Aegon rank up for Necropolis

Hi everybody, i’m looking for some advice about completion and then exploration of necropolis. Right now i have a 200sig r4 aegon but i have enogh cats to r5 him and i can also ascend him. I don’t have kate or shuri unfortunately so i think aegon is the best choice here. Should i rank him up or it’s better to save cats for 7*? Is an r4 ascended enogh? I’ve heard that zemo is also great for necropolis but right now is r1 (got him 2 days ago) and also i know nothing about him. Thanks in advance 😌
If it’s for eventual exploration, it is not even a discussion that you should do it.
I chose to do path 5 with my R4 Aegon ascended, so I could get the 4-5 gem and use it on him for the remainder. This saves those catalysts for 7*.
Edit: This cost about 80 revives with a full Aegon team.