Tell Kabam what you want on July 4th Deals…

Now that Kabam confirmed that 7* R4 materials won’t be in the July 4th deals. What items/crystals would you like Kabam to bring to the offers to make it worth your units/money ? Pick the thing you want the most from the offers and comment what else you want to see added.
Tell Kabam what you want on July 4th Deals… 178 votes
- Archangel.
- Kingpin
- Human Torch.
- Absorbing Man.
- Hulkling.
- Nimrod
Watch their sales blow up
Dude I wish you were right but I don’t see those champs as a 7* anytime soon lol
Just admit you're not ready for the responsibility.
I guess you've got to pull them once to get the dupe, but man...when I'm pulling Gambit for the EIGHTH time, it really starts to get on my nerves.