things like that didn't happen again. This was the beginning of the Julian calendar. Then new years moved from March 1 to January 1, throwing off the numbered months 5-10.
Then some genius decided to rename the 'fifth and sixth' months to honor Caesar and Augustus, thereby robbing modern western calendars of the month of Sextember.
There may or may not have originally been 13 months instead of 12.
October is the 10th month, Oct = 8
November is the 11th month, Latin word “novem” meaning “nine”
December is 12th month, Latin word “decem” meaning “ten”
It goes way deeper, apparently the new year began April 1st, now known as April Fools, to stop it being celebrated.
It’s wild out there with conspiracy theories, but this one has some sort of logic compared to others, if you choose to look into it.
I love it when people bring up the most mundane stuff we have all the proof of about why it is the way it is and then proceed to call it a conspiracy because they're ignorant about it pretend like as if they're some pioneer for finding it out
no, they added July and August, not January and February. January is named after Janus the God of Doorways and the new year, (who has a face on the back of his head, so he looks forward and back).
There may or may not have originally been 13 months instead of 12.
October is the 10th month, Oct = 8
November is the 11th month, Latin word “novem” meaning “nine”
December is 12th month, Latin word “decem” meaning “ten”
It goes way deeper, apparently the new year began April 1st, now known as April Fools, to stop it being celebrated.
It’s wild out there with conspiracy theories, but this one has some sort of logic compared to others, if you choose to look into it.
There were origionally 10 Roman months, and a bunch of random days the dictator of Rome was responsible for to ensure the calendar kept up with the seasons. If it was neglected for a time, a year could have 400 days.
Late in the Roman Republic, two months were created at the end of the calendar, January and February, to make sure things like that didn't happen again. This was the beginning of the Julian calendar. Then new years moved from March 1 to January 1, throwing off the numbered months 5-10.
Then some genius decided to rename the 'fifth and sixth' months to honor Caesar and Augustus, thereby robbing modern western calendars of the month of Sextember.
How do you sink a Norwegian submarine? You swim down to it, knock on the hatch, and wait for them to open.
How do you sink a second Norwegian submarine? You swim down to it, knock on the hatch, and wait for them to open it and say, "We're not falling for that again!"
There may or may not have originally been 13 months instead of 12.
October is the 10th month, Oct = 8
November is the 11th month, Latin word “novem” meaning “nine”
December is 12th month, Latin word “decem” meaning “ten”
It goes way deeper, apparently the new year began April 1st, now known as April Fools, to stop it being celebrated.
It’s wild out there with conspiracy theories, but this one has some sort of logic compared to others, if you choose to look into it.
I love it when people bring up the most mundane stuff we have all the proof of about why it is the way it is and then proceed to call it a conspiracy because they're ignorant about it pretend like as if they're some pioneer for finding it out
Good for you, I’m not a pioneer for finding anything out. I seen a video on it the other day and it was interesting.
I’ve not even said if I believe it or not, I’ve just put it here as a random discussion.
no, they added July and August, not January and February. January is named after Janus the God of Doorways and the new year, (who has a face on the back of his head, so he looks forward and back).
My timeline was off, but the bulk is correct. The pre republic Roman calendar (the Calendar of Romulus) had 10 months, and included the months of Quintilis and Sextilis. The Roman Republic added January and February to the unorganized days at the end of the calendar of Romulus.
Quintilis was renamed after Julius Caesar, after his assassination, as it was his birth month. Sextilis was later renamed for Augustus.
Why is this like My second/third most lols in a comment?
Is because the one who made this thread made another one the day before that or i was being stupid?
Also kabam test accounts can reach prestige that shouldnt even be posible
How does ascension works??
Thought we didnt have info about that yet
There may or may not have originally been 13 months instead of 12.
October is the 10th month, Oct = 8
November is the 11th month, Latin word “novem” meaning “nine”
December is 12th month, Latin word “decem” meaning “ten”
It goes way deeper, apparently the new year began April 1st, now known as April Fools, to stop it being celebrated.
It’s wild out there with conspiracy theories, but this one has some sort of logic compared to others, if you choose to look into it.
Late in the Roman Republic, two months were created at the end of the calendar, January and February, to make sure things like that didn't happen again. This was the beginning of the Julian calendar. Then new years moved from March 1 to January 1, throwing off the numbered months 5-10.
Then some genius decided to rename the 'fifth and sixth' months to honor Caesar and Augustus, thereby robbing modern western calendars of the month of Sextember.
How do you sink a Norwegian submarine?
You swim down to it, knock on the hatch, and wait for them to open.
How do you sink a second Norwegian submarine?
You swim down to it, knock on the hatch, and wait for them to open it and say, "We're not falling for that again!"
I’ve not even said if I believe it or not, I’ve just put it here as a random discussion.
Sorry Mr Know It All 🙏
Quintilis was renamed after Julius Caesar, after his assassination, as it was his birth month. Sextilis was later renamed for Augustus.