Patriot’s percentages are U.S. history references(?)

So if you’ve looked through Patriot’s kit before, you may have noticed that he has some weirdly specific percentages tied to some of his abilities. I’m pretty certain that they’re supposed to be references to important U.S. history milestones (since he’s all about America):
1: He reduces weakness and inequity potency by 76%. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.
2: As an attacker, the fury gained from performing a reversal has 87% increased duration. The U.S. Constitution was approved in 1787.
3: His base regeneration rate is 44% instead of the usual 100%… but I have no idea what the number “44” might be referring to.
Anyone have any ideas what significance 44 might have? I couldn’t find any particularly important events that took place in 1744, 1844, or 1944 that seem to tie in nicely like the other two. It’s possible it has some tie to the U.S. beyond a date, but if it does I have no clue how I would look for that. This has been bothering me for a while so I figured I’d just ask and see if other people have a clue.
(I guess it’s also possible that the percentages don’t actually mean anything, but given how specific they are it really feels like it should be referencing something. If it wasn’t, why not make his regeneration rate 50% like Kingpin or 40% like DDHK? I mean at least make it 45% so it’s divisible by 5. You can’t tell me they went through balancing and thought 45% was too much but 44% was just right. But I digress.)
1: He reduces weakness and inequity potency by 76%. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.
2: As an attacker, the fury gained from performing a reversal has 87% increased duration. The U.S. Constitution was approved in 1787.
3: His base regeneration rate is 44% instead of the usual 100%… but I have no idea what the number “44” might be referring to.
Anyone have any ideas what significance 44 might have? I couldn’t find any particularly important events that took place in 1744, 1844, or 1944 that seem to tie in nicely like the other two. It’s possible it has some tie to the U.S. beyond a date, but if it does I have no clue how I would look for that. This has been bothering me for a while so I figured I’d just ask and see if other people have a clue.
(I guess it’s also possible that the percentages don’t actually mean anything, but given how specific they are it really feels like it should be referencing something. If it wasn’t, why not make his regeneration rate 50% like Kingpin or 40% like DDHK? I mean at least make it 45% so it’s divisible by 5. You can’t tell me they went through balancing and thought 45% was too much but 44% was just right. But I digress.)
You had me concerned at first when you said..
“ I couldn’t find any particularly important events that took place in 1744, 1844, or 1944 that seem to tie in nicely like the other two”
Was like, wow, how far off have our history textbooks fallen off nowadays (looking at you, Texas Board of deciding what goes in textbooks for the entire nation, even if your schools are not in Texas).
Yes, may have been a world event, but heavy U.S. contribution, and really a national defining event for the U.S.
They got some clever folk at Kabaam.
"Sandstorm" is a song by a group called "Darude"....hence "The Rude Sandstorm"
The song is used by the South Carolina Gamecocks college football team in my home state of South Carolina. 😂😂😂 maaaan Kabam had me rolling on the floor.