Rank 3 Deathless Guillotine... do i dare ?

FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19
I initially posted this on reddit but there is not much people coming to answer in a sub-post kinda thing so here i am copy-pasting

Heylo hoomans !

So Deathless Guillotine (DG) is finally available and i finished smacking the three act 8 bosses, so i am now the proud owner of a 7☆ DG. And i have always loved the character and her "friends", even tho they are not very meta, i do enjoy playing Guillotine, Purgatory and Morningstar and already had them ranked up enough for the challenge.

Now the DG is as you know the pre-buff version of Guillotine with some tiny tiny tweaks, but as for today standarts, her abilities are pretty empty (like seriously nothing on the heavy and the SP1). I liked the old Guillotine, but it was a simpler time in the contest so i don't know. DG looks like she has some good damages still and, in the eventuallity i got her awaken (copium), nice bits of healing.

So me, as a Guillotine fan, would enjoy having her as my top champ for my profile. It's even nicer since she is a special champion. But it's not cheap, i would need to use both the rank up gems i got from completing Necropolis. And that would be my first 7☆ rank 3, but also first rank 2 and the only one for quite some time. So it will probably be a stoopid choice for progressing.

The other option that was the original plan to rank up but waited is America Chavez (i got a mystic rank up gem). I do have her at signature 40. And, i knew she was good, but i wouldn't had guessed that most people think she is a S tier mystic. So yeah that looks like the game is telling me to rank her up.

I need you guys to tell me what you think, if i missed some information to take into account or i don't know. What do ya'll think of this. Maybe you think i shouldn't rank up either of them, i do also own Dragon-Man, Wiccan and Diablo. Or you think it's best to wait for another mystic ?

Thanks c:

Rank 3 Deathless Guillotine... do i dare ? 58 votes

Do it ! Yeet dat Goth baguette wamen into the top of ya profil !
Feeney234TerraMityAntDadouSanArchdemon_UnobtainiumClawsGhostboytjieRockyshockyJustcause102Ayden_noah1H3t3ro_oSparx265Phillip14233ahmynutsSaltE_Wenis69CrcrcrcJenskeDSantiagoEhsaanAshacekar 32 votes
Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
PrinceEldarionMasterduxFydaneIamnikeZeezooscaptain_rogersWedgemonsterDocWestItsClobberinTimeAge_of_Luca2000Batman1234BeastDadDeepworldCoach_G1mbgibsonDoomflameAnsh_AMiniMFInfamousMikeJoneenyo 24 votes
I have another suggestion... (comment)
VbnmeSarah245 2 votes


  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,604 ★★★★★
    Do it ! Yeet dat Goth baguette wamen into the top of ya profil !
    If u really like her that much then ok... but can't see how one would... she's cool for sure but barely have anything going on for her in her kit, would be nice to see the degan dmg of a 7* r3... IMAGINE USING YOUR 7* R3 DEATHLESS GULLY VS THESE INTERCEPT=GUARENTEED CRITS FOR A FEW SECONDS NODE
    or maybe in that path somewhere in Act 7 with the Paradox charge that makes ur debuffs way longer

    At the end of the day... it's just r3, eventually there will be the next best thing, and besides, getting to Valiant is the important thing here... so anyway, if you really enjoy her that much... go for it... she's the first champion ever we get that isn't really herself and the first one we worked for like that, she is speical
  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19

    If u really like her that much then ok... but can't see how one would... she's cool for sure but barely have anything going on for her in her kit, would be nice to see the degan dmg of a 7* r3... IMAGINE USING YOUR 7* R3 DEATHLESS GULLY VS THESE INTERCEPT=GUARENTEED CRITS FOR A FEW SECONDS NODE
    or maybe in that path somewhere in Act 7 with the Paradox charge that makes ur debuffs way longer

    At the end of the day... it's just r3, eventually there will be the next best thing, and besides, getting to Valiant is the important thing here... so anyway, if you really enjoy her that much... go for it... she's the first champion ever we get that isn't really herself and the first one we worked for like that, she is speical

    Well what i meant is that i love playing Guillotine, and it was true before the buff. But it's was in a time when the champions didn't had too much abilities and neither does the quests had strong nodes. Nowaday it's not gonna be much more than just a character i like. Only in very rare situation or node-less kind of content she shall see the light. It will be usefull to have her ranked up for the final Deathless stuff tho i assume.
    Also after the buff, i was confused as why people were under-estimate her. Even to this day i frequently use her, she does so much bleed and has nice sustain. She actually was more usefull than the 2099 for the Deathless challenges.
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  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19
    Damn people, if ya gonna make me go with the crazy option at least put some explanation or say something ^^
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,720 ★★★★★
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
    She looks super cool so I’m tempted to say yes. Her damage is wildly dependent on crits so your results vary immensely from fight to fight. On a good crit fight, I had 7+ degens up at a time and took WS out in a minute flat. Without it, she went over 2 minutes. The crit stat focus still only gives her a 33% chance to crit on every attack. She looks cool, can do some great damage with luck (and a crit team), and has the charm of old guilly so it comes down to what you want

    That being said, Chavez is a far better champion that’ll put in a ton of work for you in all forms of content. Even at rank 1 she’s a battlegrounds mvp and she put in a ton of work in Necro for me. She’ll be my next rank 2 easy
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    Do it ! Yeet dat Goth baguette wamen into the top of ya profil !
    Rank up who you like and who you enjoy playing. Afterall it's just a game.
  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19
    Emilia90 said:

    Even at rank 1 she’s a battlegrounds mvp

    Now this is actually a double-edge argument. If i rank her up, she will be banned every single time.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,802 ★★★★★
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
    Just imagine having her as your top champ, lmfaoooooo coolest sh*t ever
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,720 ★★★★★
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
    Fooxynn said:

    Now this is actually a double-edge argument. If i rank her up, she will be banned every single time.
    That’s very true haha. My 6* Kate and 7* Titania barely ever see the light of day after I ranked them up
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,802 ★★★★★
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
    Fooxynn said:

    Now this is actually a double-edge argument. If i rank her up, she will be banned every single time.
    I r3ed my black cat does that mean I can never see her in bgs ever again?😭
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,720 ★★★★★
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.

