Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

MAGIC HEIST starts February 28th! Raffling off a 7-Star The Serpent!



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    UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Posts: 1,130 ★★★★

    Will we be able to wait until the last day and do all 120 arena fight on the last day or will we not unlock the next days objective unless we have the current days objective done when the next one goes live?

    This seems like a fairly obvious answer.

    But no.
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    DirtyThirtyDirtyThirty Posts: 2
    Buttehrs said:

    Will we be able to wait until the last day and do all 120 arena fight on the last day or will we not unlock the next days objective unless we have the current days objective done when the next one goes live?

    You can be the guinea pig if you want. Let us know. But it's literally only 2 rounds a day if you use all 7*. Can't be that harsh to find to time to do 2 quick rounds.
    I wish it was that easy. Fairly unique position I believe. Quit playing in 2021. Started back up in January. I am paragon but I only have 1 7 star as 7 stars were not a thing when I quit playing. I could do it for roughly 80 units a day if I time everything up nicely. I don't think waiting will help me because refresh time is so long but I thought I would ask anyway. 2 more 7 stars would make this much easier lol.
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    UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Posts: 1,130 ★★★★

    Buttehrs said:

    Will we be able to wait until the last day and do all 120 arena fight on the last day or will we not unlock the next days objective unless we have the current days objective done when the next one goes live?

    You can be the guinea pig if you want. Let us know. But it's literally only 2 rounds a day if you use all 7*. Can't be that harsh to find to time to do 2 quick rounds.
    I wish it was that easy. Fairly unique position I believe. Quit playing in 2021. Started back up in January. I am paragon but I only have 1 7 star as 7 stars were not a thing when I quit playing. I could do it for roughly 80 units a day if I time everything up nicely. I don't think waiting will help me because refresh time is so long but I thought I would ask anyway. 2 more 7 stars would make this much easier lol.
    Oof that’s a rough predicament to be in.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,073 ★★★★★

    Buttehrs said:

    Will we be able to wait until the last day and do all 120 arena fight on the last day or will we not unlock the next days objective unless we have the current days objective done when the next one goes live?

    You can be the guinea pig if you want. Let us know. But it's literally only 2 rounds a day if you use all 7*. Can't be that harsh to find to time to do 2 quick rounds.
    I wish it was that easy. Fairly unique position I believe. Quit playing in 2021. Started back up in January. I am paragon but I only have 1 7 star as 7 stars were not a thing when I quit playing. I could do it for roughly 80 units a day if I time everything up nicely. I don't think waiting will help me because refresh time is so long but I thought I would ask anyway. 2 more 7 stars would make this much easier lol.
    We've all been there at one point or another.
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    FolkvangrFolkvangr Posts: 90

    Buttehrs said:

    Will we be able to wait until the last day and do all 120 arena fight on the last day or will we not unlock the next days objective unless we have the current days objective done when the next one goes live?

    You can be the guinea pig if you want. Let us know. But it's literally only 2 rounds a day if you use all 7*. Can't be that harsh to find to time to do 2 quick rounds.
    I wish it was that easy. Fairly unique position I believe. Quit playing in 2021. Started back up in January. I am paragon but I only have 1 7 star as 7 stars were not a thing when I quit playing. I could do it for roughly 80 units a day if I time everything up nicely. I don't think waiting will help me because refresh time is so long but I thought I would ask anyway. 2 more 7 stars would make this much easier lol.
    Explore 8.3 and the quest that gives 7* shards and paragon crystals
    With that you should get at least 3 7*, more if you get lucky with the paragon crystals

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    spiderknight616spiderknight616 Posts: 467 ★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    Miobd said:

    Another BS event, on top of the extra energy with nothing todo… oh wait paragon+ do.. sad to see the game die this way

    What? This one requires absolutely zero energy and only 2-3 rounds of arena a day AT MOST. Lots of things to complain about in game but this one ain't one of them friend.
    Yeah. 6 7star fights per day for a nice 6r5 gem at the end? Effort required is very little for the final reward
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    BrianVHBrianVH Posts: 14

    Need help cannot play Magic Heist, everything u see on my screenshot is what i have,

    I do not have the daily special magic heist missions which come after Carinas Challenges,

    Maybe here can help me someone, i have open my own discussion but the most read only and i think no one from kabam would read it, I hate to miss the event, finally something I've been wanting to do for a long time, thank you very much for any help :)
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    UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Posts: 1,130 ★★★★
    BrianVH said:

    Need help cannot play Magic Heist, everything u see on my screenshot is what i have,

    I do not have the daily special magic heist missions which come after Carinas Challenges,

    Maybe here can help me someone, i have open my own discussion but the most read only and i think no one from kabam would read it, I hate to miss the event, finally something I've been wanting to do for a long time, thank you very much for any help :)

    That's odd. Mine's disappeared too. Granted, I've already done the objectives, but the tab (it was to the right of the Carina's Challenges, and you had to drag the tabs over to see it) is now gone.
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    Crine60Crine60 Posts: 1,401 ★★★★

    BrianVH said:

    Need help cannot play Magic Heist, everything u see on my screenshot is what i have,

    I do not have the daily special magic heist missions which come after Carinas Challenges,

