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Comic Book Thread

JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★
Lets talk about comics. Don't be afraid to necro this thread in the future guys


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    Darkraw346Darkraw346 Posts: 2,104 ★★★★★
    There's this what if Spider man was the Green goblin run going on I think, what's speical about him?
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    DarkPhoenix369DarkPhoenix369 Posts: 57

    There's this what if Spider man was the Green goblin run going on I think, what's speical about him?

    It's unfortunately not a what if, it's main 616 rn....the writers and editors have been having a field day with the current Amazing run. From breaking up Pete and MJ, to whoever Paul was supposed to be, to now Spider-Goblin. It feels very messy and all over the place.

    Luckily the current Ultimate Spider-Man run has been super well thought out and written, gonna be a shame when that one ends and we're left with the mess that Zeb Wells made in 616
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,414 ★★★★

    There's this what if Spider man was the Green goblin run going on I think, what's speical about him?

    It's unfortunately not a what if, it's main 616 rn....the writers and editors have been having a field day with the current Amazing run. From breaking up Pete and MJ, to whoever Paul was supposed to be, to now Spider-Goblin. It feels very messy and all over the place.

    Luckily the current Ultimate Spider-Man run has been super well thought out and written, gonna be a shame when that one ends and we're left with the mess that Zeb Wells made in 616
    Haven’t seen what’s goin on with 616 but yea Ultimate Spider-Man has been awesome so far, I’m really excited to see where they go with this whole ultimate universe reboot. It’s nice to see a spider-man comic where he’s not immediately suffering, and I love family dynamic Hickman has been adding with how they’re the ones who decide certain things with his new identity.
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,380 Guardian

    Lets talk about comics. Don't be afraid to necro this thread in the future guys

    Did someone say Necro, lol.
    Kabam's re-imagining of Classic Covers, from years back..

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    NojokejaymNojokejaym Posts: 3,958 ★★★★★
    Blue marvels comics are insane
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★
    Haven't read much spider man stuff tbh bar all the miles morales comics, and some post superior spiderman stuff, need to get on that train.
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★

    Blue marvels comics are insane

    Love the ultimates and avengers stuff with him in it
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,986 ★★★★★
    I'm enjoying ASM, myself.

    I love Avengers, Captain America and Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Spectacular Spider-Men, Immortal Thor, Invincible Iron Man and Sensational She-Hulk. Very disappointed SSH is ending. Miles Morales Spider-Man is also good, but not enjoying it as much as the aforementioned.

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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★
    Got to say, I am a big fan of all the dawn of x, sword of x stuff. Reading through it now, at x of swords. If you haven't read it, you need to. Start at house/powers of x and work your way through. Also and another note, the champions is probably the best teen superhero team comic series out there. And yes I say that whilst knowing young justice, young avengers and teen titans exist
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★

    I'm enjoying ASM, myself.

    I love Avengers, Captain America and Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Spectacular Spider-Men, Immortal Thor, Invincible Iron Man and Sensational She-Hulk. Very disappointed SSH is ending. Miles Morales Spider-Man is also good, but not enjoying it as much as the aforementioned.

    Is immortal thor really that worth it? Can get it reserved from another library if I want
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    ThePowerCosmicThePowerCosmic Posts: 88
    Ultimate spider-man is good like mentioned above, but I have enjoyed collecting 1st appearances of characters I like from the game, 1 character that Inwas introduced via game was Nimrod, and he was so awesome in game I picked up his 1st appearance, other characters I'd like to get that were introduced to me in game are Dust and Kushala. There are other champs that I liked before I played mcoc and playing them made me like them even more and I picked up Juggernauts 1st appearance in comics. I really enjoy the hobby and seeing them come to life in game has been alot of fun.
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★
    Btw midnight suns comic is cold but you might wanna read strange academy first
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    ThePowerCosmicThePowerCosmic Posts: 88
    Strange academy is cool, the 1st series at least, I picked up issue 1 of the latest series but haven't read it, I heard the Doom 1 shot was amazing though.
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    OpandemonioOpandemonio Posts: 1,317 ★★★★
    I was a huge fan of the Krakoan Era for the mutants, but they ended it recently and I think that sucks, the new run looks horrible, the art and the storylines
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    OpandemonioOpandemonio Posts: 1,317 ★★★★

    Strange academy is cool, the 1st series at least, I picked up issue 1 of the latest series but haven't read it, I heard the Doom 1 shot was amazing though.

    I thought there was something missing on it, it kinda felt pointless how it lead to nowhere
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,876 ★★★★★
    i hate asm at this point, ultimate spider-man is the only one worth getting because it tells a story where the writers seem to actually care about spider-man and more importantly peter
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,986 ★★★★★
    Forgot I am also enjoying Vengeance of the Moon Knight.

