
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 740 ★★★★

    Crush started it, this tactic made it worse. Kabam really wants to kill the mode. If this is being made by anyone who has played the game in a top tier alliance, then either they're forced by Kabam to make such **** tactics which totally ignores the 'involvement of high tier player opinions' or that person is just someone who wants to tailor war to his/her own needs and doesn't care about the community. If that's the case, war is doomed. My Alt is in T5 and no one wants to do this meta.

    i think whoever is doing this is either being forced to by the money guys, or has let things get to their head and refuses to think about the players, and the most cynic in me thinks it's something else but i don't want to say it.
    I think it was a genuine attempt to make T1/2 wars more difficult
    i really hope they put a stop to it because t1 isn't anything special and they're not immune to the problems being talked about. a handful of teams at the top can maybe handle it, but most can't. the ELITE map agenda needs to go.
  • travgianttravgiant Member Posts: 22
    edited March 26
    Can we please just get some sort of response on this, people clearly hate this.
    This is the least fun I’ve ever had in this game by so so far
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    It is wild that this thread is still going without some version of Kabam response. I've seen Jax edited someone's post, which means they are definitely watching why no word? Not even a 'we will open discussions with the community' or something?
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 876 ★★★★
    At this point I’m having a hard time justifying the use of 1 loyalty revives.

    Zero chance I’m playing aw next season if they continue doubling down on these bs metas.
  • StatureStature Member Posts: 433 ★★★

    Crush started it, this tactic made it worse. Kabam really wants to kill the mode. If this is being made by anyone who has played the game in a top tier alliance, then either they're forced by Kabam to make such **** tactics which totally ignores the 'involvement of high tier player opinions' or that person is just someone who wants to tailor war to his/her own needs and doesn't care about the community. If that's the case, war is doomed. My Alt is in T5 and no one wants to do this meta.

    i think whoever is doing this is either being forced to by the money guys, or has let things get to their head and refuses to think about the players, and the most cynic in me thinks it's something else but i don't want to say it.
    I don't think it was the money guys, I think it was a genuine attempt to make T1/2 wars more difficult to split the alliances out more at that level.
    Unfortunately they applied to change to T4/5 alliances when there was never really a problem.
    Don't think it was directly money, but it is likely they aren't happy with the trend in consumables post the 1 loyalty revive change. Effectively it took out AW revives as a unit sink, with the expectation that increased participation will lead to increased health potion usage. That probably did not pan out. So now we have tactics which recreate the earlier issue of completely blocking off progression on some paths for less skilled players. Theoretically, you can chip out the defender with multiple revives, but for the first time since the 1 loyalty revive I have seen maps not fully explored in lower platinum leagues. People are just giving up, I believe that is the desired intent. The target is either to reduce the infrastructure load from AW by reducing participation or eventually tune it to a point where health potion and boosts usage goes up enough to justify the game mode.
  • Diem926Diem926 Member Posts: 37
    YoMoves said:

    It is wild that this thread is still going without some version of Kabam response. I've seen Jax edited someone's post, which means they are definitely watching why no word? Not even a 'we will open discussions with the community' or something?

    Just bring it up during the live stream on the 28th. It would be difficult for them to ignore if enough of the community is voicing the same concerns.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,700 ★★★★★
    GabeZRod said:

    FunnyDude said:

    GabeZRod said:

    The fact that Bullseye, Serpent, and Killmonger alone are in this defense tactic is heinous. Everyone is just maximizing these champs because it’s an automatic loss of attack bonus wherever they appear. War used to be my favorite tactic. I have spent countless hours developing a huge defense planning spreadsheet, and right now I can barely get people to join without threatening to leave the alliance

    I wouldn't say automatic, I've solo'd plenty of Bullseyes and Killmongers. Haven't actually faced a serpent on my path or mini yet.
    Unfortunately, it's not just about you, it's about another 29 players in your alliance. If handful of them can't do this kind of fight anymore, your alliance is in trouble, alliance is built based on human relationship, you can't just run it like recruiting a bunch of mercenaries.

    I do believe there are very good players in all war tiers, but when the game content is too difficult, some of them can't follow up and quit, this will destabilise alliance, which is foundation of the game.

    No the node is overtuned I've said this from the start that it's going to drive players away and it should never have been put out. Especially since they ban iceman and that's a big part of the hazard shift side gone.

