Kabam’s infringement of freedom of speech.

Kabam this is an infringement of my rights as a player. You guys push an agenda to make money, make everyone homosexual or bisexual, whatever. And then you guys ban people who don’t agree with you? To an American like me, this just looks like you guys are facists and don’t want us to speak our minds because when we do then you don’t make money, get bad reviews, and users leave your game. Not only do you silence those who speak out against your agenda. But you go into chats telling everyone that I’ve been banned, making them ridicule me even more.
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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They have an office based in the United States, they should be adhering to freedom of speech laws in the United States.
If you don't like it, don't play.
I'm an atheist, I won't get triggered if Kabam sends me a Christmas or diwali event mail. I don't come to forums talkin bout "freedom of speech". Lol.
By playing the game you agreed to adhere to the standards laid out to there, including that Kabam can ban you for actions like cursing or other things.
Also talking bad about any group/discriminating prople based on sexual orientation and gender identity is banned as per US law as well, which you're doing.
C'mon, let the mods enjoy the weekends lmaoo.
If you don't like the event, you don't need to play it. Don't claim any of the rewards and it'll expire after sometime.
Freedom of speech != Hate speech. Education should be available for everyone breathing, especially you!
Hate is free so is love, You have to choose what you wanna do.