    Maybe here can help me someone, i have open my own discussion but the most read only and i think no one from kabam would read it, I hate to miss the event, finally something I've been wanting to do for a long time, thank you very much for any help :)

    That's odd. Mine's disappeared too. Granted, I've already done the objectives, but the tab (it was to the right of the Carina's Challenges, and you had to drag the tabs over to see it) is now gone.
    I couldn't figure out where it was initially before accidentally dragging past Carina's since that is usually the last one and finding it there. Now it seems to be back closer to the left hand side instead of beyond the Carina tab.
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    BrianVHBrianVH Posts: 14
    thank you for your help @Usagicassidy and @Crine60
    I haven't accidentally collected the rewards yet, and what you see in the screenshot is all I have, I can't move anything or anything like that, I only have the tabs, Special - Battlegrounds - Daily - Weekly - and Carina Challenges. My cell phone and the app are both on the latest version, I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. Something like this has never happened to me in all my years.
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    NeverWasBornNeverWasBorn Posts: 58
    How will we be able to get 7*/6* Serpents? top 10/100 in the arena?
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    FolkvangrFolkvangr Posts: 90

    How will we be able to get 7*/6* Serpents? top 10/100 in the arena?

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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,994 ★★★★★

    Crine60 said:

    Correct me if I'm being stupid, but if there are 40 points and 20 days shouldn't we get 2 points every day? I only got 1

    Are you Paragon or higher? If not, you can only get 1 point I believe.
    Oh, I was wondering why noobs would be actually able to get a r4 to 5 gem. Eh at least I can get the 3 to 4 for paragon
    I am still unsure whether Uncollected is eligible. I see now the Daily Special tab is missing.
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    MidnightfoxMidnightfox Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    So the 7 star nightcrawler. Will that be paragon and above or just valiant? @Kabam Miike
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 3,089 ★★★★

    How will we be able to get 7*/6* Serpents? top 10/100 in the arena?

    By raffling via the side objectives
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    FlamebreakherFlamebreakher Posts: 10
    I became paragon after the event started and missed the paragon objective of day 1, can i still get the 4-5 gem?
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    KLZKLZ Posts: 162 ★★
    Can the 7* Saga sig stones be hold indefinitely, or at least until i have someone to use them for? This saga will be 3 months long, so what happens after? To they "expire", if not used?
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    So the 7 star nightcrawler. Will that be paragon and above or just valiant? @Kabam Miike

    Paragon +
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★

    So the 7 star nightcrawler. Will that be paragon and above or just valiant? @Kabam Miike

    Paragon +
    The rank up gem will get me paragon. Would I be able to get 7 star nightcralwer or would it be too late. That is if we r getting it now and not at the end of the saga. @Cat_Murdock
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    edited February 29

    So the 7 star nightcrawler. Will that be paragon and above or just valiant? @Kabam Miike

    Paragon +
    The rank up gem will get me paragon. Would I be able to get 7 star nightcralwer or would it be too late. That is if we r getting it now and not at the end of the saga. @Cat_Murdock
    It would be too late to earn the additional 5 Runestones available to Paragon+ in the milestones, and I don’t believe there are grace points for earning the 7-Star (you’ll need more than the ones just from here, it’s a Saga wide chase), but there will be some catch up offers to help people who missed Runestones from content

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    ede6688ede6688 Posts: 2
    Hey anyone knows what happened to the daily objectives?Still missing the objective tab so i can't progress in the event.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,073 ★★★★★

    So the 7 star nightcrawler. Will that be paragon and above or just valiant? @Kabam Miike

    Paragon +
    The rank up gem will get me paragon. Would I be able to get 7 star nightcralwer or would it be too late. That is if we r getting it now and not at the end of the saga. @Cat_Murdock
    It would be too late to earn the additional 5 Runestones available to Paragon+ in the milestones, and I don’t believe there are grace points for earning the 7-Star (you’ll need more than the ones just from here, it’s a Saga wide chase), but there will be some catch up offers to help people who missed Runestones from content

    I wonder how long it'll take for nightcrawler to hit the basic or even titan pool though. Unless....he'll be in the titan during the same time as the saga. Basically meaning the saga runestones are a way to target very specific champs before rng becomes the problem for them.
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    Jdollar77Jdollar77 Posts: 65
    Anyone know ifthe daily quests reset every 24 hours?

    I'm new Paragon and only have 2 7*heroes so not enought time to reset to do 6 fights in a day.

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    A_FungiA_Fungi Posts: 993 ★★★★
    Jdollar77 said:

    Anyone know ifthe daily quests reset every 24 hours?

    I'm new Paragon and only have 2 7*heroes so not enought time to reset to do 6 fights in a day.

    Yep, it's every 24 hours. 1200 CST
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    EdrumEdrum Posts: 7
    I missed first day, 2 tickets points,
    Does mean I will not able to reach last reward on magic heist ?
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,539 ★★★★★
    Edrum said:

    I missed first day, 2 tickets points,
    Does mean I will not able to reach last reward on magic heist ?

    You can still get there. It’s a 21 day event with the final milestone at 40 points. You cannot miss any more.
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