Please make it so rank downs don't expire!

Kabam, this is a bit unfair that rank downs expire, especially so quickly. The best players that have had the advantage of having r4/5 5* champions for quite some time get to adjust their roster so now they can have their best new heroes ranked up. But, the newer players who have been caution about who to r4 (and in my case have avoided doing so) don't get to take advantage of these tickets.
Why do these items have to expire? Why can't we have the same opportunities the top tier players had?
Please, let us keep these items without having them expire.
Why do these items have to expire? Why can't we have the same opportunities the top tier players had?
Please, let us keep these items without having them expire.
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@Grimmbear, I am glad everything worked out for you and your 5*s, but some of us are at different points in the game. I can make use of the 4* RDT, but I still would advocate for making them have no expiration date because I can imagine some people that are new to the game would want to take advantage of this as well when they start getting their first r5 4*. But, since it will expire in a week, they won't be able to use it.
You just this "free item" to last longer than it should
This is a temporary gift, and its not the first or only one that is temporary.
Is how they were designed to be. Use them now to correct something or don't use them if you don't have anything to do with them.
I'm dying over a puppy that expires hahahaha! Not untrue. Just funny. Hahaha.
I know I know they didn't have to give them to us but nobody asked for them for free either. I'm sure more than half of the players that play would have spent a few bucks on one of these holidays for a rank down ticket.
What are you talking about? That's my exact complaint. All the top tier players with r4/r5 champions have that ability for the next 8 days. They've been playing for years and now can rank down their least favorite 5* and rank up their new favorite one.
If they are going to give a gift, it should be equally useful to everyone. This just enables top 1% to further perfect their teams in the next 8 days while others don't get any meaningful benefit. The bottom 99% don't know what meta chars they will be receiving in the coming months, and they should have every right to do what the top tier players are doing when they get their next meta pull.
It's only fair to not have them expire. If they gave these out once or twice a year, this wouldn't be an issue, but odds are we will never see these again.
Now, let's compare it to this example from another thread. Here is the link to see how many people are doing the same thing:
RMP322 wrote:
"Had an R5 5 Star Lord and Just finished Labyrinth 100% Yesterday and to my surprise i lucked out and we got Rank Down Tickets today. So I decided I don't need SL anymore. I Ranked him down and got NO Catalysts Including my 2 Tier 5 basics Back! ARE YOU SERIOUS KABAM. NO where does it say its not for Rank 5! I sent in a Ticket and I better get them back! "
Funny thing is that all of them last longer than the expiration on the RDTs...
Do you use this same logic on the xp/gold boost we got?
Because everyone that finished 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 have a very big advantage over anyone that didn't get those rewards yet!! You can use the rank up gem (reward 5.2 5.3 5.4 and act 5)and then use a RDT to get back those cats and upgrade any champ you want!!! Game changer for those who finished act 5 at %100. I should be able to have the same advantage as everyone else that finished act 5 and that will greatly benefit from RDT!
If that's the case then anyone can complete act 5 100% in the next few days
True that, imagine the community trying to finish act 5 in the next few days just to fully take advantage of this!! Biggest Legend run ever!! I never regretted upgrading a champ, however, I did upgrade a few champs just because of expiring resources!! a RDT fixes that pretty well!!!!!!!
Great. Exploits like these are what made bringing RDT's back such a bad idea. And for reasons like these, I'm sure Kabam will never bring back RDT's again when I may actually have use for them lol. I've always been careful in whom I've ranked up and have no need for RDT's at the moment as I believed Kabam when they said RDT's weren't coming unless there was a specific champion nerf.
Just like I believed them when they said 4* Punisher was not going to be a basic champ in the 4* arena. Fooled me twice, shame on me.
There is no flaw in this RDT and Rank Up Tickets! They are as raw as they can be! Exploit in a flawless system is crazy talk!!! Kabam said they were never going to bring back RDT unless there was a nerf and here we are, RDT and no nerf!! I was really hoping to never see RDTs but I will try to use them as best as I can!!!
@Mana_Pot agreed!!!!!!
If you don't want to use it on any current champs just don't use them.
Dude, I love the idea that they gave these out. I don't even care if they charged money or units for them, and I don't care there is a penalty on gold / ISO on them to deter some people from using it for taking advantage of level up events. But, when a gift given to the community as a whole is not equal, there will be complaints.
Imagine if they gave out awakening gems (or rank up tickets, doesn't matter for example), a 5-star generic awakening gem, 4-star generic awakening gem, and 3 star generic awakening gem, but they expired in two weeks. The top 1% with huge rosters have the most to gain while the bottom have the least to gain. That is exactly the same principle here.
There is no reason to make these expire. It gives specific elite players even more unfair advantages over the rest of the community, as seen above in the examples listed. And, no, most of us can't complete A5.4 really quick with so much else going on right now. People that benefit greatly from this will say that we are "complaining" while the rest of us just want to have the same opportunity those players had for when we make mistakes ranking up when we get there.
@Kabam Miike, I apologize to call you out specifically, but can you guys please reconsider removing the expiration from the Rank Down Tickets? If that isn't possible, could you guys consider at least extending the expiration date to 3-6 months from issuance once players that received them have time to assemble a team during this push to move to 5*?
Sure, if they wanted to use that for SL, why not? Other people are doing just that right now. That's a huge advantage!
Or, they would have the freedom to rank up someone that isn't preferred now as they are building their 5* roster to deal with the increasingly difficult content and then rank that char down once they assemble a better team.
This would be equal opportunity for all players this way.
The content is harder now and we need 5*s to beat it, so we HAVE to rank someone up we dont prefer. Plus prestige is ever climbing and the pool has more bad champs than ever. It's way harder to get a dupe, so we have an even smaller probability of pulling a desired champ. We will be stuck with whoever we rank up and we will not get to "test drive" someone like the top players did or simply use the tickets to exploit LOL and make it easier.
You have to look at it from other people's perspective. Example, 12.0 gets announced saying SW, DS, etc. getting nerfed...the people who have them are crying about it and the people who don't say "deal with it." This is that exact same situation. Look at this from perspective of those who are not the top players who have to go thru everything that they did and do not get to take advantage of this. If RDTs are issued yearly, I'd shut my mouth right now. But, if this is what I suspect to be the "here's your RDTs to stop you top players from complaining" resolution, then that really sucks for us up and comers.
I am just trying to be fair here guys. It impacts me and a lot of other people who have to sit on their heroes now until they get the perfect got tier 5* dupe that they know they can safely upgrade.