    I'm enjoying ASM, myself.

    I love Avengers, Captain America and Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Spectacular Spider-Men, Immortal Thor, Invincible Iron Man and Sensational She-Hulk. Very disappointed SSH is ending. Miles Morales Spider-Man is also good, but not enjoying it as much as the aforementioned.

    Is immortal thor really that worth it? Can get it reserved from another library if I want
    YES. It's by Al Ewing who also wrote Immortal Hulk and is a brilliant writer. I have loved everything I have read that he's written: Immortal Hulk, Mighty Avengers and Captain America and the Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, US Avengers, Ultimates and Ultimates 2, the GOTG series he did, Valkyrie: Jane Foster, the Empyre event and the two Defenders miniseries he did recently.

    He's one of two writers I think can practically do no wrong, the other being Kelly Thompson who has written Black Widow, Captain Marvel, A-Force, West Coast Avengers, Deadpool and two Jessica Jones miniseries and is currently doing Birds of Prey for the Distinguished Competition - the only one of their titles I am reading.
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    Hickman's Ultimate Spider-Man is beyond god tier
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★

    Forgot I am also enjoying Vengeance of the Moon Knight.

    I'm enjoying ASM, myself.

    I love Avengers, Captain America and Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Spectacular Spider-Men, Immortal Thor, Invincible Iron Man and Sensational She-Hulk. Very disappointed SSH is ending. Miles Morales Spider-Man is also good, but not enjoying it as much as the aforementioned.

    Is immortal thor really that worth it? Can get it reserved from another library if I want
    YES. It's by Al Ewing who also wrote Immortal Hulk and is a brilliant writer. I have loved everything I have read that he's written: Immortal Hulk, Mighty Avengers and Captain America and the Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, US Avengers, Ultimates and Ultimates 2, the GOTG series he did, Valkyrie: Jane Foster, the Empyre event and the two Defenders miniseries he did recently.

    He's one of two writers I think can practically do no wrong, the other being Kelly Thompson who has written Black Widow, Captain Marvel, A-Force, West Coast Avengers, Deadpool and two Jessica Jones miniseries and is currently doing Birds of Prey for the Distinguished Competition - the only one of their titles I am reading.
    Al ewig is AMAZING. IMO only other person on their level is Brian Micheal Bendis, end of
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★

    Hickman's Ultimate Spider-Man is beyond god tier

    I really need to get on the Ultimate train but I don't buy books I get them from my library system, (which I admit is very good as it covers all og my city and I can get books from anywhere within) but it takes a while to get new on demand books added to the consortium and so I am stuck reading comics from 2015 lol
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★
    Btw annihilation and the subsequent gotg run is probs the best space team comic ever. The character development, the love interests, the twists, the betrayal, the time travelling, it has it ALL
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★
    edited June 22
    Ignore, post got posted twice for some reason
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★

    Forgot I am also enjoying Vengeance of the Moon Knight.

    I'm enjoying ASM, myself.

    I love Avengers, Captain America and Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Spectacular Spider-Men, Immortal Thor, Invincible Iron Man and Sensational She-Hulk. Very disappointed SSH is ending. Miles Morales Spider-Man is also good, but not enjoying it as much as the aforementioned.

    Is immortal thor really that worth it? Can get it reserved from another library if I want
    YES. It's by Al Ewing who also wrote Immortal Hulk and is a brilliant writer. I have loved everything I have read that he's written: Immortal Hulk, Mighty Avengers and Captain America and the Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, US Avengers, Ultimates and Ultimates 2, the GOTG series he did, Valkyrie: Jane Foster, the Empyre event and the two Defenders miniseries he did recently.

    He's one of two writers I think can practically do no wrong, the other being Kelly Thompson who has written Black Widow, Captain Marvel, A-Force, West Coast Avengers, Deadpool and two Jessica Jones miniseries and is currently doing Birds of Prey for the Distinguished Competition - the only one of their titles I am reading.
    The defenders mini series was goated
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,871 ★★★★★
    X-Men A Legend Reborn are some of the best in the biz and are just untouchable.

    Witchblade and Witchblade/Vampirella Team Up are some classic favs. The 2nd one hilarious.

    Anybody remember the Bone comics? It was about a family of human bones.

    What If....when Rogue abosrbed Thor's powers 😂

    I have a John Wick variant that I hope one day I can get autographed by Keanu Reeves.
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,414 ★★★★

    Found it cool that they named the prof x arena after dawn of X, a run that I want to get into at some point. Love Easter eggs like this.
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,986 ★★★★★

    Forgot I am also enjoying Vengeance of the Moon Knight.

