Stream Recap - October 4, 2024

October Content - House of Horrors/Jack's Bounty-full Hunt
Side Quest is a new Bounties type event. Run the Side Quest 3x per week to trigger a Bounty for your alliance. More details below, and full details hereScream/Jack o Lantern
Scream builds Madness which can be used to trigger lots of unique buffs. She can autoblock, and has access to Undermine. She can stack lots of bleeds and armor breaks, especially against opponents with non-contact attacks. She will likely be a very good tech counter, especially in PVP content. Her auto block will add some defensive ability but it is possible to play aroundJack can inflict Cowardice debuffs which also serve as a bias against sp1. He is immune to reversed controls and can parry non-contact attacks. He has lots of damage over time, some of which is tailored towards Mutants. He is expected to be a great Onslaught counter with answers to most of his strongest abilities.
Deep Dives go live over the weekend
Glorious Guardians
Between now and the 10 year anniversary, 6 champions will be reworked. The first two are coming next month, with 2 more in November and DecemberPurgatory
- Has access to Neutralize
- Holds souls for entire quest
- Doesn't require KO to capture
- Upgraded soul abilities
- Easier to built Bloodthird
- Easier to stay in Demonic Rampage
- Can gain up to 6 furies
- First 3 furies are indefinite
- Stronger Armor Shatter
Alliance Super Season
- Similar to Cap's Enlistment event last year
- Focusing on multiplayer gamemodes
- Alliance Event, Solo Objectives, Login Calendar
- October 9 - November 13
- Multiplayer participation triggers a Bounty choice for alliance
- Players choose their Bounty target and fight them in a special quest
- After doing enough regular Bounties, trigger an Elite Bounty
- Elite Bounties are harder fights, but better rewards
- Elite Bounties reset weekly
- Must be in an alliance to get full rewards
- October 9 - November 6
October Double Track
- October 3 - 31
- Standard double track, one free track, one paid
Other Upcoming Events
- AW Showcase 3
- SOS Gauntlet
60 FPS
- Coming November
Visual Updates
- She Hulk
- Venom
Free Champions
From now until December, one free champion is able to be received per month. Go to the main website and sign up with an email to receive a special monthly promo code through that email. Codes will be unique for each player and thus cannot be shared.21
Bonus points if you have written to kabam already with your new email (So they can easily verify your identity).
Fixed an issue with the “Use ISO from Stash” feature not using enough ISO to sufficiently level up Champions
So, does this also change it so that it defaults to seeing “expiring sooner” shown at top (instead of by Size or expiring later).
And will that let you click ALL (to fully Levelup) and actually mark everything from “expiring sooner” first and then on down, instead of how it currently (not very intuitively) marks the ISO in Stash in some odd fashion to be used for the Levelup ??
I hate that every time I go in there, I have to do 3 things.
Turn OFF the Auto-Select (because it is NOT smart).
Change Filter order to “Expiring Sooner”.
(*even turning Auto-Select back on afterwards here doesn’t work, still doesn’t take any changed filter sorted order into account).
And then select what CLASS to use (that one should be the only one you should have to do when you go in there).
And then actually a whole lot more things, because you have to manually select every single ISO you want to use, because the “Smart/Auto” is not smart.
Hopefully for each Forum Account, you will also be limited to just claiming 1 giveaway code each month. (not just limit each code itself to only 1 use, but limiting the people trying to use them).
Or maybe limit the number of “attempts” you get if you incorrectly enter it at first (like an iPhone password lockout).
In any case, DO NOT SHARE IT when you get it in email, if the person you share it with uses it before you do, it will no longer work for yourself.
Would be great if system could track which Codes are meant for which email-linked account.
And that if someone ELSE (based on email account) tries to enter the code that was sent to YOUR email, it would come up as “invalid” for them.
**but not sure the system could be setup that way or not