Whould you like to see another event like the cap commissary ?

Whould you like to see another event like the cap commissary ? 233 votes
171 votes
Maybe ?
33 votes
Yes !
29 votes
Would like to have it every month
We'll see what the loyalty bundle is.
While I don’t like the Cap structure because it places way too much emphasis on purchases, the concept of either unannounced or regular “sales” where Summoners can convert old inventory items into something more useful would be great.
Dr. Zola
Understandably, people are salty with missing out on the high end objective rewards, plus money offers that seem overpriced for what you get. And Kabam Mike's communication style certainly could be better.
But in a vacuum, the event is .... fine. I would rebalance the economy to make prices and what you get more reasonable, but if Kabam is treating the highest objective (Civil Warrior) as a type of Trophy Champion, then it kind of makes sense.
I wouldn't buy any of the unit offers, but, pre event I had useless gold and 6-star awakening gems sitting there unused, and post event I have ranked a few 6-stars and added sigs to another champion. Plus, for doing a little extra (a few more AQ fights than I typically would), I will get back some Gold and get additional 6-star shards.
So the only answer is Yes, I would like more trade in events like Cap Commissary.
1. Don’t make us compete with our own alliance for taking on AQ fights
2. Align with the start of BG objectives
3. More thoughtful trade-in offers
4. Increase points awarded from offers
5. Make available all offers at the start of the event
There’s probably more. Actually when writing this out it seems like it would be a totally different event so I’m changing my vote to no.
If this is going to be a regular thing, I will start saving 165k 6* shards from now on.
This is like the Guillotine buff but in event form
Yes the rewards are there, it doesn't mean you will get them, you get what you can and make the best of it.
Dr. Zola
I wish the point for AQ fight will last for ever!!
Would I like it to have juicier trade offers? Absolutely.
But in general I like the event and would support its return as is, if that is the only option.
No event = no rewards
I'd rather get little rewards than have nothing.
Clearing all the milestones with a high chance of disappointment at the end doesn't seem fun from the get go
So enjoy what you can get and if you can't get anything let it be.