Sparky cutoff prediction - basic arena
What'sup guys.
I know it's more than a week away, but I thought I'd get this discussion going early since most people who, like me, weren't lucky enough to pull him would be grinding.
My thoughts are low 7M in round 1.. and drop to about 5M second round.
What do you guys think? Close? Too high?
What are you going to grind?
I know it's more than a week away, but I thought I'd get this discussion going early since most people who, like me, weren't lucky enough to pull him would be grinding.
My thoughts are low 7M in round 1.. and drop to about 5M second round.
What do you guys think? Close? Too high?
What are you going to grind?
Probably like just stop around there
When I was a starting out back in the summer, I had to put in at least 1.5 million in arenas to win champs in my bracket. I was able to pull Hood, Iron Man, and X23 with 1.5 million. During Dormammu' s arena, I remember only putting in 1.3 million and coming up short.
Granted, I didn't know about brackets until about a month into my account, so I'm not certain that I was in the beginner bracket for those champs.
That sounds like the cutoffs I had in the Basic arena in the Intermediate bracket. Beginner was 600-800k for me.
Please continue to send your thoughts/ predictions in.
SHHH...if he stops at 500k then increases the pool size without him taking a top spot.
I honestly cannot fathom the time spent on getting to 5 million or more. That's some next level grinding and dedication.
I do not know what bracket I am in (my rank milestones went up once that I noticed... for example it went from 15,000 in the lowest arena to 30,000 to rank... highest arena to rank right now for me is 350,000). Seems odd I would go up just for barely ranking on a few of them... but maybe ranking on any level counts towards you going up in brackets? Seems odd.
I am just afraid of trying to grind it out and not make it (would feel like a waste unless I got what I was aiming for). Also only been playing for like 3-4 months so my roster is not good enough to really do well in arena. I feel I would need to have played for a year or better before I would be viable for arenas.
Best of luck to all that are going for him though!
That is just mean dude.
He could break a record, sure, with 10% of the pool getting him, I don't see his cutoff higher than 7 max
Well my roster is probably what most would say is average/above average and I can do 500k points just with the 4*s so in reality it’s only about 3-4 arena sessions a day.