The War on Cheaters Update - November 2023



  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 5,873 ★★★★★
    MCOC Team said:

    Things that won’t get your account flagged for action include:

    • Being bad at the mode and losing a lot
    Thanks guys.

    That's all I needed to know 😉
  • KenlinzKenlinz Member Posts: 20
    Ik several accounts that were banned today i have 2 accounts that i rin completely above board that God i aint gotta deal with that bs and i trut believe the ones that i know that were banned literally beat abyss forever ago so i dont know id they modded ir not but its been a long time ago (years) idk how they can tell fir that long ago but guess they can
  • FauztuzFauztuz Member Posts: 8
    Kabam Jax said:

    Fauztuz said:

    "Entering matches with weaker decks", so now kabam will tell you what deck to use? Why does each time you try to fix something it results in losing player's freedom. If I have 2 or 3 decks to play, it's my decision which one I prefer to use, if this is not part of the player's freedom then show us what part of the terms and conditions we are violating.

    We're talking about loading up 2-star decks here. We're talking about intentionally trying to lose, not punishing you or "restricting freedoms" by controlling your deck.
    I really hope that'll be the case you're referring to. Cause I love playing bgs with my r5 5*, and I don't wanna be banned because of that.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,382 ★★★★★
    Fauztuz said:

    Kabam Jax said:

    Fauztuz said:

    "Entering matches with weaker decks", so now kabam will tell you what deck to use? Why does each time you try to fix something it results in losing player's freedom. If I have 2 or 3 decks to play, it's my decision which one I prefer to use, if this is not part of the player's freedom then show us what part of the terms and conditions we are violating.

    We're talking about loading up 2-star decks here. We're talking about intentionally trying to lose, not punishing you or "restricting freedoms" by controlling your deck.
    I really hope that'll be the case you're referring to. Cause I love playing bgs with my r5 5*, and I don't wanna be banned because of that.
    If that's the case you have nothing to worry about. If you're switching between a 5* deck and your actual deck then get ready for that ban though ;)
  • Punky_Slayer1Punky_Slayer1 Member Posts: 7
    Heruzu369 said:

    In terms of the players that sandbag, wouldn’t increasing the points players get for winning/losing in gladiator circuit be a lot more incentive to play the more difficult nodes and matchups? I’ve always wondered why the points are the same if the difficulty is increased greatly? If anything, this model incentivizes players to STAY in victory track, at least until they get their points, and then play regularly.
    In a month like this where bgs rewards are increased, most players care about the points, instead of where they rank in Gladiator circuit. I’ve had numerous alliance mates reach the 450k points substantially faster than me because they had to start at the beginning of victory track and thus had a significantly much easier time getting points, opposed to me, someone who had to get the majority of their points in gladiator circuit because I started durther down victory track in either plat or Diamond(can’t remember)…

    I personally don’t sandbag because my pride hates losing, no matter the reason, which is why I posted the picture below to show I’ve been actively playing in GC. BUT, even I couldn’t help but think sandbagging had to be the better answer because not only do victory track award everyone the same, but each loss I take is more Elders marks I have to use as well. And it doesn’t sound right that a victory track player can compete with players in gladiator circuit in terms of points, with dramatically lower effort.

    All in all, I feel gladiator circuit should be more awarding in points as the current model actively encourages players to stay in victory track unless they’re trying to compete for gladiator circuit ranking. Which most players across the board I would assume currently aren’t, especially in months with increased bg rewards.

    Exactamente bro a la gente no le interesa llegar al circuito de gladiadores, como dices deberian de dar mas puntos porque ya se encuentran buenas cuentas con buenas manos, y uno intenta ver si puede llegar por lo menos a cuantico.
    Kabam deberias de poner atencion tambien a esto, podria ayudar a que la gente quiera llegar e igual hacer mas puntos
  • RahulRai31RahulRai31 Member Posts: 5
    MCOC Team said:

    Everest Content

    In the lead up to the release of our first piece of long-form Everest content in over three years, the anti-cheat team has been busily improving our mod detection algorithms, using Eternity of Pain and Abyss as testing grounds. We have made substantial progress. Earlier today we banned over 2000 accounts that were detected cheating in these modes by these new systems. The lessons we learned are being applied to Necropolis, which is the first piece of content we have ever released with an integrated anti-cheat program in place before launch. Be warned, modding in Necropolis will be met with an immediate permanent ban, regardless of your account’s history of fair play, or any other factor.

