**WE ARE NO LONGER Temporarily Reverting Tier 1 War Ban System**

After further discussion, the game team has made the decision not make adjustements to the ban system.
The previously proposed fix would have resolved the issue for Summoners who are on the cusp of T1/T2 play, and negatively impacted Alliances more securely in T1. Instead, we recommend that cusp Alliances switch to Manual Placement to your members to place the allotted 5 Ban Champions limit there.

Apologies for the back and forth, and for any confusion.

Amazing, revive farming has been gone for two days and I have already lost all will to play



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    JefechutaJefechuta Posts: 1,212 ★★★★

    I feel like when the next necro comes along we will get a good idea of the impact of revive farm nerfing

    Ill repeat myself, Everest Content is supposed to be hard, grindy, and long-term.

    You wanna do it, then keep getting resources till you are able to do it, if it takes a week, it takes a week, if it takes a month, it takes a month.

    If you wanna do content the first day it comes out you have Monthly Event Quests, Everest Content works different.
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 6,933 Guardian

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    What a ridiculous comment. Necro is literally designed to kill you after a time so you have to revive. Speaking of which..why does this mechanic even need to exist? Really now

    It’s this sort of bs anti-player stuff that the op has every right to feel annoyed about
    Sufficient skill means you could solo virtually every fight in Necropolis. There is no "die now" mechanic in necropolis that can't be played around. There is a "die faster" mechanic, but no "die now" mechanic like what we saw in Labyrinth and abyss.
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,259 ★★★★★
    Perfect time to stop being a "potential" customer... Or quit
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    Twist1298Twist1298 Posts: 80

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    You do know that sometimes even the best players in the world have to use revives to clear content right? If revive farming didn't exist the death toll on Necro alone would be way past the goal number atp. Getting good at the game guarantees nothing because depending on the content you still may need revives.
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    GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Posts: 2,232 ★★★★★
    Thorki said:

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    I am good at the game. I easily got Paragon without spending any money and I get through incursions 25 every month. I can perfect Quake, backdraft, reparry, Dex difficult specials like Apoc's and Tigra's. By my count I'm a regular Dork Lessons' Diggity Dave. Still doesn't change the fact that the gameplay is getting increasingly anti-player, so continuing feels like a fools errand.
    Weak. Only real quake players use heavy only. No parry
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    laserjohn26laserjohn26 Posts: 1,527 ★★★★★
    Twist1298 said:

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    You do know that sometimes even the best players in the world have to use revives to clear content right? If revive farming didn't exist the death toll on Necro alone would be way past the goal number atp. Getting good at the game guarantees nothing because depending on the content you still may need revives.
    Yes absolutely. You truly get plenty of revives just playing the game for the vast majority of content. Necropolis, of course you need revives, and a lot of them. I explored it in the first week and used about 300 revives. I farmed for a few hours and decided it was a waste of time and just bought them with units.

    EOP carina was the last piece of content you probably didn't have enough revives for, especially if you did them all immediately.

    Besides content that is released maybe once a year, if you can't complete it, it is a skill issue
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,456 ★★★★

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    What a ridiculous comment. Necro is literally designed to kill you after a time so you have to revive. Speaking of which..why does this mechanic even need to exist? Really now

    It’s this sort of bs anti-player stuff that the op has every right to feel annoyed about
    I used 6 revives on my best path and 14 on my worst. Total revive count was around 60-70. I'd hardly say necropolis was a revive sinkhole if you're as good as OP says he is. People even more skilled than I did it in sub 30.
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 18,956 Guardian
    Twist1298 said:

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    You do know that sometimes even the best players in the world have to use revives to clear content right? If revive farming didn't exist the death toll on Necro alone would be way past the goal number atp. Getting good at the game guarantees nothing because depending on the content you still may need revives.

    First of all, there’s a difference between you or I personally needing revives, and content that is designed to require revives. We are already starting to see Necropolis solos and I don’t think there’s any fight that cannot be siloed. It’s just a question of when someone strings together enough solos.

    Low skill players are using hundreds of revives. I’ve heard numbers approaching a thousand revives. High skill players are currently doing it in only a few dozen revives, and players are only getting better at it.

    Second, eliminating revives doesn’t increase player deaths. That’s so absurd I don’t even know how to contradict that statement. If you don’t have revives, you literally can only die once. Revives allow for more deaths, not prevent them.
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Are you playing necropolis every other day or something ? Why do you need revive farm
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    TrolololoTrolololo Posts: 12
    Thorki said:

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    I am good at the game. I easily got Paragon without spending any money and I get through incursions 25 every month. I can perfect Quake, backdraft, reparry, Dex difficult specials like Apoc's and Tigra's. By my count I'm a regular Dork Lessons' Diggity Dave. Still doesn't change the fact that the gameplay is getting increasingly anti-player, so continuing feels like a fools errand.
    Everything you have here. Kabam doesn't want good players, good players don't spend money. They can bit all enemies without using a lot of revivs etc. Just finish the game and go further as me
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    Darkraw346Darkraw346 Posts: 2,085 ★★★★
    Skill issue
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    ThecurlerThecurler Posts: 861 ★★★★
    Just grind arena 🤷‍♂️
    It’s what we did to get through act 6 before it was nerfed to oblivion.
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    KingSkeletorKingSkeletor Posts: 116