    I was just replying to the guy that said any Bullseyes or Killmongers are instant attack bonuses lost. I'm sure most players can at least salvage some attack bonus on bullseye now, and killmonger is very easily manageable when is isn't on one eye open hazard shift.
    I mean…. Have you gotten to fight a 7* R3 duped champ on stun reflect? You need incin/poison to be able to parry him as a way to remove invul passives. You need DOT to gain power, which makes KM gain power faster. If he launches an sp1, you can’t hit into his block to remove invul passives, but he’ll just go unstoppable and kill you. Even with a fully ranked up counter, full boosts, and a cooperative AI, your margin for error is so thin that even more skilled players have a hard time getting a solo. You shouldn’t need to rely on the stars aligning for something to have a minimal chance of soloing a fight in Alliance War. That’s Winter of Woe level of nonsense, but at least WOW pays out individuals for getting through that.
    Yes, I used Sorcerer Supreme, solo'd
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,947 Guardian

    GabeZRod said:

    FunnyDude said:

    GabeZRod said:

    The fact that Bullseye, Serpent, and Killmonger alone are in this defense tactic is heinous. Everyone is just maximizing these champs because it’s an automatic loss of attack bonus wherever they appear. War used to be my favorite tactic. I have spent countless hours developing a huge defense planning spreadsheet, and right now I can barely get people to join without threatening to leave the alliance

    I wouldn't say automatic, I've solo'd plenty of Bullseyes and Killmongers. Haven't actually faced a serpent on my path or mini yet.
    Unfortunately, it's not just about you, it's about another 29 players in your alliance. If handful of them can't do this kind of fight anymore, your alliance is in trouble, alliance is built based on human relationship, you can't just run it like recruiting a bunch of mercenaries.

    I do believe there are very good players in all war tiers, but when the game content is too difficult, some of them can't follow up and quit, this will destabilise alliance, which is foundation of the game.

    No the node is overtuned I've said this from the start that it's going to drive players away and it should never have been put out. Especially since they ban iceman and that's a big part of the hazard shift side gone.

    I was just replying to the guy that said any Bullseyes or Killmongers are instant attack bonuses lost. I'm sure most players can at least salvage some attack bonus on bullseye now, and killmonger is very easily manageable when is isn't on one eye open hazard shift.
    I mean…. Have you gotten to fight a 7* R3 duped champ on stun reflect? You need incin/poison to be able to parry him as a way to remove invul passives. You need DOT to gain power, which makes KM gain power faster. If he launches an sp1, you can’t hit into his block to remove invul passives, but he’ll just go unstoppable and kill you. Even with a fully ranked up counter, full boosts, and a cooperative AI, your margin for error is so thin that even more skilled players have a hard time getting a solo. You shouldn’t need to rely on the stars aligning for something to have a minimal chance of soloing a fight in Alliance War. That’s Winter of Woe level of nonsense, but at least WOW pays out individuals for getting through that.
    Yes, I used Sorcerer Supreme, solo'd
    Sorc is actually the only counter to that fight.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 740 ★★★★

    Came to add to this, my feedback has changed. When we consider a full diversity alliance, these champs are painful to face, but atleast there is only one of them.
    I'm consistently facing alliances placing multiple bullseyes, serpents and KMs. I am a t1 player, currently chilling with the old crew in high t2. Facing 2-3 bullseyes on my path is NOT fun. Planning for these crappy defenders is NOT fun. Facing multiple copies is NOT fun. i can solo these defenders for the most part, but keeping the crews' morale up through this is... NOT fun.
    T2 is brutal with these alliances opting to inflict pain on each other, and at this point, war is NOT fun.

    goes to show you how bad it is. non-perfect diversity in the higher tiers was really really rare prior to crush.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,055 ★★★★★

    Came to add to this, my feedback has changed. When we consider a full diversity alliance, these champs are painful to face, but atleast there is only one of them.
    I'm consistently facing alliances placing multiple bullseyes, serpents and KMs. I am a t1 player, currently chilling with the old crew in high t2. Facing 2-3 bullseyes on my path is NOT fun. Planning for these crappy defenders is NOT fun. Facing multiple copies is NOT fun. i can solo these defenders for the most part, but keeping the crews' morale up through this is... NOT fun.
    T2 is brutal with these alliances opting to inflict pain on each other, and at this point, war is NOT fun.

    Can’t blame those alliances though, the current sandbox devalued diversity, and rewards rigid pain.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,700 ★★★★★
    edited March 26

    GabeZRod said:

    FunnyDude said:

    GabeZRod said:

    The fact that Bullseye, Serpent, and Killmonger alone are in this defense tactic is heinous. Everyone is just maximizing these champs because it’s an automatic loss of attack bonus wherever they appear. War used to be my favorite tactic. I have spent countless hours developing a huge defense planning spreadsheet, and right now I can barely get people to join without threatening to leave the alliance

    I wouldn't say automatic, I've solo'd plenty of Bullseyes and Killmongers. Haven't actually faced a serpent on my path or mini yet.
    Unfortunately, it's not just about you, it's about another 29 players in your alliance. If handful of them can't do this kind of fight anymore, your alliance is in trouble, alliance is built based on human relationship, you can't just run it like recruiting a bunch of mercenaries.

    I do believe there are very good players in all war tiers, but when the game content is too difficult, some of them can't follow up and quit, this will destabilise alliance, which is foundation of the game.

    No the node is overtuned I've said this from the start that it's going to drive players away and it should never have been put out. Especially since they ban iceman and that's a big part of the hazard shift side gone.