    Moreover, those wanting to compete for the limited vanity prizes that will be awarded for the first ten Summoners brave enough to explore the content will be required to record their runs and post them to YouTube or another streaming service for us to review at our discretion. For more information about this, you can tune into our live stream this Friday, November 3rd on Twitch.


    There has been an uptick in cheating this Battlegrounds season. After reviewing the data, we believe this is the result of us opening the mode up to Summoners at the Conqueror progression milestone, which makes it easier for cheaters to spin up new accounts and get them into the Battlegrounds. To address this, we have started running our detection algorithms more frequently, hoping that these accounts will negatively impact fewer Summoners before they are banned. We will continue to monitor as the season progresses.

    ….And on point farming

    Summoners have requested more specific information about the point farming behaviour we have prohibited in Battlegrounds, so we will try to be as explicit as possible. The behaviour we are looking to prevent is deliberately losing matches to avoid progressing in the Victory Track in order to farm accounts at lower rungs on the Victory Track ladder. There has been substantial skepticism that we can identify this behaviour from other forms of losing. Of course, we do not have a crystal ball. What we do however have is data on millions of Battlegrounds matches played every season, and the play pattern of Summoners engaging in this behaviour is unique.

    Things that won’t get your account flagged for action include:
    • Being bad at the mode and losing a lot
    • Going on long winning or losing streaks
    • Legitimately getting stuck in a Victory Track rank, regardless of the pattern of wins and losses
    • Queuing into matches and setting your phone down in order to complete the bi-daily objectives (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Queuing into matches and setting your phone down in order to farm event points while losing, unless it is done strategically to avoid progressing (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Farming event points in a similar way in the Gladiator’s Circuit (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Deliberately losing one or two matches on occasion to manage Elder’s Mark caps or otherwise optimize your play
    Things that won’t evade our detection algorithms:
    • Entering matches with weaker decks
    • Pausing to make your losing matches longer
    • Trying to fake effort while trying to lose
    • Any other form of manipulating your fight data
    • Losing a bunch of matches in a row at zero medals in order to skew the data
    • Losing with medals below the threshold that would actually promote you
    To this point we have only taken action against a handful of accounts. As more data comes in, we intend to widen the net. The team is hand reviewing data this season to make sure we get it right, we guarantee no innocent Summoners will be caught in the net. If you are not engaging in the specific behaviour spelled out above, you have no need for concern.

    Finally, as with any game on earth, there is an arbiter who sets the rules of fair play. In the case of Marvel Contest of Champions, that arbiter is us. Just because a system in the game allows a player to engage in a behaviour, it does not mean it is within the bounds of the rules we have set. The same Code of Conduct and Standards that allowed us to address Alliance War shelling and Gladiator’s Circuit win trading empower us to address this point farming issue. Our team intends to continue to address fair play issues, whether they directly involve modding or not.
    Can I get my account reviewed as I hardly played and only play wars which makes no sense why I got banned
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    Supersha7 said:

    What they are saying is ok (I think) is that if you get as far as you can go in bgs and get stuck, you can just auto play points farm at your own level.

    Yeah, I think you can farm in GC atm or whereever you reach your ceiling, but only like big loosing streaks (50 looses in a row cause you auto-farmed with putting phone down) … but clearly NOT loosing winning winning loosing (when you would rank up) … that’s not auto-farming, that’s preventing progress.
  • AvengerDaanAvengerDaan Member Posts: 53
    Do you intend to do anything about the unfair starting issues in battlegrounds too? I have had to start all but one of my matches and played at least 100 so far. Gives me and other players a unfair competitive disadvantage.
  • GlennQuagmireGlennQuagmire Member Posts: 1
    During the caps commisary event I afkd some games with weaker champions for the complete 10 games milestones, I didn't realise this was against the rules am I at risk of getting banned?
  • MskmskMskmsk Member Posts: 2
    There are many players using cheats in Battleground. These fake accounts should definitely be closed because they usurp the rights of other players. There should be a deterrent punishment. Even those who play on other accounts must have their accounts closed.
    By the way, what is at stake is a violation of the rights of players who try to play without using other cheats...
    Otherwise, this situation makes us think that the cheating players are working for Kabam company.

