Why no Father’s Day event?

If you can do a pride event why not do a Father’s Day event? If you wanna include everybody include everybody.
Post edited by Kabam Crashed on
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Oh you just wanted to complain about pride. Careful, your homophobia was almost showing.
(ok, not the SAME question, I think then just asked about Mother's Day itself, and didn’t tie it in with showing that they don’t like the phenomenon of sunlight reflecting off of the back of water droplets in the atmosphere at different angles for different frequencies of light that makes up the sun's rays. And btw, if anyone is curious about double, triple, or even more, reflections of the rays within the water droplets before exiting back out, resulting in further angular displacements for each successive reflection, it is an interesting read)
Mother's + Father's Days in the U.S. are not necessarily the same day as elsewhere around the world (it is probably different all over the place).
As for wondering why kabam did not do anything for Father's Day or various other so called holidays who cares it's not their responsibility to supply free stuff at players whim Be happy when they do but do not expect or demand anything. I am against the pay to play mentality of both the game and many of the self important players that reside in these forum but at the end of the day it's a game you can put it down
The idea that the word must mean what its component base fragments means has no basis in reality. Words mean what their common usage implies. The Oxford English Dictionary describes the meaning of the word homophobe to be "a person who is hostile towards, prejudiced against, or (less commonly) fearful of homosexual people or homosexuality."
(emphasis mine)
The very fact that we still have people who wonder why we acknowledge these two moments of recognition that is one of the reasons we still have to. Because both the LGBTQ+ community, and in their own separate way women in general, still face negative biases, stereotypes, and even discrimination and hostility in ways that most of the civilized world have come to recognize, if not always properly mitigate, and the idea that this isn't even a thing is still pervasive.
The longer answer, which fortunately for me wasn't wiped off the forums during the purge as in years past, is here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/2558572/#Comment_2558572
If you’re one of those people who just doesn’t like me, I don’t really care. But as Slashdot used to reference, if you’re one of the Anonymous Cowards who has a problem with this topic, and I’m specifically an easy target to vent that disagreement towards, then congratulations: you’re why Kabam goes out of their way to publicize International Women’s Day and Pride month.
It’s easy to find and ban the overt bigots. It’s the much larger numbear of less obvious bigotry that can’t really be dealt with on any direct level. We can only reach out to everyone else and continue to emphasize the degree of the problems and the need for continued vigilance.
We can’t tell one Anonymous Coward from another. We simply have to assume that there are still people reflexively biased against addressing representational problems past and present, and so long as those people exist, the need to continue highlighting events like this will also continue to exist.
Continue to make yourselves known, so we know we still have more work to do. And if you are one of those people who just doesn’t like me, but has no issue with representation events, then try to separate yourselves from the bottom feeders. Maybe lol my posts instead just this once.
Kabam gave same logic of, "Not everyone celebrate Christmas."
Is it selective events now? Tick mark events?
It's also worth pointing out that Pride is about much more than a holiday. It's about showing support and solidarity so that a marginalized and abused part of society can heal and know the world can be safe for them. I'm not aware of people being rejected on that level for being fathers.
There are a plethora of calendar acknowledgments and days/weeks/months. It would be impossible to celebrate them all with Events in the game.
If this is a genuine question, fair enough. You may find some of the reactions are because it sounds vaguely like asking why there isn't a "Straight Pride". I cannot say for certain if that was your point, so I'll not assume. While we're on the subject, there's no Straight Pride for the same reason there are no wheelchairs for people that can walk.