Balance update Punk and Prowler

Prowler is staying the same but Punk is getting a damage bump! So happy, Sable buff is guaranteed now
I think this is exactly what he needs cause he wasn’t hitting the 4.5 damage target
I think this is exactly what he needs cause he wasn’t hitting the 4.5 damage target
Yeah sure, she *totally* has 4/5 damage 🙃
One thing I would have changed with Prowler is that his heavy inflicts plasma against mutants, since a lot of mutants are either immune or punish incinerate, but otherwise he's great.
I think he could occasionally hit that 4.5, especially in a longer fight like they mentioned. He genuinely can slap but he needs to be able to do that easier and more consistently
Serpent was given the 5/5 defender stat from the start, so there was a chance he’d be left alone as broken as he is. Sable doesn’t hit any target in any capacity, so the Punk announcement definitely gives me a lot of hope lol
They also seemed happy with where Serpent landed with the targets they set so they deemed no change necessary.
We do not know what targets they have set for Sable. For all we know, they could be happy with how Sable is performing based on the targets they set. Hopefully that isn't the case. However, even if she does get tuned up, I don't imagine most of the community would really care for her still since she probably will still keep a high-skill cap to utilize. I imagine the change would be focused a lot more cashing in on damage when utilized properly, than being a QOL change to her loops. Not to say that both couldn't happen, but it is something to be aware of.
Well, you're officially a member of the Fear Police, the first and probably last member
Keep it up!
as KT1 said she's a comfort champ that you can bring anywhere and be sure that she'll do what you brought her for without needing to do anything fancy
for SABLE though, I just want this to be in her balance update
As an attacker NOBODY SANE uses her in any meaningful content in any meaningful capacity. She's not getting used outside the testing people do when they first get her in ROL against Winter soldier and in LOL against Red Hulk.
I do like ironheart and wished she got that refresh or pause added but she's not that bad as some people make her out to be
Rank 2 VS Rank 2
don't know why I'm taking crit fail on light attacks but if you do MM combos and don't dex too much you can do this
She gets armors on light attacks that’s why you’re crit failing
is this a bug then?