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    What a ridiculous comment. Necro is literally designed to kill you after a time so you have to revive. Speaking of which..why does this mechanic even need to exist? Really now

    It’s this sort of bs anti-player stuff that the op has every right to feel annoyed about
    FALSE ! Someone did an itemless Necropolis run ONLY using a R2 or R3 unduped Wong with no synergies (Credits to Normax)
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    klobberintymeklobberintyme Posts: 1,478 ★★★★
    Thorki said:

    Why does every revive farmer consider their quitting a loss on profit lol....

    Players = potential customers. Loss of potential customers is still bad no matter which company you are. Why did malls offer food courts? To keep the customer around so that they could spend more money at shops. Didn't think I'd have to explain basic business practices to gumbies.
    Fun fact 1: ftp endgame players aren't "potential" customers, as the game has gotten your X amount of time over Y amount of years, and the sunk cost is all on your side. "Potential" customers they care about are all the players yet to progress and feeling left out of all the Necro this and Valiant that and How Can I Finish By Z Deadline, I gotta spend or I miss out stressors. Emphasis on Spend.

    Fun fact 2: the data will drive course corrections in the game, not message board screeds.

    Bonus fun fact: Kabam is trying to both squeeze the top while also moving the end zone, which is a real risk. One of the two will change, but it won't result in give-backs.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 4,968 ★★★★★
    Forget food courts. It's all about food trucks now. Sweet, sweet food trucks.
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    VenoweenVenoween Posts: 124
    Buttehrs said:

    Forget food courts. It's all about food trucks now. Sweet, sweet food trucks.

    Mmmm steak burritos!!
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    VenoweenVenoween Posts: 124

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    What a ridiculous comment. Necro is literally designed to kill you after a time so you have to revive. Speaking of which..why does this mechanic even need to exist? Really now

    It’s this sort of bs anti-player stuff that the op has every right to feel annoyed about
    FALSE ! Someone did an itemless Necropolis run ONLY using a R2 or R3 unduped Wong with no synergies (Credits to Normax)
    It was me. :-)
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    SammyDeSammyDe Posts: 945 ★★★
    Kabam should have a cinema or a book store which showcase the characters in the game. That will draw potential customers to the game as well!
    We all should be consultants for Jax!
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    Noobmaster555Noobmaster555 Posts: 74
    Thorki said:

    I’ve never experienced this feeling with MCOC before. Other times I have been passionately angry about a certain decision or two from Kabam, but this is different. I don’t feel angry, just bored and objectiveless. Like I have nothing to strive for. The grind is getting increasingly anti-player, so why play? I think I’m just resigned to quit MCOC. I really think I’m leaving for good this time. Killing a golden goose was that simple, Kabam. Enjoy losing players and profits. Note: this is NOT a call to boycott, just an account of my feelings about the state of the game.

    Still trying to figure out why are you leaving. You don't need a lot of revives unless you are attempting something like necro. Someone might need a couple of here and there which comes easily with 22hr event.
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,371 ★★★★
    @Thorki , how many revives did you used per run. If you say that you are end game player and it seems you are highly skilled at the game so I'm assuming it will cost you less then 40 revives per run. Now if you do the daily 22 hr events and the Apothecary every day, you could technically store up to 66 total revies for free (20 in storage with 13 overflow of each) and if you pull a brian grant and wait for the last moment to claim them about 7 more each. Now instead of grinding like a mad person in a few short period of time to get the revives you need, it will take you 33 days to do another path or two in Necroplolis. Seems to me players of your skill level will be ok. I would be more worried about the average to low skill players like myslef since we will require over 100 revives to do the easy path. We need the revive system way more than a player as skill as you are. Sounds to me like your quiting for a different reason and using the nerfing of the revives as an excuse.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 2,944 ★★★★★
    Honestly man just grind Arena, put on some nostalgia movie or an audiobook and just get at it.

    I did revive farm 😀 but I admit that it was ridiculously broken but I also agree that Apothecary is bruh-cary but it is what it is.

    Just 2 paths left in Necro, I'm stoopid and spent units on Banquet a bit, oh well.

    I'll be waiting in Arena and I'll be hopefully expecting the ability to purchase L-1 revives in upcoming potions update. It's well needed, I just want to buy !!!!!
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,218 ★★★★★
    Nescio said:

    What even needs revives besides everest content?

    Agree. I never farm revives, just health potions in RoL. And Everest content is permanent, so if skills and/or roster is causing you to need to revive a lot, then just grow your skills/roster and return to that content later.

    Then there is Battlegrounds, where there is no reviving.

    And anyway you can still farm units in arena to buy revives.

