Kabam is one of the most greedy dev studios that I have ever seen, to the point it hurt the game

I left MCOC due to it's difficulty for 3 or 2+ years, and I came back for it's 10 years anniversary after 2 weeks of constant play and upkeep I can safely say Kabam is Too greedy, and this is coming from someone who plays tons of gacha games and I don't actually condem spending money on a f2p game but kabam is actually very stupid, and it all boils down to it's progression.
Basically you need units to progress the main story, because you have to buy revives that cost units combine that with the fact that when ever there's a reward it's tied to your progression and you can't progress without unit don't even get me started on PVP. Some nodes require specific champions, some champions require specific counters, that in it's self locks you out of the quest, so you'll have to cheese but this game being 2 dimensional makes cheesing near impossible, I mean there's a node where the enemies will not throw their specials till it's on the Sp3 even taunting them doesn't work.
During my 3 year break other games I played had their fair share of difficulties but there was always a way out, but MCOC locks you on a specific quest, making it impossible to do other quest while you're locked on one, the 20% revives aren't actually available to buy because they know it will be dirt cheap and people will use it to cheese and there's no guarantees for champions when you do spend money to get them, making those crystals worthless.
Revives should cost gold.
There should be a guarantee system on featured crystals.
There should be a restart button for fight, and an undo button for quests.
Allow players to take multiple quest even if we have to use other champions other than the one's that are being used on previous quest.
And nerf that Serpent b**tard
Basically you need units to progress the main story, because you have to buy revives that cost units combine that with the fact that when ever there's a reward it's tied to your progression and you can't progress without unit don't even get me started on PVP. Some nodes require specific champions, some champions require specific counters, that in it's self locks you out of the quest, so you'll have to cheese but this game being 2 dimensional makes cheesing near impossible, I mean there's a node where the enemies will not throw their specials till it's on the Sp3 even taunting them doesn't work.
During my 3 year break other games I played had their fair share of difficulties but there was always a way out, but MCOC locks you on a specific quest, making it impossible to do other quest while you're locked on one, the 20% revives aren't actually available to buy because they know it will be dirt cheap and people will use it to cheese and there's no guarantees for champions when you do spend money to get them, making those crystals worthless.
Revives should cost gold.
There should be a guarantee system on featured crystals.
There should be a restart button for fight, and an undo button for quests.
Allow players to take multiple quest even if we have to use other champions other than the one's that are being used on previous quest.
And nerf that Serpent b**tard
Also kabam is one of the most generous companies when it comes to giving out their premium currency for free in their gacha game. The amount of units you can get for free at any time is absolutely ridiculous and you'll never see that in another game
Any and all content can be done without units if you have an adequate amount of resources available for the content you want to run, have a roster able to handle the content, have an understanding of champion interactions and how nodes affect them, and have the skill to put all of those together.
Since then, even with Necropolis / Crucible / Act 7 8 9 / etc, I have not needed to spend units or money to explore any of this.
Planning, preparing, and skill are all you need for non-competitive content.
Strike force may be heavily money oriented but nowhere close to marvel FR in cash grabiness.
As for this game, it's got big benefits to paying players but I literally have a free to play alt that is valiant with 3 r3s and soon to be a 4th and i don't even play it that much. We get way more free stuff than other games similar.
I don't side with kabam lately due to the lack of communication and the sheer amount of bugs but they have lots of freebies.
I read on another post you spent like 1k units on the Sentinel boss in act 6... You are not gonna be happy about GM.. quit.. save yourself..
And that's the reason I came back
Earlier acts are somewhat harder and does feel like bs sometime (such as act 6) but the acts after that become way more enjoyable and easier, apart from 9.1, i’d say act 6 was more fun then 9.1 but 9.1 is still easier.
The game does rely on revives yes, but can be done without. Kabam wants you to spend time on a quest and do them throughout a set period of time so that you don’t run out of things to do. So if you want to do a specific content and think you need revives, then grind arena for units and apothecary + 22 hour challenges.
Don’t get me wrong, if the game feels too much of a grind that can become an issue too. Which is why they have done several things to reduce that such as making event quest simpler, reducing the paths in event quest, reducing the paths in story quest, reducing difficulty in story quest, in their new long form content crucible they added a second questing team function and mentioned this will be implemented in future long form content, daily super event which will make a comeback this November.
Addition to this they’ve done several things to promote bottom tittle progression by making a lot of spending events like 4th of july, cyber etc cater to lower progression more then higher, made banquet a paradise for lower account progression and given more opportunities for lower accounts to get rarities higher then they previously would have (uncollected can get a lot of 6*) and finally also revamping older acts to be easier and have better rewards.