This War Format is begging me to close my alliance



  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    You know top alliances are very tight, but the minute you mess up, they mostly just kick you. If you been with them for a while they are more understanding and forgive you. 1 person can mess it up for everyone and 29 members will be upset. I was way more considerate than them is why we never progressed and I was ok with that.
  • Rob0001Rob0001 Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2024
    @Arpollito I agree. There's a lot of leeches out there and clowns who think they're king turd cause some newbs and idiots think they're so great.
    Do you dude. Your account rocks.
    I did the same thing sick of carrying these chumps.
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    Ive asked others I can trust to take over, there are no volunteers because they don’t have time. Its not the end of the world the alliance will become available once Kabam changes the format if they don’t the. It will remain close. I never had any problem recruiting is why I’m still here with 30 people in my alliance following me.
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    Excuse me Heinz let me say it a different way, I’ve tried doing everything you guys are so eloquently have mentioned but it’s just time to shut it down for everyone’s benefit. You guys did not create my alliance you will not lose anything from me doing what I’m doing I just want to put it out there that I don’t agree with the new war format. I am capable of thriving myself because I have the time and resources, but my other alliance mates don’t. So if they seriously want to continue playing it’s up to them.
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    This tactic is absolute garbage
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    Most of the people I kick for inactivity, stay inactive after I kick them. What does that tell you? They are being carried and don’t have enough time to actually to commit properly and they do not contribute they’re part in helping the alliance succeed.
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    I’m glad I was able to entertain you guys. I hope to post my success in another alliance when I get there.
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 896 ★★★

    I'm in a gold 5/6 alliance. We run two groups. We have 20 people place, but only about seven do attack. And we've been in gold 5/6 for the last four seasons doing that, and we don't care about deaths. You won't drop to bronze.

    Our alliance is doing the same, except we sit at Gold 4/5. Most could give a **** about war. Those who participate use the 40% revives as needed, and somehow we just keep hanging in there at Gold 5 at the very worst.
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    Zuffy I just saw your gold 5 post so your about the top 4000 you wouldn’t understand any of my post since we consistently hit top 500 at platinum 4 and it would be ridiculous for you to even try to recruit me. It’s like when people with prestige below 15k want to join my alliance.
  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 171 ★★
    Arpollito said:

    Zuffy I just saw your gold 5 post so your about the top 4000 you wouldn’t understand any of my post since we consistently hit top 500 at platinum 4 and it would be ridiculous for you to even try to recruit me. It’s like when people with prestige below 15k want to join my alliance.

    you could.... just not do war for a season? why disband the whole ally?
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    So what part is confusing Ivar?
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,269 ★★★★★
    Arpollito said:

    Excuse me Heinz let me say it a different way, I’ve tried doing everything you guys are so eloquently have mentioned but it’s just time to shut it down for everyone’s benefit. You guys did not create my alliance you will not lose anything from me doing what I’m doing I just want to put it out there that I don’t agree with the new war format. I am capable of thriving myself because I have the time and resources, but my other alliance mates don’t. So if they seriously want to continue playing it’s up to them.

    maybe you've put up with a lot of **** and are fed up, but judging by your posts you have a rotten attitude especially for a leader. don't take it as an insult but you come across as these guys suck and don't deserve me. it's not fitting for a leader at all.

    like we said, you have every right to leave but it's your responsibility to keep your guys alive, so find a replacement then leave.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,269 ★★★★★
    lol why is the forum censoring c rap?
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    edited April 2024
    Most of the stuff I say or post gets censored. It’s true.
    They can stay I’ll leave, but why is it my responsibility now to save them the trouble of getting them organized before I leave.
    Doesn’t make sense does it.
    Then I might as well just stay.
    I posted earlier that you guys are just not capable of understanding!!! Having 9 years of constantly doing everything you can for your alliance and all 3 groups to stay relevant means.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,744 ★★★★★
    Arpollito said:

    Zuffy your good enough to comment but do you have a great alliance that you can accommodate me.

    I have a master 3 Alliance, are you interested? 😃
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,078 ★★★★★
    Arpollito said:

    Zuffy your good enough to comment but do you have a great alliance that you can accommodate me.

    Pick me behaviour feat Mcoc
  • ArpollitoArpollito Member Posts: 96
    Ok Captain Rodger’s and you think I have a problem. This is off-season and I’m not letting anyone leave without claiming their rewards.
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