'Seriously?' - Your worst repeat 7* dupes



  • The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 125

    I just hate when you keep pulling champs that don't get any better with higher sig instead of the others. At least Gwen gets better
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 213 ★★

    To be honest with you, Mangog can be one hell of a mean defender in BG’s. If not to at least stall the opponent out, I’d imagine as well- he’d be even more annoying on defense this season in the GC.
    I’d take him to at least R2, but that’s just my opinion.
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 502 ★★★
    edited August 1

    007Bishop said:

    This entire thread is the reason why I genuinely think this community is a hive mind, except there's no juice in the mind. Most of these pulls are good pulls and they benefit a lot from sigs - yes red goblin is one of them.
    When someone else ranks up underrated champs - The community: wowwww awesome
    When they pull underrated champs: why meeee

    7*s are already becoming more common and you'll eventually get more of them. There's absolutely zero reason to whine about the pulls, especially those that are actually pretty good

    Grow up & have some respect, you can't be talking to people like that. If you're so convinced that war machine, vtd, sorcerer supreme, red goblin etc are that useful, please rank them all up to R3 and put them in your bgs deck as your top dual threats so we 'hive minds' can show you pain. I'm sure most of if not all of us will destroy you in less than 30 seconds both on offence and defence. Also make sure to use them in Tier 1 alliance war every single war on defence and we see how your fair.
    Womp womp lil boy. I have all of them ranked up and a few of them in my BGs deck 🥱get on my level Mr "Grow up & have some respect". I talk to people however I want and if you feel attacked, then its time for some self reflection
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 10,032 ★★★★★
    Stryfe is at level 60,

    My intial pull was from paragon nexus crystal for x men 97 event. I did a mistake taking him. Now He keeps on haunting my mutant class crystals
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    My first 7* awaken , good?
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,648 ★★★★
    for KarateMike.. I guess sig200 Storm Pyramid-X so get more titan shards.. sad her sig level doesn't help her much.. unlike Overseer, Joe Fixit, Serpent, Korg.. etc
  • MagicsolMagicsol Member Posts: 45

    @Mysterio do you like what you see?
    All Natural,3 more to go
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,107 ★★★★
    Magicsol said:

    @Mysterio do you like what you see?
    All Natural,3 more to go

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 10,032 ★★★★★
    @Mysterio we need more your gameshows please🙏🙏
  • Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 127
    I've opened 4 7star incursions crystals and pulled Namor every time..
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 8,062 ★★★★★

    I've opened 4 7star incursions crystals and pulled Namor every time..

    Namor needs sigs though
  • RobbieRampageRobbieRampage Member Posts: 150 ★★
    My titan pulls are total **** at times. I pulled Morbius back to back after already having him from the platinum track. Now this week I pulled Nova twice in a row.
  • ShaggyMShaggyM Member Posts: 291 ★★★
    edited August 17

  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 8,062 ★★★★★
    ShaggyM said:

    When duped, he's a very good time stall if the opponent doesn't have someone who can shrug debuffs.
  • WarlockjrWarlockjr Member Posts: 811 ★★★
    I got my first sig 40 7*. Its shuri. Shes good and i enjoy playing with her but its like i want new 7*s
  • DocWestDocWest Member Posts: 259 ★★★
    My last seven 7* in a row have all been dupes. It’s really annoying. Misty Knight, Emma Frost, Maw, Iron Heart, CMM, Chavez and Mister Negative. I just want a new champ.
  • AttishAttish Member Posts: 44
    Silver Sable
    @ Sig 60
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 8,062 ★★★★★
    Attish said:

    Silver Sable
    @ Sig 60

    I hope she gets rebalanced
  • Hassan4905Hassan4905 Member Posts: 28
    PT_99 said:

    Open enough crystals, you’ll have some crappy champs at high sig. Chances are the same as any other combo of pulls

    Chances are same?
    When was last time you pulled Hyperion on repeat from basic pool? Or Silk, Photon?

    All duds gets natural awakening, again and again
    But there are more trash champions than good ones. If the pool has 100 champs and only 15 are really good (quicksilver, domino, onslaught, spot, etc.) then it is more likely that you will have repeat pulls of the bad champions just because there are more of them. There are people who have gotten good repeat pulls, but you probably have to look for it because it's quite rare. As you open more crystals the spread of champions you get will be normalized and you will have relatively equal pulls of all champs.
  • Hassan4905Hassan4905 Member Posts: 28
    007Bishop said:

    This entire thread is the reason why I genuinely think this community is a hive mind, except there's no juice in the mind. Most of these pulls are good pulls and they benefit a lot from sigs - yes red goblin is one of them.
    When someone else ranks up underrated champs - The community: wowwww awesome
    When they pull underrated champs: why meeee

    7*s are already becoming more common and you'll eventually get more of them. There's absolutely zero reason to whine about the pulls, especially those that are actually pretty good

    I don't think this is a reasonable argument, especially when you consider that the vast majority of players are in the very early stages of building their roster and you have very limited rank up resources. Even if everyone agreed that red goblin was a decent champion, it wouldn't change the fact that there are far more powerful champs in the same class who would be a better choice to invest in. If I have red goblin at high sig I could rank him up now, or I could wait until I got the serpent, or gladiator, or a hyperion dupe, etc. Since you only need is one crystal to pull that champion it makes sense to wait, but that also means that you aren't doing anything with your champions and resources. If you're just waiting that means you aren't having fun with the game which makes it feel like a waste of time.

    Of course you could upgrade red goblin now but when you get a good cosmic champion you're really going to regret not having the resources.
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 874 ★★★★
    Sig 80 Emma and sig 60 Warlock. I don't mind warlock so much as I actually like playing him, but his sig adds very little to his kit. Emma just hurts though.
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,453 ★★★★
    Gwen, spidey and stryfe are 3 of my 4 7* dupes. Oof
  • Oliver345781Oliver345781 Member Posts: 188
    My first valiant crystal 7*... and it was my SECOND dupe on roblin...

    Just a little salty rn
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,406 ★★★★
    54 champs in and i realised i’ve yet to pull a champ more than twice.
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,648 ★★★★
    Currently have 101 7* with 56 duped..
    Natural sig80:
    Rocket (80), Sauron (80), VTD (80), Dani Moonstar (80), SilverSurfer (80)
    Have some natural sig60, and sig40 as well.

    There are few I wished I pulled instead.
  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    Gamer said:

    Not all of them is bad but do wish I could getting a few of these offer champion. There is but dos hav 90 7 star so not bad for me

    That’s honestly criminal leaving a sig 60 iron man at r1, definitely worth r2 at least
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 8,062 ★★★★★
    edited August 25
    Ortoun said:

    Sig 80 Emma and sig 60 Warlock. I don't mind warlock so much as I actually like playing him, but his sig adds very little to his kit. Emma just hurts though.

    Warlock’s sig makes him a more annoying defender, because when fighting him, if you try to heal when infected, you degen. This can even happen if you have willpower mastery
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