Lost My Tier 5 Basics Due to Rank Downs...



  • TheLegendKCGTheLegendKCG Member Posts: 146
    All I’m saying is I don’t see why it takes literally 24hrs for a name change but a reversal of giving resources back takes this long. It’s only a handful of ppl. It’s not like it’s the entire McOC player base
  • TheLegendKCGTheLegendKCG Member Posts: 146
    Your speaking as if it’s our fault why would assume the rank down tickets IE wouldn’t work for R5s if it’s A 5 star rank down ticket 🤷🏽‍♂️
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    hoping they get this sorted within the next hour or so.
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    I really hope so.
  • RMP322RMP322 Member Posts: 83
    wishful thinking but highly unlikely
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Look your alliance prestige will be messed up, but just remember its all working as intended.

    They probably forgot to copy and paste the coding for a r5 5*, that's all. So let's calm down and wait a few days :).
  • JowbearJowbear Member Posts: 7
    They did not respond to me in the email I sent, and it's been more than 24 hours. So the way is to continue filling this topic with messages @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    And still no words about it.
  • Roby77kRoby77k Member Posts: 10
    Hopefully they fix it before it expires. Would like to rank down one champ too.
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    I think they are taking their time.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    teekq wrote: »
    I think they are taking their time.

    i assume they're still on vacation
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    sound like it.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    would be nice if they'd just say something like their offices are on break until the new year.
  • JowbearJowbear Member Posts: 7
    apparently it was normalized (at least on my account)f8q4wp8977ik.png
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    Jowbear wrote: »
    apparently it was normalized (at least on my account)f8q4wp8977ik.png

    did you use your RDT and get your stuff back?
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    RMP322 wrote: »
    It also isnt Ok to take the most powerful resources in the game from us and leave us in the dark. All we want to know is why its taking so Long and when can we expect a resolution? Ive spent more money then I care to admit on this video game and your going to quote forum rules because we are upset. That is as much of an insult as taking away our t2 alphas and t5 basics.

    Dude you have no idea what type of investigation they're doing. None. Zero. No insight as to their business process for something like this. I'm no kabam apologist but as someone who does troubleshooting/debugging against a highly complex change management governance, it's annoying when people who have zero understanding of something try to minimize it as if they know Jack about it.

    He's personally told you twice their fixing it, chill out. It was you who decided to abuse the RDT to begin with, not them. Stop spamming the thread already.

    I'm sure your alliance will be fine, you've only had that boosted prestige for max two weeks now... Be patient and you'll get your stuff back :)
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    edited December 2017
    It’s funny you called that we abuse the RDT. It was given by kabam and we have the right to use it however we want it. It is there job to make the game run as smooth as possible and when things do go wrong it is there job to assure us things will be ok. So far they left us hanging in the dark. It’s understandable they may need time but also it’s understandable our frustration due to it. AQ started and our best isn’t even rank for prestige etc.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    They probably are going account by account and verifying if that player really did rank down a 5/65. It may sound like a simple process but they most likely do not want any mess-ups at all since awarding extra T5 basics is game breaking. The prestige lost by players who did rank-down a 5/65 is a valid concern but not a top priority really. I still wonder though, why would anyone want to rank-down a 5/65 at this point? You have had to already thought about who you were going to 5/65 before rank-down tickets were issued. Maybe for level-up event points is the only reason I could think of.
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    edited December 2017
    Well ranking up my SL though was going to make a different but found out he is perfect rank 4. as a first rank 5 I was content about my decession but got an opportunity of rank down. I though about it for few days maybe I could rank up champ that can really help boost my prestige at the same time rank someone that will really make a different i came up with GR or GP. Ranking SL wasn’t to clear a quick lol path. I was presented with an opportunity of correcting my mistake with rank down anyone would use that opportunity if presented
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    They probably are going account by account and verifying if that player really did rank down a 5/65. It may sound like a simple process but they most likely do not want any mess-ups at all since awarding extra T5 basics is game breaking. The prestige lost by players who did rank-down a 5/65 is a valid concern but not a top priority really. I still wonder though, why would anyone want to rank-down a 5/65 at this point? You have had to already thought about who you were going to 5/65 before rank-down tickets were issued. Maybe for level-up event points is the only reason I could think of.

    Rank 5 SL - Do LoL - Rank him down - Rank up Blade / Some other high prestige character.
  • JowbearJowbear Member Posts: 7
    @Qwerty I have not used the RDT yet because when I clicked or use does not appreciate the items. Then I waited for Kabam to resolve this error and apparently it was solved, already in the question to have used the RDT and the items are not returned and do not appear in the inventory anymore I do not know if it was solved
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    It's clearly not abusing the rdts. they have done lol and then later get the opportunity to rank down a champ who is really mostly good for boss fights. when they are gifted an rdt that they can use as they want. I think a lot of us would love to see kabams support team stop Being so useless but I guess they have a tough job as they are probably punished with people all day trying to claim they are missing items and have been wrongly banned (please unbend my account I no use mods)
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    I'm pretty sure they will get the Resources back to people. If you use the Ticket, you should get the Cats back. It could be an issue where they weren't coded to include the new Cats, since they are new, or a glitch of some sort. I wouldn't worry too much about them returning them. It takes time is all.
  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    I’m in the same boat as waiting, which is fine since kabam did acknowledge they are working this. If they hadn’t acknowledged this post, THAT would be leaving us in the dark. Relax fellas.

    I’ve completed act 5 and 100% LOL. I have 1x R5 and 6x R4. Stop accusing people of commenting on this post saying they arent close to end game. This affects me as much as you that keep reposting complaints. Give them till next AQ before coming back up on the net. Not much else will change from now till then.
  • RMP322RMP322 Member Posts: 83
    1) i was refererring to what roasted bagel posted, 2) Your not in the same boat as us, you have an R5 while i dont nor do I have the resources to obtain one. I dont get any ackowledgmemt back from my supoort emails anymore so If this is the only way to keep ontop of this then so be it. If they are not gonna give us a time frame, i will be calling my bank and disputing and getting every single mcoc charge placed back on my card. Do us a favor if your so upset about us bumping this thread, heres an idea! Dont open them and read them! They will soon close down this thread because thats what they do when they cant fix a problem,
  • RMP322RMP322 Member Posts: 83
    Again I have had in game issues where they easily went into my account to verify something that took not even a day. it really isnt that hard of process but for some reason they want to drag this out and they refuse to tell us why.
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