New Community Team 1 Month Check-in



  • MoconquerorMoconqueror Member Posts: 6
    KabamDORK said:

    Greetings Summoners

    So It's been a month now with a new Community team in place here. So far it's been a blast coming back, but not without its challenges. There is still much to learn for myself and my team, so I just wanted to come out with it and ask. Where and how can we support you better, where are we falling short, and what would you like to see more of in the future?

    Thanks everyone!

    Please give us all a chance to autoplay at arenas…ı fed up playing 500 tours of arena every week
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 6,078 ★★★★★
    Guys will there be a livestream tomorrow?
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 3,075 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Guys will there be a livestream tomorrow?

    Think so
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,265 ★★★★
    KabamDORK said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    Guys will there be a livestream tomorrow?

    Think so
    Yes, absolutely, 9am PT!
    Hope to watch in time the stream.

    One forum issue right now ,is the Epic Meme Thread.

    When we click goes to page 367 , and there's nothing.

    Last page is 296, only acessible by this link

    Please let someone knows

    Thanks and Repaaaarrryyyyyyyyy
  • NewtownbazookaNewtownbazooka Member Posts: 6
    edited September 15
    KabamDORK said:

    Greetings Summoners

    So It's been a month now with a new Community team in place here. So far it's been a blast coming back, but not without its challenges. There is still much to learn for myself and my team, so I just wanted to come out with it and ask. Where and how can we support you better, where are we falling short, and what would you like to see more of in the future?

    Thanks everyone!

    I think that I shouldn't have to come on to forums at all. If there is relevant information to the game that players should know then it should be sent in game through the mail. Like bugs for example.
    I also do not like when I write to support and they tell me to go to the forums and find my answer or ask there. Support shouldnt be trying to pawn off things, instead of just answering themselves.
    I don't want and shouldn't have to leave the game to go to a separate website to try and get answers.
    There's way to much **** on forums, it's like being told to find my answers in global chat
  • TBKlannTBKlann Member Posts: 71

    The return of Super event , daily and 7hr objectives are depressing me

    This right here, the 7 and 22 hr events are boring me away from wanting to play. I may log in long enough for calendar but the rest is a waste and rewards suck for those events.
  • PantherhawkPantherhawk Member Posts: 9
    There has been one thing that for me, above all else has been a consistent ask from the community and its been inconsistent to put it kindly from Kabam. I can deal with bugs, things going wrong all that stuff, even things like the random nerfs (ie: Kingpin). Things like this arent great but if we got proper communication and heads up it would go along way and as a day one player its a little frustrating to have to say this still. Like today for example. The compensation bug. I would like an quick post from someone saying "Hey we are aware of the bug. We apologize and we are working on it and will update yall soon!" . The majority of the player base is reasonable. But where there is such a long time of dead air its builds frustration the longer it goes without. There are many places where the game is better then ever. But communication has never been properly addressed in my opinion.
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