Missing Items in Stash [Merged Threads]



  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike since you haven't resolved the issue with the invisible/inaccessible stash yet is there any way you guys can just do what many of us have asked for for a long time and just remove item limits in regular inventory and then make our overflow force claim all on your end?

    We know you have the ability to change inventory limits because you've done it before. If the game is reaching such an unreliable state as it has been lately it would seem much safer to prevent the types of problems this situation is causing and could cause again by just allowing us to keep all our items as long as we want since we earned them through playing or buying them for the most part anyways.

    It would be a pro-player move at a time when things are really bad and I would think it would remove this type of issue happening again from the things you guys need to worry about and fix if it were to occur again.
  • Patcha_itPatcha_it Member Posts: 75
    Patcha_it said:

    Sorry if I repeat something already known, I didn't read all other messages.

    Just wanted to say that I don't think info about old stash stuffs are lost, because of, for instance, if you go check boosts to activate them, you can see how much you have into the stash.

    Also I got my stash back sometimes by using a boost or lefting the app on for a while, with smartphone locked, and then reconnect after a while with the reconnect button.

    Tried again, doesn't actually work.
    I think it was because I finished 100% a mission of the seasonal event and so I gained some iso8.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    Mine is still there. It keeps popping in and out when I open Crystals. I just take advantage of it and claim what I need to when it's there.
  • Deadcraft1Deadcraft1 Member Posts: 5
    Mine are also gone all my iso and even 6star basic catalysts :confused: and revives... i was going to use them all today for the level up solo mission...
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,593 ★★★★★

    Mine is still there. It keeps popping in and out when I open Crystals. I just take advantage of it and claim what I need to when it's there.

    Just like a cute mini game then! You make it sound so fun!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    Mine is still there. It keeps popping in and out when I open Crystals. I just take advantage of it and claim what I need to when it's there.

    Just like a cute mini game then! You make it sound so fun!
    Well, it is what it is. Just making the best of it.
  • AdokAdok Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Now all of my items are gone from it even when I do have it back
  • AsmondenaAsmondena Member Posts: 166
    Make no mistake this is an existential problem.
    Kabam needs to solve this quickly and with 100% accuracy.
    I had 6* signatures stones, T6s, t3s, 6* awakening gems, legend badges, …
    Everything is gone.
  • RossonerRossoner Member Posts: 1
    The same situation in my stash :(
  • JediJones77JediJones77 Member Posts: 170
    Crine60 said:

    just allowing us to keep all our items as long as we want since we earned them through playing or buying them for the most part anyways.

    But then we might be able to save up enough revives to do "aspirational" content. And "aspirational" content isn't ever actually supposed to get done. We're just supposed to dream about it. :p
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Adok said:

    Now all of my items are gone from it even when I do have it back

    Everything is gone from mine when I get it to show the item from opening a crystal now too. At least yesterday I could access it when I opened a PHC or something. I have no idea what i am going to have lost due to expiration now if you ever fix the issue. How do you guys make the issue worse and not communicate with us about what's going on?
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    We've got 19 hours left to buy those potion bundles too but I'm definitely not spending units on things to go into my overflow and inventory when they might just disappear forever.

    You couldn't go to the trouble of removing the champs and related materials from the mythic crystal issue which effected a lot less people than this because it was too much work to take everything back, so how are you going to handle restoring all the items the entire player base may have lost now that we cant even get the overflow to come back by opening crystals?
  • AsmondenaAsmondena Member Posts: 166
    The following worked for me.
    Pop open just one premium hero crystal and everything returns.
    It seems that simple.
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    First my Venom the duck (but that one was sold while i wasnt looking) then relics then the stash then the solo events
    Looking at this im calling It we Will lose our crystals in 3 months
  • Unreadcoffee05Unreadcoffee05 Member Posts: 1
    ya it happened to me too. i always had a bunch of basic iso-8 stashed. I had a bunch of tier-6 iso-8 and catalyst as well, but i left the game for a while and now it’s all gone. i think it’s because it usually says it has an expiry date of like 25 or 30 days until it disappears. The weird thing is that i can’t remember whether or not i used them all before i left the game for a while or if i had them stashed and now they’re gone. hopefully this gets addressed by the game developers sometime, even just explaining why it happens would help
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    Why did you revive this thread?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,279 Guardian

    ya it happened to me too. i always had a bunch of basic iso-8 stashed. I had a bunch of tier-6 iso-8 and catalyst as well, but i left the game for a while and now it’s all gone. i think it’s because it usually says it has an expiry date of like 25 or 30 days until it disappears. The weird thing is that i can’t remember whether or not i used them all before i left the game for a while or if i had them stashed and now they’re gone. hopefully this gets addressed by the game developers sometime, even just explaining why it happens would help

    (thread revived by @Unreadcoffee05 , but totally unrelated to original issue)
    But since person is newer and may be confused as to definition of Inventory vs Stash, here's a reply for them.

    “Stash” is NOT (unlike its term suggests) a place to stash some excess stuff and be able to come back long afterwards and retrieve it. (Like burying your gold treasure, or squirrels stashing away acorns for the winter).

    Only INVENTORY (which has Quantity Limits) can stick around forever.

    STASH (overflow) is for temporary overflow of what can’t fit into main Inventory, and those Stash items will expire anywhere from couple of days up to maybe 30 days (depending what they are).

    So coming back to game after many months, you will have NOTHING in your overflow Stash. Only what you had in Inventory will still be there.
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