    I'm enjoying ASM, myself.

    I love Avengers, Captain America and Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Spectacular Spider-Men, Immortal Thor, Invincible Iron Man and Sensational She-Hulk. Very disappointed SSH is ending. Miles Morales Spider-Man is also good, but not enjoying it as much as the aforementioned.

    Is immortal thor really that worth it? Can get it reserved from another library if I want
    YES. It's by Al Ewing who also wrote Immortal Hulk and is a brilliant writer. I have loved everything I have read that he's written: Immortal Hulk, Mighty Avengers and Captain America and the Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, US Avengers, Ultimates and Ultimates 2, the GOTG series he did, Valkyrie: Jane Foster, the Empyre event and the two Defenders miniseries he did recently.

    He's one of two writers I think can practically do no wrong, the other being Kelly Thompson who has written Black Widow, Captain Marvel, A-Force, West Coast Avengers, Deadpool and two Jessica Jones miniseries and is currently doing Birds of Prey for the Distinguished Competition - the only one of their titles I am reading.
    Al ewig is AMAZING. IMO only other person on their level is Brian Micheal Bendis, end of
    I've come to realise that I don't rate Bendis any more. I thought he was great when I was reading the OG USM originally, then I read some of his 616 stuff and re-read Ultimate stuff and was like, wait, you're just f**king stuff up here, left and right and you clearly don't have an endgame planned. He screwed up his own continuity in USM more than once, he screwed it up in the 616 stuff and I just got fed up with him. Same with Mark Millar, I thought the OG Ultimates and Ultimates 2 was GOAT, then I read some of it again when he did Ultimate Avengers and realised that whilst Hitch's artwork is AMAZING, the writing is not that great.

    Some of Millar's writing is even offensive.
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★

    Forgot I am also enjoying Vengeance of the Moon Knight.

    I'm enjoying ASM, myself.

    I love Avengers, Captain America and Captain Marvel, Fantastic Four, Spectacular Spider-Men, Immortal Thor, Invincible Iron Man and Sensational She-Hulk. Very disappointed SSH is ending. Miles Morales Spider-Man is also good, but not enjoying it as much as the aforementioned.

    Is immortal thor really that worth it? Can get it reserved from another library if I want
    YES. It's by Al Ewing who also wrote Immortal Hulk and is a brilliant writer. I have loved everything I have read that he's written: Immortal Hulk, Mighty Avengers and Captain America and the Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, US Avengers, Ultimates and Ultimates 2, the GOTG series he did, Valkyrie: Jane Foster, the Empyre event and the two Defenders miniseries he did recently.

    He's one of two writers I think can practically do no wrong, the other being Kelly Thompson who has written Black Widow, Captain Marvel, A-Force, West Coast Avengers, Deadpool and two Jessica Jones miniseries and is currently doing Birds of Prey for the Distinguished Competition - the only one of their titles I am reading.
    Al ewig is AMAZING. IMO only other person on their level is Brian Micheal Bendis, end of
    I've come to realise that I don't rate Bendis any more. I thought he was great when I was reading the OG USM originally, then I read some of his 616 stuff and re-read Ultimate stuff and was like, wait, you're just f**king stuff up here, left and right and you clearly don't have an endgame planned. He screwed up his own continuity in USM more than once, he screwed it up in the 616 stuff and I just got fed up with him. Same with Mark Millar, I thought the OG Ultimates and Ultimates 2 was GOAT, then I read some of it again when he did Ultimate Avengers and realised that whilst Hitch's artwork is AMAZING, the writing is not that great.

    Some of Millar's writing is even offensive.
    Don't know about millar but I love bendis for his miles morales and civil war 2 stuff etc. Will look into what you've said tho
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,986 ★★★★★
    CW2 is a case in point of Bendis' bad writing. Police can arrest people before they commit a crime without precognition superpowers. It's called "criminal intent". THERE'S A GODDAMN LAW AND ORDER SHOW CALLED THAT FFS!

    and that's before you get into the fact that Stark opposes using Ulysses' powers for stupid reasons when in the 1990s Stark set up his own proactive, go-after-the-bad-guys-first group in Force Works. AND THEN in the epilogue, they claimed that no, actually, Stark was opposing it because he didn't trust anyone other than Carol running the precog programme, not that he didn't like the whole changing the future thing.

    Civil War was a mess, CW2 is a mess. I pray to gods I don't believe in that they never do Civil War 3.
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    The_0wenpusThe_0wenpus Posts: 179 ★★
    edited June 22
    Thoughts on Dan Slott?
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,757 ★★★
    edited June 22

    Thoughts on Dan Slott?

    Spiderverse, siege and superior spidey was good ig?
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