    I r3ed my black cat does that mean I can never see her in bgs ever again?😭
    Honestly she’d be an instant ban for me and a lot of other people lol. Most people who don’t ban my top ranked champs have them ranked as well so that’s the only time I see them. A r3 BC would be terrifying cause of how fast she can clear a wide variety of defenders
  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19

    I r3ed my black cat does that mean I can never see her in bgs ever again?😭
    Dam ya got a 7* Black Cat ? I would had not hesitated with her (assuming i could had choosed her cuse i got a mystic relic). Hey how about we trade ? I got a duped 7* Void ! Look our profile picture, it was our destiny ! ;_;
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,367 ★★★★★
    Do it ! Yeet dat Goth baguette wamen into the top of ya profil !
    I will R3 my 6* as well. Same Pinch
  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19
    Ashacekar said:

    I will R3 my 6* as well. Same Pinch

    Is it your first rank 3 tho ? First rank 2 even ?
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,802 ★★★★★
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
    Fooxynn said:

    Dam ya got a 7* Black Cat ? I would had not hesitated with her (assuming i could had choosed her cuse i got a mystic relic). Hey how about we trade ? I got a duped 7* Void ! Look our profile picture, it was our destiny ! ;_;
    I would really love to have a duped void, but not at expense of my black cat 😭😭
    But atleast you can use void in bgs without getting banned. 😭

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,802 ★★★★★
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
    Emilia90 said:

    Honestly she’d be an instant ban for me and a lot of other people lol. Most people who don’t ban my top ranked champs have them ranked as well so that’s the only time I see them. A r3 BC would be terrifying cause of how fast she can clear a wide variety of defenders
    Especially next meta is polka dot power with power shield (very limiting, only a few can deal damage), and I'm sure black cat will get banned in every matchup. 😭
  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19
    Oh poop, people actually voting for Guillotine...
    Looks like i will soon have to go along with that dum idea :v
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator
    America is significantly better, but this is a game - it's supposed to be fun. Rank the one you want to rank.
    Nothing wrong with Rank 3 Guilly if that's who you want to play with.
  • FooxynnFooxynn Member Posts: 19

    America is significantly better, but this is a game - it's supposed to be fun. Rank the one you want to rank.
    Nothing wrong with Rank 3 Guilly if that's who you want to play with.

    If she had the same kit than actual Guillotine (with some tweaks to be more unique maybe), then yeah i would want to play with her. But here, with her outdated kit, it's mainly for profile cosmetic purpose because she looks cool, she is special and i like the character. This will likely be unique and i might actually be the only one to have her as top champion (at least until i can rank up other which seems to be not happening soon). But is this a good enough reason ? I don't know.

    Also while i mention it, you guys get your T6CC by buying the crystal from the batleground shop ? Or is there another way i don't know about ? I actuallly do not really do battleground or arena stuff... but if it's needed for progression well i gues imma do more. I do be sitting on a ton of battleground maney, and also hit the cap for tokens, which i noticed too late. Who knows how many tokens were lost because me was full, better keep this a mystery. ;_;
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,210 ★★★★★
    Do it ! Yeet dat Goth baguette wamen into the top of ya profil !
    Fooxynn said:

    If she had the same kit than actual Guillotine (with some tweaks to be more unique maybe), then yeah i would want to play with her. But here, with her outdated kit, it's mainly for profile cosmetic purpose because she looks cool, she is special and i like the character. This will likely be unique and i might actually be the only one to have her as top champion (at least until i can rank up other which seems to be not happening soon). But is this a good enough reason ? I don't know.

    Also while i mention it, you guys get your T6CC by buying the crystal from the batleground shop ? Or is there another way i don't know about ? I actuallly do not really do battleground or arena stuff... but if it's needed for progression well i gues imma do more. I do be sitting on a ton of battleground maney, and also hit the cap for tokens, which i noticed too late. Who knows how many tokens were lost because me was full, better keep this a mystery. ;_;
    I usually buy the selectors from the bg shop
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,163 ★★★★★
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
    Easy pass
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim Member Posts: 49
    Be safe and rank up America Chavez my friend.
    When I got America as a 7-star, I hadn't really used her before, and I quickly found out she was lots of fun to play.

    Several weeks (!) later, I found out you could chain heavies into the ends of her combos! Now she's even more fun.

    Given how you've been grabbed by the Guiilies, I would perhaps lean toward Deathless Guilly for your personal preference except for the fact that you've managed to dupe Chavez... twice! I think you'll genuinely have fun with her, so I've voted her way.

    There are eight days left on this "month's" events, and ~15 days to the We Killed Lots Of People In Necropolis They Weren't Knocked Out They Really Died prizes. R3 is a big enough deal to wait a fortnight, IMO. My advice is, unless you're desperate for R3 DG for BG today, dive into lots of content with Chavez, and while you're pushing her buttons, see if she also pushes yours. See if you can wait out the couple of weeks to see what resources you end up with, and how much you like Chavez.
  • GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Member Posts: 2,574 ★★★★★
    Do it ! Yeet dat Goth baguette wamen into the top of ya profil !
    Dew it
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