    If cheat accounts won't be banned, uninstall Battleground. Even Youtubers play paid battlegrounds on other accounts.
  • Dead_ender16Dead_ender16 Member Posts: 3
    What if I’m rlly bad and stuck on 0 medals and keep losing. Will that be penalised ? I might just be being stupid but I’m kinda confused. Bcs I’ve been on a massive losing streak even though I’m trying and haven’t won in a while. I keep coming across decks who have their weakest champ the same as my top lol so I’m always taking L’s. :(
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,326 ★★★★★
    Personally I think the "set device down and let it autorun for objectives and match points" is fair if your paying elders marks for.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,913 ★★★★★
    Terra said:

    Personally I think the "set device down and let it autorun for objectives and match points" is fair if your paying elders marks for.

    That runs contrary to previous messaging stating battlegrounds is a competitive mode where players should be trying to win.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,326 ★★★★★

    Terra said:

    Personally I think the "set device down and let it autorun for objectives and match points" is fair if your paying elders marks for.

    That runs contrary to previous messaging stating battlegrounds is a competitive mode where players should be trying to win.
    You are helping others to win, and spending a currency for the exchange. Fair in my eyes.

    Competitive truly only at the top, getting there isn't.
  • AffectedAffected Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2023
    If that is the case, why don't they eliminate the pausing from the fight, if they supposedly added it, it is not for something, and now it turns out that
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Magicien on versus

    Top 4 arena hyperion and top 45 moondragon 😂
  • Zitoboy_10Zitoboy_10 Member Posts: 1
    Simples !!!
    " O jogo é meu, e eu faço uq eu quiser!"- Kabam.
    Há jogadores legítimos.... Mas há tbm os "safados"... Tudo normal em qlqr jogo... Mas algumas políticas impostas aqui , não tornam justa a experiência de jogo ! Então vida q segue ... Ser banido pq fez besteira, BEM FEITO !
    Ser banido "injustamente", só lamento...
    PS: sou o comentário em pt-br , q vc procurava...
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 734 ★★★
    edited November 2023
    MCOC Team said:

    Things that won’t get your account flagged for action include:

    • Being bad at the mode and losing a lot
    • Going on long winning or losing streaks
    • Legitimately getting stuck in a Victory Track rank, regardless of the pattern of wins and losses
    • Queuing into matches and setting your phone down in order to complete the bi-daily objectives (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Queuing into matches and setting your phone down in order to farm event points while losing, unless it is done strategically to avoid progressing (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Farming event points in a similar way in the Gladiator’s Circuit (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Deliberately losing one or two matches on occasion to manage Elder’s Mark caps or otherwise optimize your play
    Things that won’t evade our detection algorithms:
    • Entering matches with weaker decks
    • Pausing to make your losing matches longer
    • Trying to fake effort while trying to lose
    • Any other form of manipulating your fight data
    • Losing a bunch of matches in a row at zero medals in order to skew the data
    • Losing with medals below the threshold that would actually promote you
    I am honestly concerned I am going to get caught up in this for 2 reasons:

    1: I have a sleep disorder and take a combination of meds and supplements to help. Often the stuff starts to work before I actually feel it working and I first notice it when playing. My reaction time starts to slow down and I miss parries and dexes and make worse decisions. I am nervous this may appear like I am "faking effort".

    2: I play during my lunch break at work. Sometimes, due to the nature of my job, I get pulled out of my lunch break to deal with an issue. It is not uncommon for this to happen in the middle of a BG match. I worry that this looks like I am deciding to throw a match.

    Just looking at data doesn't acknowledge that life happens, and this can affect how we play the game.
  • siddu747siddu747 Member Posts: 6
    sometimes people also play with 1 star 2 star decks for fun it doesnt mean they are cheating or trying to farm points if they want to play in a fun way
    this is not a valid restriction we should be able to use any deck we want
  • siddu747siddu747 Member Posts: 6
    if they remain at one league for way too long it makes sense not if they just want to play in their own way
    @Kabam Miike please dont restrict playing with decks of our choice
  • siddu747siddu747 Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2023
    but i really support the solving of bugs and ban wave against cheaters thank you for this @Kabam Miike and everyone from kabam
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian
    Wubbie075 said:

    MCOC Team said:

    Things that won’t get your account flagged for action include:

