Alliance War placement bug



  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Kabam been real quiet @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    @Deathsworker i love how they are posting about next season perfectly fine but still refuse to acknowledge this one
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Don’t worry we lost another war because 10 defenders missing
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    5th day, many players effected by this issue. Still no response.. just wow..
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    They are quick to fix the nexus crystal mistake within the HOUR but ignore this 😂😂
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    They were QUICK to send out war rewards to sweep their mistake under the rug 😂 @Kabam Miike
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    @Kabam Miike we not letting this get ignored
  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    Jax sent me a warning for saying “Surprised you jumped on this now instead of NEVER like you guys did with the War Defender Placement bug. TWO of you even” on the Nexus Is Not A Nexus post.
  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    Kabam needs to own up to this. This affected people, costing us resources and in some cases money. I understand you higher-ranked guys might want some form of compensation (and I wouldn’t blame you), but personally I’d be happy with a “We recognize that Raids Week locked some summoners out of placing defenders in War. We deeply apologize for this huge inconvenience and are looking into the error that caused this.” statement on the forums AND via in-game mail. But NOTHING at all… I got 2 warnings related to this issue and BOTH times Kabam Jax completely avoided the topic. Shame on you, dude. Swallow your pride, acknowledge this bug and fix it before next month.
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    @TheExit27 it cost us top 10 war placement but I 100% agree. I would let it go with a simple sorry we messed up. The very least they owe us.
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    Absolutely none of us in the SGA-1 needs the rewards that we've missing between top10 and top20. Let's be on the same page about that.

    We are aiming that they know this bug, fix it before next raids and make sure that none of other alliances effected by this issue for next seasons because any other alliances can look for a replacement during the raid week for different reasons.

    And yes. We all deserve an apology for the resources and time we've lost because of this bug.
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Kabam commenting on general discussions still. Go flood the forums wherever they post
  • ChuckD05ChuckD05 Member Posts: 174

    I've got this issue. Have had to miss 2 wars and even left and rejoined to see if it would fix it. Nothing and just got an email saying they won't provide updates

    This is the exact thing they said to me about compensation for the lights out bug , which stumped a zone 5 run with the lazerith node that makes you have to kill them 5 times. And I got nothing. It’s quite sad.
  • ChuckD05ChuckD05 Member Posts: 174
    I think I understand why Kabam can’t acknowledge the bug, or at least apologize, and let us know they will fix it for the next raids week. They simply have no good solution… and if they say anything … it will only hurt the situation in their eyes.

    This bug directly lost us (sga) top 10. We won the last war by 1 but lost bc of diversity. That team got 7th and we dropped to 10-20 masters bracket. So many of us in this thread want compensation, but we lost titan shards , 7* crystal shards , t6cc and others in lower brackets have different rewards they lost. One compensation package for all won’t work here.

    With that said, I assume they are trying to fix it, and haven’t yet, so they are sticking their head in the sand hiding from this thread. We likely won’t hear a thing until they add a patch note… “fixed a bug where raids enrollment affected alliance war eligibility”

    Kabam, if you see this post , I would advise your team to at least acknowledge the fact that this issue exists, apologize for allowing the bug to affect our placements, and let us know you’re working to fix it. It would at least give us all something.

    Ignoring it just feels so bad, as a masters officer / player who puts tons of time and effort into this game I feel cheated, but more so disrespected by the lack of acknowledgement.
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    I really wonder how many day will pass before they say anything. We are at 6th day today..
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    @Deathsworker i posted on another thread and it got taken down with a warning from dear old jax. So hopefully he passes the message and doesn’t just continue to ignore it.
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★

    @Deathsworker i posted on another thread and it got taken down with a warning from dear old jax. So hopefully he passes the message and doesn’t just continue to ignore it.

    Lmfao what was the warning about?
  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    This was mine:

  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    And, yes, it’s out of respect to us who were affected that we get acknowledgment through an apology… and obviously fixing the issue before the next Raids Week. I don’t expect anything more… besides maybe not silencing us until then.
  • Tsl_ApolloTsl_Apollo Member Posts: 10
    The silence from kabam on this issue is deafening.
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
  • DarthMysticDarthMystic Member Posts: 110
    Just doing my part to make sure this stays visible and people don't get screwed if they add members during the next raid week
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Just another day of kabam ignoring the issue
  • Ordinary_DarkOrdinary_Dark Member Posts: 4
    so my alliance was affected by this aswell, dropped us in the ranks.
    The sad part is we were looking toi climb to Platinum and ended up almost dropping out of Gold1

    major screw up this
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    Yeah this affected a pretty big % of the community it seems like. Every one person affects 30 others so even if it’s only 100 people that couldn’t join that affects 3k people..
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    And instead of looking into it, fixing the problem, and apologizing, they are deleting comments and warning/banning people from forums. @Kabam Miike
  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    I've noticed the Disagree Bots are beginning to view this thread. Next are the Kabam Loyalists. After that Kabam Mike will chime in with a "That's enough of this thread" response and close it. Got no timeline to this, but it's pretty typical.
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    Yeah @TheExit27 i was noticing all the disagrees lol. Pretty crazy
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★

    You said this was last Tuesday.
    By now, those new people might be able to place defenders.
    Which should apply for the next war starting on Sunday.
    They probably have already been able to join in Attack this past war (?)

    Seems like it's just been taking a complete war+ or 2 before things automatically settle down (between still being in previous Ally, your own still being in your own even after leaving, and then finally all being available and have the spot open to place in).

    If you’re asking for compensation for wars in which you didn’t have complete defense, that's not gonna happen. There have been LOTS of alliances that have to wait it out as well, ever since Persistent Placement was added to game.

    When guardian’s think they know what they’re talking about lol
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★
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