Prof Hoff recently..

I know many in the community don't like prof hoff because he's not great at playing the game and sometimes jump to conclusions with little info, but this is a seriously concerning situation. I just stumbled on this via the YouTube algorithm earlier tonight.
It seems he's having some real life issues and i hope he gets the help he needs. He's still a part of this gaming community even if you don't like his channel personally.
It seems he's having some real life issues and i hope he gets the help he needs. He's still a part of this gaming community even if you don't like his channel personally.
I don't watch his channel anymore but I'm a bit concerned for him regardless.
Also the top comment on that video says he was sleep deprived , and his channel mods and family members have reached out to him. Which is nice to hear.
I hope he gets well soon.
Sleep lack is crazy
All opinions aside, I hope he gets the help he needs.
But all jokes aside, hope he gets all the support and help that he needs in dealing with whatever issues he is facing in present time. The best we can do is not be shlongs about it.
Let's just hope he is burning the candle at both ends and needs some rest, as has been intimated. Let's not jump to conclusions.
So far, to be fair, people are mostly being sympathetic humans. I hope it lasts.
Saying some prayers for Prof because he's a super genuine man and I hope whatever is going on it becomes resolved!
The last sentence here is an extremely simple, yet effective solution. Nobody likes people that act like a shlong... hoping Prof finds what he needs