Has anyone else been reading the Candy Side event story? This is just sad....
The ending to the story actually made me kind of sad...
Throughout the weeks we see the summoned symbiote actually becoming more intelligent and better at expressing itself thru the translation device that Reed Richards built for it.
But this week...
I don't know how I feel about this but I hate Richards with a passion now
Throughout the weeks we see the summoned symbiote actually becoming more intelligent and better at expressing itself thru the translation device that Reed Richards built for it.
But this week...
I don't know how I feel about this but I hate Richards with a passion now
Because of your reaction and reception, we've decided to add it back to the Quest on the very last node, but in case you don't want to run the quest again, I ran it and screenshotted it for you.
Omg No WAYYY the last line just proves that Steve is either just acting or he isn't completely mind wiped of his intellect, CANT WAIT TO SEE WHERE THIS GOES.
Also Mike really appreciate you having added the cut out story back into the quest, thanks a lot