Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alliance War placement bug



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    MisoMiso Posts: 2
    I’m not sure how they could let an issue like this go on with no response for over a week.
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    AndremlopesAndremlopes Posts: 85
    we got the same problem in my alliance... we are going to the third war with the same problem
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    Nicoya24Nicoya24 Posts: 38

    So going on 2 days of a bug that is clearly affecting how MANY people play one of their most popular game modes and can’t even get an acknowledgment of the issue. @Kabam Miike Instead, uninformed support people are gas lighting players into thinking they don’t know how to play the game mode they’ve been playing for years and years.

    Technically we have had this issue since 5 days ago but the post yes 2-3 days ago.
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    I'm the leader of a p2 alliance and I've been having this problem since Tuesday, we're playing with 1 less player. Kabam is a terrible company because it doesn't solve the problem and doesn't provide solid answers. They are just prolonging the subject, I lost 1 war due to the diversity and number of deaths. This type of situation without decent support is absurd.
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    DarthMysticDarthMystic Posts: 60
    edited February 25
    It's obviously not going to get fixed for this season. None of us will likely get a solution/resolution that we are happy with.
    What really sucks for everyone else is if it is raids related, it will fix itself for next war which will be during the off-season. At that point since kabam haven't acknowledged the bug it will go unresolved until raids start again and a new set of alliances are affected.
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    Cr4nkCr4nk Posts: 1
    In our alliance 4 new players have the same issues. They joined days ago and there not able to place their defenders or to choose their attackers.

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    Ppatel1984Ppatel1984 Posts: 1
    edited February 26
    I've got this issue. Have had to miss 2 wars and even left and rejoined to see if it would fix it. Nothing and just got an email saying they won't provide updates

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    DzlVikingDzlViking Posts: 4
    I am an officer in (n70) kop70 alliance and we have had the same issue for the past 2 wars as well. We have five new members that are unable to place defenders or join the fight. They have all been members for more than 24 hours. We had a couple members that joined the same time as the ones that can’t join war, that had no issue joining.
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    Kabam very bad!
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    Hello Summoner,

    Thank you for your response along with the requested information. I understand you wanted to report an issue with your Alliance Member not being able to place Defenders in the Alliance War.

    I wanted to share with you that it is intended in the game that player is only able to spectate and cannot participate in the Alliance War that has already started. It is also game intended that if the player joined the Alliance War after the Placement Phase began, they would not be able to place Defenders until the next War. If the affected player is new to the Alliance, you may want to suggest in giving it a try setting up the Defenders before the next Matchmaking and after the current Alliance War concludes. If the affected player still experienced an issue, please advised him/her to contact us directly, and also provide the list of the Champions he/she intend to put in place as Defenders. If they have any screenshots or videos of the issue, please reply with those as well. These videos and screenshots may contain details or information that can help the team to address the issue more quickly. We may also ask you additional questions or request a video if we find that we need more information for our report.

    Your cooperation is highly appreciated. If you need assistance with any new issues that come up, please contact us back. We will be happy to help you out as best as we can. Thank you for your time, and have a great day.

    Kind regards,

    Kabam Support
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    BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Posts: 161 ★★
    Don’t ever listen to support they couldn’t tell what champion class ironheart is lmao. Kabam showing they are no better. @Ppatel1984
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    BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Posts: 161 ★★
    Seems like raids was the issue. Thanks for nothing @Kabam Miike
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    Nicoya24Nicoya24 Posts: 38

    So an update for everyone impacted. As soon as raids ended the 10th member of my battle group (bg2) can now join in the attack. I knew it was impacted by the raids week. This is something that has to be fixed moving forward. Officers/leaders in alliances already have a tough time when people leave out of nowhere and to recruit someone reliable takes up a ton of time and energy for those involved to get someone in and not to mention "the right person" into the alliance. Blocking them from joining wars for a whole week is ridiculous and completely puts a group of 30 into a bind when trying to be competitive with their fellow peers.

