Who designed the Wow Dani fight?

I want to give them a hug. This is actually the best designed piece of content that has been put out in awhile. I genuinely found myself having a really good time soloing the objectives. Kudos to the designer here.
Chefs kiss
Chefs kiss
Difficulty 7-8/10, fun 10/10, that's how these fights should be imo.
The last 2 were too easy, we all know how AbsMan turned out but this one is just, awesome!
I had to use a revive on photon for the last objective cause I slipped up when she hit 20% and I didn’t want to go back in again lmao. Super fun fight, even with deathless Guilly who does way more damage than I through she did with the degens
Also Guilly 2099 stonks are at an all time high imo. What a comeback. Personally in terms of fun I’d say Dani > Hulkling > Nebula > Abs.
Actually upon further reflection, abs man was only decently tuned for one objective. I had rose tinted glasses for the she hulk fight because its been a while since I got that solo, but it was actually completely up to the ai to play ball with specials. If he turtled and you lost your furies, the fight was essentially over due to his regen and how long it took to ramp back up. Hopefully thats better managed in the second iteration
A lot of hurt feelings could have been avoided if they started with the Hulkling/Moonstar tandem. Lessons learned indeed.
As the guy who usually says content is too easy, this gets the Wicket Seal of Just Right Approval. This was a very well tuned fight.
@Emilia90 if you get an eye patch it isn't too bad, if you don't you can only use one hand cause you have to cover you eye with the other one so I highly advice you get one 🙂
Edit: **** wrong eye 🙃
The way I would like to but so far ben have alot of fun with this fight yes after one learns to dexterity the sp2 u didn’t have to worry to much
It is a style of fight where you learn and get better the more you practice and, in turn, become a better player or, at the minimum, better at dexing Dani Moonstar's special 2 attack.
Whomever worked on designing this fight should feel very accomplished and put in charge of all new fights like this.
This was exactly what WoW needed and the only miss was the #Robot objective for Abs Man on week 1.
This is a great fight and I enjoyed learning and conquering this one.
Kudos to Kabam and the team behind this.
We often harp on the bad things that happen, but we need to absolutely celebrate this accomplishment when they happen!
- Mando
This exemplifies the fact this was a well designed and fun fight IMHO!
- Mando
Your options are to learn to dodge it, avoid it (either by method of power draining and block baiting) or lastly (revive through it...)
i know some people were blocking the first hit and dexing the rest so that makes sense. I have issues dexing korgs sp1 when i rely on the foot thing personally. I think it might be that im swiping with my left hand and it registers as a block, instead of most people swiping with their right thumb