NOT ONLY is this off season war counting, the Meta is horrible!!! Defenders are broken and the attack global is atrocious. I won't be surprised if people boycott aw this season
Not by mistake or bug, it's by a bad design.
This basically require every war players at least have the skill of necropolis
The new attacker tactic force the player to take more risk with intercept, fight the instinct of dex (while rooted), and take block damage.
Only off-season but I don’t think I ever saw so many deaths on both sides, not even during the prowess/power gain tactic BEFORE it was nerfed.
My hope is that kabam will understand the mistake they did here, take war down while adjusting the tactics (defense & offense), and give us extra two weeks off-season to enjoy the holiday.
Suppose decay attackers still gained placebo buffs, but purified them after the sugar pill defender unstoppable passive expired. What good does that do??? That’s literally useless. It’s the same thing that This tactic is doing.
But i agree, horrible meta and hopefully kabam will adjust it