    • Being bad at the mode and losing a lot
    • Going on long winning or losing streaks
    • Legitimately getting stuck in a Victory Track rank, regardless of the pattern of wins and losses
    • Queuing into matches and setting your phone down in order to complete the bi-daily objectives (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Queuing into matches and setting your phone down in order to farm event points while losing, unless it is done strategically to avoid progressing (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Farming event points in a similar way in the Gladiator’s Circuit (we do not necessarily endorse this behaviour but are not investigating it at this time)
    • Deliberately losing one or two matches on occasion to manage Elder’s Mark caps or otherwise optimize your play
    Things that won’t evade our detection algorithms:
    • Entering matches with weaker decks
    • Pausing to make your losing matches longer
    • Trying to fake effort while trying to lose
    • Any other form of manipulating your fight data
    • Losing a bunch of matches in a row at zero medals in order to skew the data
    • Losing with medals below the threshold that would actually promote you
    I am honestly concerned I am going to get caught up in this for 2 reasons:

    1: I have a sleep disorder and take a combination of meds and supplements to help. Often the stuff starts to work before I actually feel it working and I first notice it when playing. My reaction time starts to slow down and I miss parries and dexes and make worse decisions. I am nervous this may appear like I am "faking effort".

    2: I play during my lunch break at work. Sometimes, due to the nature of my job, I get pulled out of my lunch break to deal with an issue. It is not uncommon for this to happen in the middle of a BG match. I worry that this looks like I am deciding to throw a match.

    Just looking at data doesn't acknowledge that life happens, and this can affect how we play the game.
    I think people are looking at this wrong. They see the "things that won't evade our detection algorithms" and think "I'm not allowed to do any of these things."

    If I were to say that one of the things that doesn't prevent Vegas pit bosses from detecting card counters is pretty women wearing a slinky dress to distract them, would you think that meant all women that wear slinky dresses are going to be kicked out of the casino? Of course not. They aren't saying you can't do that, they are saying they will ignore that when trying to detect cheaters.

    *IF* you are point farming by prohibited technique *AND* you attempt to do any of those things to disguise the fact that you are doing that, *THEN* be aware that those tactics will not disguise your behavior. Just doing those things in general are not prohibited activities, nor is Kabam saying that those things are going to be used to detect prohibited point farming. They are actually saying the opposite: that they aren't actually directly looking at any of those behaviors directly, so none of them matter, so don't bother trying to use them to disguise point farming. If you're doing any of them because you just happen to be doing them, nobody cares.

    The thing about point farming is that, as I mentioned previously, there's an analog to counting cards in blackjack. It is literally impossible to directly detect card counting, because that is an activity that exists solely in the player's head. Absent telepathy, no one can actually observe card counting. But Vegas pit bosses discover it and kick people for it all the time. Because while no one can detect card counting, there's no way to disguise the *effects* of card counting. It doesn't help you if you count cards, if you don't act on the count. But the moment you act on the count, you are giving yourself away.

    None of the things involved in point farming are actually detectable as things involved in point farming, except that a normal person doing those things in a normal way are statistically unlikely to just randomly have those things just happen to gain them a huge amount of points over time. If you're just doing these things because life interferes, they will have an overall neutral effect on you. Nobody just happens to get narcolepsy when they are using energy and just happens to have a pituitary disorder act up when they happen to be using marks, over and over and over again across an entire season, and then be cured of all their disorders when they happen to cross 450k points.

    Point farmers are not going to be detected because they often lose, or often win, or sometimes exit matches, or sometimes time out, or use decks that are not optimized for the meta. They are going to be detected because they farm points and farming points doesn't look like any kind of normal play, or even abnormal play. It looks like point farming.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian
    siddu747 said:

    sometimes people also play with 1 star 2 star decks for fun it doesnt mean they are cheating or trying to farm points if they want to play in a fun way
    this is not a valid restriction we should be able to use any deck we want

    If you only want to have fun with energy and only want to play seriously with marks, you will probably find your fun being curtailed fairly restrictively.

    And I challenge anyone to give a credible case for playing with 2* decks in the actual VT "for fun." Against friends in friendly match ups, sure. But if that's your idea of fun, you will probably need to find a different source of fun.
  • AffectedAffected Member Posts: 5
    What do they mean by Any other form of manipulating your fight data be more specific please
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Affected said:

    What do they mean by Any other form of manipulating your fight data be more specific please

    I doubt they're going to detail that. For obvious reasons.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 1,800 ★★★★★
    There has never been a mobile game mode more over run with modders.

    Truly pathetic that more is not being done to combat this rampant issue.
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