Kabam’s infringement of freedom of speech.

Cboi69Cboi69 Member Posts: 60
edited June 2024 in General Discussion

Kabam this is an infringement of my rights as a player. You guys push an agenda to make money, make everyone homosexual or bisexual, whatever. And then you guys ban people who don’t agree with you? To an American like me, this just looks like you guys are facists and don’t want us to speak our minds because when we do then you don’t make money, get bad reviews, and users leave your game. Not only do you silence those who speak out against your agenda. But you go into chats telling everyone that I’ve been banned, making them ridicule me even more.
Post edited by Kabam Jax on


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Cboi69 said:

    Funny that you tried to censor the name but it's still up there

    I don’t really care bout that. I want to know why this is happening. Your not adding anything to this conversation.
    What about that duck though?
  • Cboi69Cboi69 Member Posts: 60
    JessieS said:

    Holy **** I didn’t know that Kabam is part of the US government . I mean that’s the only way they could be infringing on your freedom of speech you know that right . Damn . So does this mean Kabam is getting is on the ballot in November 😛

    They have an office based in the United States, they should be adhering to freedom of speech laws in the United States.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,585 ★★★★★
    Write elon musk a letter and ask him to buy kabaam. Only way everyone gets to give an opinion, right, wrong, or indifferent.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,235 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Jax Bud you really thought you could chill on the first day of Pride month? Get back to work ASAP!

    He's sipping Margaritas in the Bahamas with Mike lmaoo
  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Cboi69 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Cboi69 said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Cboi69 said:

    Bendy said:

    Because u should be respectful to everyone and what seems from ur post is u was being rude to a community that the game has people of the culture and u should start respecting

    Is this respect?

    Is a person making fun of religion respect?
    No I'm making fun of you. Which you would know, but you were educated in the US
    You’re literally making fun of the chatholic church. And if I’m being banned for being rude towards the lgbtq community, then you should be banned for disrespecting religion.
    Again, I'm disrespecting you, not religion.
    Who said I’m a catholic, I could’ve been Jewish, Muslim, bhuddist, etc. but you chose to make fun of the catholic religion. Is that not being rude and insulting?
    He did NOT making fun towards a religion. read properly. You on the other hand, is trying to establish a hatred towards a group of people who is not hurting anyone. Please be nice to others
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,235 ★★★★★
    Bro is genuinely tweaking
  • CotziCotzi Member Posts: 130
    Cboi69 said:

    Cotzi said:

    Cboi69 said:

    Cotzi said:

    Cboi69 said:

    Kabam this is an infringement of my rights as a player. You guys push an agenda to make money, make everyone homosexual or bisexual, whatever. And then you guys ban people who don’t agree with you? To an American like me, this just looks like you guys are facists and don’t want us to speak our minds because when we do then you don’t make money, get bad reviews, and users leave your game. Not only do you silence those who speak out against your agenda. But you go into chats telling everyone that I’ve been banned, making them ridicule me even more.

    Nobody is trying to make you bisexual or homosexual, you are going insane and convinced yourself there is a woke boogeyman trying to take your straightness. Piss off mate.
    Kabam banned me from global chat because I was talking about how it wasn’t cool to force this on players.
    What exactly is kabam trying to force, i get it. Speaking out against kabam because sometimes they do scummy stuff. But you're complaining about something as insignificant as this. You're insolent and immature.
    If you were playing a video game that you liked, and were suddenly seen images telling you that Jesus Christ is God, or that Muhammad was a Prophet, or that the Jews were the one and true successors of God, would you not be annoyed? If the game you’ve been playing for years had shoved something down your face and made you “respect it” other wise you’d be banned. Wouldn’t that make you just a little bit mad?
    Knowing how little the last pride month event was where it only gave you pfps and some 4 stars. Yeah. I wouldn't be annoyed. I don't know why you're annoyed about this.
  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 571 ★★★
    edited June 2024
    No one is forcing you to play the game. The game developers can do whatever the hell they want, it's their property. You can continue playing the way it is or walk away!
  • CotziCotzi Member Posts: 130
    edited June 2024
    Damn forums getting me all confused.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,890 ★★★★★
    Cboi69 said:

    Cboi69 said:

    If you like the event, play.
    If you don't like it, don't play.

    I'm an atheist, I won't get triggered if Kabam sends me a Christmas or diwali event mail. I don't come to forums talkin bout "freedom of speech". Lol.

    Kabam has never once made an event based on any religion. The banquet event is a holiday event. Doesn’t tailor to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam.
    Well pride month is celebrated towards USA, so maybe kabam sent this event out since it's popular in western countries.

    Also talking bad about any group/discriminating prople based on sexual orientation and gender identity is banned as per US law as well, which you're doing.

    C'mon, let the mods enjoy the weekends lmaoo.
    Pride month is celebrated wherever it wants to be celebrated. And I have no problem with that, I don’t care what other people do with themselves, I have never talked about sexual orientation in global chat, all I said was that them having this event out in our faces and banning people for speaking up about how we don’t want this agenda to be pushed on us. Freedom of speech should be available to anyone breathing, not just the citizens of the United States.
    They aren't pushing anything to anyone's face. The reward? Some cav crystal and profile pic/titles. Nothing ground breaking or anything.

    If you don't like the event, you don't need to play it. Don't claim any of the rewards and it'll expire after sometime.

    Freedom of speech != Hate speech. Education should be available for everyone breathing, especially you!
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,890 ★★★★★
    Lemme guess, your definition of "Men's mental health" doesn't include gay men right? 🤡
  • Cboi69Cboi69 Member Posts: 60

    Lemme guess, your definition of "Men's mental health" doesn't include gay men right? 🤡

    Men’s mental health apply to all struggling men. Any man who’s contemplated taking their own life. Any man who has been alone. Any man who has had nobody to talk to.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,890 ★★★★★
    You are talking like you have to play this event to get next progression title,lol.

    Hate is free so is love, You have to choose what you wanna do.
  • Cboi69Cboi69 Member Posts: 60

    You are talking like you have to play this event to get next progression title,lol.

    Hate is free so is love, You have to choose what you wanna do.

    Is disagreeing with something hate? Is disagreeing with Muslims that Muhammad was a prophet, is that hate? No it’s not we all have the right to speak what we want, without stepping entrenching on the rights of others.
This discussion has been closed.