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    SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Posts: 1,992 ★★★★
    i don't get why everyone is quitting now. Out of the many years, we've stayed with the game, its had lots of ups and downs but in my opinion, its a great time to be playing. Bgs has been such an impactful and important game mode introduced (though it makes me want to throw my phone at times), Necro is by far my favorite piece of content so far in the game, the deathless pieces are a great additional drive to play, and Kabam has been releasing absolute bangers in the contest recently. Revive farming nerf saddens me, but we just have to adapt and move past it.
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,259 ★★★★★

    i don't get why everyone is quitting now. Out of the many years, we've stayed with the game, its had lots of ups and downs but in my opinion, its a great time to be playing. Bgs has been such an impactful and important game mode introduced (though it makes me want to throw my phone at times), Necro is by far my favorite piece of content so far in the game, the deathless pieces are a great additional drive to play, and Kabam has been releasing absolute bangers in the contest recently. Revive farming nerf saddens me, but we just have to adapt and move past it.

    Who cares, let them "quit", which I am sure they won't...
    The threat of quitting is equivalent to a kid kicking and screaming in the candy aisle of a market.
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    Longshot_33Longshot_33 Posts: 363 ★★★

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    What a ridiculous comment. Necro is literally designed to kill you after a time so you have to revive. Speaking of which..why does this mechanic even need to exist? Really now

    It’s this sort of bs anti-player stuff that the op has every right to feel annoyed about
    FALSE ! Someone did an itemless Necropolis run ONLY using a R2 or R3 unduped Wong with no synergies (Credits to Normax)
    Just because someone did it doesn't mean its to be expected from everyone. Just because MSD did an itemless run do you think everyone else did? You cannot site minority cases as an argument for the majority.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,363 ★★★★★
    edited January 13

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    What a ridiculous comment. Necro is literally designed to kill you after a time so you have to revive. Speaking of which..why does this mechanic even need to exist? Really now

    It’s this sort of bs anti-player stuff that the op has every right to feel annoyed about
    FALSE ! Someone did an itemless Necropolis run ONLY using a R2 or R3 unduped Wong with no synergies (Credits to Normax)
    Just because someone did it doesn't mean its to be expected from everyone. Just because MSD did an itemless run do you think everyone else did? You cannot site minority cases as an argument for the majority.
    You said it was designed to kill you after a certain time and MSD proved you wrong.... They didn't say everyone could do it or should do it but they're saying you don't have to die after a certain time.
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    Longshot_33Longshot_33 Posts: 363 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    What a ridiculous comment. Necro is literally designed to kill you after a time so you have to revive. Speaking of which..why does this mechanic even need to exist? Really now

    It’s this sort of bs anti-player stuff that the op has every right to feel annoyed about
    It is not an “anti-player” mechanic. It is a difficulty mechanic. Timers and timer-like mechanics exist all over the place: a lot of the high tier content I participated in MMOs had such mechanics. Complete raid before this happens or it fails. Such mechanics force players to not just beat the content, but do so with a certain minimum efficiency.

    I’ve seen such mechanics since I first played Space Invaders in 1978. I have literally no idea why people complain about such mechanics like it’s some strange thing Kabam decided to inflict on MCOC players out of thin air.
    How can you say its not an anti-player mechanic when it literally exists to only negatively impact the player? If nothing else you should at least accept that the mechanic is by its very nature anti-player. And why are comparing MCOC to other games and MMOs? Are we saying that... if these other games had this badly designed mechanic which punishes players then we should have it too? Lets just get to the bottom of the issue, it exists to kill players and generate more turnover. Yet more greed.

    Would it really be such an issue if they just didn't put mechanics in that did that? What would all of a sudden happen that would be so bad?
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,363 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    You could just get good at the game and not need to revive through everything.

    What a ridiculous comment. Necro is literally designed to kill you after a time so you have to revive. Speaking of which..why does this mechanic even need to exist? Really now

    It’s this sort of bs anti-player stuff that the op has every right to feel annoyed about
    It is not an “anti-player” mechanic. It is a difficulty mechanic. Timers and timer-like mechanics exist all over the place: a lot of the high tier content I participated in MMOs had such mechanics. Complete raid before this happens or it fails. Such mechanics force players to not just beat the content, but do so with a certain minimum efficiency.

    I’ve seen such mechanics since I first played Space Invaders in 1978. I have literally no idea why people complain about such mechanics like it’s some strange thing Kabam decided to inflict on MCOC players out of thin air.
    How can you say its not an anti-player mechanic when it literally exists to only negatively impact the player? If nothing else you should at least accept that the mechanic is by its very nature anti-player. And why are comparing MCOC to other games and MMOs? Are we saying that... if these other games had this badly designed mechanic which punishes players then we should have it too? Lets just get to the bottom of the issue, it exists to kill players and generate more turnover. Yet more greed.

    Would it really be such an issue if they just didn't put mechanics in that did that? What would all of a sudden happen that would be so bad?
    So are the timers in BGs, AQ and AW anti-player?
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