Does MCOC RNG favours content creators

I used to think the content creators with their mega openings r exceptionally lucky. But then I would put it to selective posting. But then I made friends with one of them and he seems to be consistently lucky making me question if there r two sets of in game RNGs for crystals.
Does MCOC RNG favours content creators 179 votes
Strongly agree
26 votes
11 votes
No idea what u r talking about
18 votes
25 votes
Strongly disagree
99 votes
With that said nobody really knows what goes on behind the scenes. All we know is what Kabam tells us, that it’s an even playing field. So we can believe what we want to believe.
To be clear, this isn't me saying that they have different crystals, it's just a numbers game. The more crystals you open, the better chance you have of pulling the champions you want. If you're a content creator and you make money from your videos, and you invest part of that money into more crystals etc that you can make more videos about, you will be opening more crystals than the average player and you'll end up with more good champs than the average player.
Ultimately it's the same RNG, though.
They make money off of their youtube channels which enables them to purchase and open a large amount of the featured crystals, turn enabling them to test said champs out and give their feedback to their viewers.
It makes business sense to sweeten the pot for people actively promoting the product. And tbh it’s not too hard.
Now rot
Also I've yet to receive a 7* from magnetron crystals and I know a lot of people who had sig 20 7* CMM within 2 months.
Love ur content. 🙏