    I was just replying to the guy that said any Bullseyes or Killmongers are instant attack bonuses lost. I'm sure most players can at least salvage some attack bonus on bullseye now, and killmonger is very easily manageable when is isn't on one eye open hazard shift.
    I mean…. Have you gotten to fight a 7* R3 duped champ on stun reflect? You need incin/poison to be able to parry him as a way to remove invul passives. You need DOT to gain power, which makes KM gain power faster. If he launches an sp1, you can’t hit into his block to remove invul passives, but he’ll just go unstoppable and kill you. Even with a fully ranked up counter, full boosts, and a cooperative AI, your margin for error is so thin that even more skilled players have a hard time getting a solo. You shouldn’t need to rely on the stars aligning for something to have a minimal chance of soloing a fight in Alliance War. That’s Winter of Woe level of nonsense, but at least WOW pays out individuals for getting through that.
    Yes, I used Sorcerer Supreme, solo'd
    Sorc is actually the only counter to that fight.
    I did do it with dragonman too, granted I died once that fight when sorcerer was banned. But it wasn't a stone wall that was insurmountable. You get him in the corner and do pretty huge damage.

    I actually find the one eye open hazard shift node much worse than the stun reflect node since that has much more limited options.
  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 541 ★★★★

    Came to add to this, my feedback has changed. When we consider a full diversity alliance, these champs are painful to face, but atleast there is only one of them.
    I'm consistently facing alliances placing multiple bullseyes, serpents and KMs. I am a t1 player, currently chilling with the old crew in high t2. Facing 2-3 bullseyes on my path is NOT fun. Planning for these crappy defenders is NOT fun. Facing multiple copies is NOT fun. i can solo these defenders for the most part, but keeping the crews' morale up through this is... NOT fun.
    T2 is brutal with these alliances opting to inflict pain on each other, and at this point, war is NOT fun.

    An angry Guardian :-)
    thanks for speaking out your feeling
  • PIKESTAINPIKESTAIN Member Posts: 186 ★★
    FunnyDude said:

    Came to add to this, my feedback has changed. When we consider a full diversity alliance, these champs are painful to face, but atleast there is only one of them.
    I'm consistently facing alliances placing multiple bullseyes, serpents and KMs. I am a t1 player, currently chilling with the old crew in high t2. Facing 2-3 bullseyes on my path is NOT fun. Planning for these crappy defenders is NOT fun. Facing multiple copies is NOT fun. i can solo these defenders for the most part, but keeping the crews' morale up through this is... NOT fun.
    T2 is brutal with these alliances opting to inflict pain on each other, and at this point, war is NOT fun.

    An angry Guardian :-)
    thanks for speaking out your feeling
    I want to tread carefully here due to being warned once. But I’m glad a guardian is speaking up. I’d really like for them to make a comment on plans going forward. We’re halfway through the worst season I’ve ever participated in, I wonder what their outlook is going forward.
  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 541 ★★★★

    whitemummy is an officer in one of the best ever war teams and they're finding it unenjoyable.

    when will this insanity end?

    NewN officer? So I feel bad not because I'm not skilled enough.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 740 ★★★★
    FunnyDude said:

    whitemummy is an officer in one of the best ever war teams and they're finding it unenjoyable.

    when will this insanity end?

    NewN officer? So I feel bad not because I'm not skilled enough.
    yes Newn. mummy has the war champion tag and mastership, which is hitting masters 20+ times.
  • CobraSCobraS Member Posts: 64
    Thnx Kabam for this enlighted new global. Our leader and many members decided to leave this game. 5 years of playing together thrown away because of a foolish defeloper that created a global that let players leave the game.
  • ZilliaxerZilliaxer Member Posts: 85
    edited March 29

    Platinum 6
    No words
  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 541 ★★★★
    CobraS said:

    Thnx Kabam for this enlighted new global. Our leader and many members decided to leave this game. 5 years of playing together thrown away because of a foolish defeloper that created a global that let players leave the game.

    Guess the ASAP is too late for many alliances, sad
    As I said, PR of Kabam is a disaster
  • mattavelimattaveli Member Posts: 78
    They probably are tested but to the point where they are happy for it to be as difficult as they can possibly make it without getting in any real trouble. They know many ppl don’t spend money on the game so it’s there way of trying to get as many potions, units into hoping those none spenders then have to spend to get the relevant potions/revives needed to stay in there alliance.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 740 ★★★★
    even after the nerf i wish this global would get cancelled. and next season is going to cause problems because of the blacklist, which is why i'm really starting to hate the ban system.

    broken globals (A) + the ban system (B) + restrictive attacker tags (C) = PAIN

    A got toned down but C combined with B will make the entire season a pain again. so what's the solution, adding more champions to x magica again??

    if so, it's too late with just a month left in magic thief and it proves the idea that we stumble through these seasons and waste loyalty on the mode and on ranking champions that won't even matter a month later, then we continue the cycle of pain and frustration with the next global while waiting on "the data" to confirm what we already know yet again.

    war is in a really bad state and only ending the agenda of wanting Broken Alliance Wars (more deaths) will fix it.
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