I went bullseye (5 star) - his stun on SP2 helps push Taskmaster to sp2 along with the relic. And his evade is a nice utility when you are stuck in an intercept situation
Could Ghost work for him? What are your top picks?
Soloed him with kitty when practicing in normal but used aegon when I ran the legendary cuz I had to use kitty for ihulk. Dexing his sps nd not blocking too much r key so yh ghost would be good
If you are so scared of him and have patience then do it with ebony maw..cheese option but vey slow . Otherwise bullseye, moleman, kitty. I killed him with bullseye..
I used superior Iron Man for that and just spammed sp2s and MLLLM combos. No fancy intercepting required. You will have just about permanent update on your first 4 buffs and ramp them all up to 8. So then you just have the regen on one of your first 4 buffs and you'll heal a good chunk of health during the fight. Towards the end of mine I would just hold block and bait the heavy since I had the health and regen to do so and made baiting the sp2 a lot easier.
I used Shuri, which sucked, because i expected the critial shock passives to hurt him, and they didn't.
It seems like a bug to me because the node says he takes "no damage from hits that aren't critical", which doesn't seem like it should have any effect on DoT. But even if it is supposed to affect DoT as well, those passives are *critical* shocks.
So it was a frustratingly long fight. But she can still do it with her guaranteed crits and unblockable special blocks.
Extremely slowly, and you actually have to hit him, you can just start the fight and put the phone down. Just be extra careful not to dex or intercept.
Task master has guaranteed crits on all attacks. So maw will miss all hits. One thing you have to careful is not to intercept or dex, as it will turn off Taskmaster guaranteed crits.
Task master has guaranteed crits on all attacks. So maw will miss all hits. One thing you have to careful is not to intercept or dex, as it will turn off Taskmaster guaranteed crits.
Task master has guaranteed crits on all attacks. So maw will miss all hits. One thing you have to careful is not to intercept or dex, as it will turn off Taskmaster guaranteed crits.
Specifically a duped maw
You don't need duped maw. Your degens ain't gonna do any damage due to crit me with your best short node.
I used Kitty for the first time in years...
It seems like a bug to me because the node says he takes "no damage from hits that aren't critical", which doesn't seem like it should have any effect on DoT. But even if it is supposed to affect DoT as well, those passives are *critical* shocks.
So it was a frustratingly long fight. But she can still do it with her guaranteed crits and unblockable special blocks.