    We were at a disadvantage against 3 of the top 10 teams in alliance wars due to this bug (salty, Gt40, and now Legion) and have now went from fighting for podium to potentially being pushed down to p1. Support has been "unsupportive" with this issue and this should be escalated to those who are able to help prevent this from happening again. I think the impacted alliances should also be compensated with resources and a ranked reward for the potential of where they could have been placed. We will never know how our group would have done with a even playing field.
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    Nicoya24Nicoya24 Posts: 38
    Nicoya24 said:

    So an update for everyone impacted. As soon as raids ended the 10th member of my battle group (bg2) can now join in the attack. I knew it was impacted by the raids week. This is something that has to be fixed moving forward. Officers/leaders in alliances already have a tough time when people leave out of nowhere and to recruit someone reliable takes up a ton of time and energy for those involved to get someone in and not to mention "the right person" into the alliance. Blocking them from joining wars for a whole week is ridiculous and completely puts a group of 30 into a bind when trying to be competitive with their fellow peers.

    We were at a disadvantage against 3 of the top 10 teams in alliance wars due to this bug (salty, Gt40, and now Legion) and have now went from fighting for podium to potentially being pushed down to p1. Support has been "unsupportive" with this issue and this should be escalated to those who are able to help prevent this from happening again. I think the impacted alliances should also be compensated with resources and a ranked reward for the potential of where they could have been placed. We will never know how our group would have done with a even playing field.

    I should add that the resource portion mentioned was due to only have 9 players attacking without a 10th person to help clear the map. Which equates to more items being used whether loyalty or units.
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    TheExit27TheExit27 Posts: 679 ★★★
    Had the same issue as you guys. The week we were SUPPOSED to have Raids Week, I had issues with 2 of my teammates not being able to join until Friday the 16th. Then on the 19th it was an issue again, here were my posts about it:



    Of course, Kabam didn't respond to me either.
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    Nicoya24Nicoya24 Posts: 38
    TheExit27 said:

    Had the same issue as you guys. The week we were SUPPOSED to have Raids Week, I had issues with 2 of my teammates not being able to join until Friday the 16th. Then on the 19th it was an issue again, here were my posts about it:



    Of course, Kabam didn't respond to me either.

    Wow. You have been going through this for that long!? Now I am scared that this won't end happily for my tier 1 ally.
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    GrumrokGrumrok Posts: 72
    edited February 26
    Got this problem back in decmber already - was luckily resolved before season started after a long fight with kabam support.

    Again this season after emergency switch of a member midseason, playing last 3 war's with 29 players cuz once again the new member can't place defense.

    Kabam doesent care, dont really react and doesent help at all.
    So nothing new with this problem for our alliance and kabam screwing over entire alliances with such problems.

    This is a hughe hughe L for kabam.

    Edit : Link to former thread added :

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    TheExit27TheExit27 Posts: 679 ★★★
    @Grumrok I commented on your post from December about Kabam NOT being thorough... and @Kabam Jax IMMEDIATELY privately messaged me with a warning about bumping OLD posts.

    Talk about priorities
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    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra Awfully quiet aren’t we ? Can’t seem to do anything right these days huh?
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    DeathsworkerDeathsworker Posts: 157 ★★
    Man if you think that’s bad. We replaced 3 people and we were out 9 defenders for 3 wars due to the bug. Our ranking literally dropped by 2 placements. Of course kabam doesn’t do anything and contacting support is just a waste of time.
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    DarthMysticDarthMystic Posts: 60
    To echo what everyone else is saying, as soon as raids ended our member could place. Now that war season is over with no acknowledgement of the issue from kabam it will go unresolved. As I mentioned in an earlier post good luck to anyone who replaces a member during next raids week as this bug will likely still be there. Let's see if you get ignored as well
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    TheExit27TheExit27 Posts: 679 ★★★
    We need to be proactive next month and hope to solidify our defenses before Raids Week starts again. I understand we can't account for emergency situations, but we also can't rely on Kabam... their lack of care on this issue is louder than what they've said so far about it.
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    Tsl_ApolloTsl_Apollo Posts: 9
    edited February 27
    As a member of SGA it's very sad that kabam has not acknowledged this issue. It has greatly impacted out war season :/
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    ExHavokExHavok Posts: 519 ★★★

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    ChrisAfterdarkChrisAfterdark Posts: 11
    edited February 27
    Well we won our last AW of season. Wouldn’t have been as close if the placement issue was resolved but never was fixed thanks to Kabam. Diversity would have been 145 instead of 140 but we lost an AW two wars before this one bc of this issue. I’m also disbanding my alliance now bc I can’t handle running an alliance when constant stuff like this continues and the glitches are unreal anymore. Thanks for nothing Kabam.
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