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¥ Upgrade Carnage ¥

Kabam, what you guys did to Carnage?
He's so weak and have pathetic stats/skills, looks like he was inserted the game in late 2015 :/
He really needs a revampe ASAP.
Can we get any mod response on this? All others Carnage posts, we don't have nothing.
Please, re-working on him.


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    ApacheApache Posts: 558 ★★
    reworking him wont be a priority so you might be waiting awhile
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    eteodoro7eteodoro7 Posts: 17
    Yes!!! Fix it!!!
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    RafitasRafitas Posts: 65
    Apache wrote: »
    reworking him wont be a priority so you might be waiting awhile
    I know man, but Kabam already introduce him poorly, so damn weak stats, sig ability is so weak, i like the animations btw.
    Compare with other recently new champs, he is the worst so far :(
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    LocoMotivesLocoMotives Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    That video was a 4/40, not exactly the best choice for LOL. But after the minute+ it takes to get the perma buffs (which is well after most fights are done), he was doing solid damage for a 4/40.

    He's an ok option for long fights, but no regen limits him in the same scenario. No value in shorter fights.

    Edit: ROL, not LOL
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    A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Posts: 762 ★★
    How can you guys complain about carnage when ant man and colossus exist

    ant- man is semi-tanky. and colossus....has nothing going for him so you're partly right. luke cage at least has a ton of physical resist to make him last longer in a fight.
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    Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Posts: 584 ★★★
    dmadge11 wrote: »
    I have a 5/50 carnage and he is BY FAR the absolute worst in the game. I understand his mechanics and his buff system and even with 4 cruelty buffs and 1 precision buff he hits like a 3 star character. His bleed lasts .5 seconds and does 60 damage per tic and will be cancelled out by willpower. This is actually a joke with his base stats and realize people will justify it by saying well you can bump up his stats using his abilities but in reality with 5 additional buffs he isn't even brought up to average tier. He has absolutely nothing going for him and its a total joke what Kabam has done to this character. Its not he should have a change ASAP, he must. Not expecting top tier material but he has ZERO place in this game in his current state. Fix this disaster please!

    I'll give you my colossus for him any day.
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    ImmortalImmortal Posts: 323 ★★
    588 hits actually isn't the worst. Rogue is in the upper 480ish and King Groot definitely takes more hits than that.

    @Kabam Miike My question though, does the 2 * version have shared genetic memory synergy? If so, think I have a good idea on how he should be played.

    We still need answers on the stats too. Is there a cap on crit damage rate? Also physical resistance how is this calculated? Thanks in advance.
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    ImmortalImmortal Posts: 323 ★★
    edited June 2017
    dmadge11 wrote: »
    I have a 5/50 carnage and he is BY FAR the absolute worst in the game. I understand his mechanics and his buff system and even with 4 cruelty buffs and 1 precision buff he hits like a 3 star character. His bleed lasts .5 seconds and does 60 damage per tic and will be cancelled out by willpower. This is actually a joke with his base stats and realize people will justify it by saying well you can bump up his stats using his abilities but in reality with 5 additional buffs he isn't even brought up to average tier. He has absolutely nothing going for him and its a total joke what Kabam has done to this character. Its not he should have a change ASAP, he must. Not expecting top tier material but he has ZERO place in this game in his current state. Fix this disaster please!

    Despair will cancel out the willpower. His synergy stacks. So just the 3 * & 4 * variation will bump the memory buff to 7. If own the 5* then....8. Question is now about the 2 *.

    Bleed may be a means to increasing the power gain rate, rather than depending on it for damage... still testing though..

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    ImmortalImmortal Posts: 323 ★★
    there's no other synergy in game that will boost a champ as much as his
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    RehctansBewRehctansBew Posts: 442 ★★★
    Love how every time there is a terrible champ released that "we" the player base just need to adjust to him. He could be really useful in long fights, by useful Im sure Miike meant by healing opponents with his massive 25 hp a tic bleed. Really makes that 1 point in WP help.
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    LocoMotivesLocoMotives Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    But I don't know what event a team of Carnage (Carnages? carni?) would be good for. The hp and no regen would still be a limiting factor to completing any content with that team.
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    ImmortalImmortal Posts: 323 ★★
    edited June 2017
    Mikeself9 wrote: »
    But I don't know what event a team of Carnage (Carnages? carni?) would be good for. The hp and no regen would still be a limiting factor to completing any content with that team.

    True. His defensive stats are extremely low, and not being able to regen means low survivability...

    It's not unusual to build a team around one champ though. Back in the days crit rate team for SW. Falcon synergy to boost BW and SW and Vision. Spider team for crit + attack %. Crit dmg for certain other champs.. etc

    That's why I'm curious and confused how physical resist stat works.

    My sig 180 rhino can increase his physical resist by up to 1894.... but he is surely squishy as hell.

    Carnage physical resist is 1023.... 2 of these will already be higher that rhino.

    His BP 1611, Rhino has 2546. Carnage can increase by 1023....

    This leads to my question on diminishing returns...how does it affect this champ? All of his stats are affected by DR.........
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    ARKANG3L_2099ARKANG3L_2099 Posts: 129
    The idea is to drag the fight on. He is a defensive champion.
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    TKalTKal Posts: 534 ★★
    The idea is to drag the fight on. He is a defensive champion.

    No he is not, a defensive champion has defensive abilities and stuff. With the AI playing him, it's a free win

    He is a champion
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    ImmortalImmortal Posts: 323 ★★
    Mikeself9 wrote: »
    He's the perfect example of why so many players opposed Diminishing Returns (DR). There's no way to know what his % will be after each buff because we cannot test the numbers against the system. There's nowhere to input 3000 physical resist and see what % pops out, this goes for his BP and crit buffs as well. The only clear one is fury, but attack level to damage output is not a 1:1 ratio either.

    In the old system, he would have been a monster. Potentially maxing his crit rate and block proficiency and then buffing attack or crit damage, could have been great. Now, it means very little and the end result is lackluster.

    Exactly! I tried testing 4-5 stacks of cruelty and something wonky going on with crit damage.
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    The_OneThe_One Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Does all this mean his second arena will be really low
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    The_One wrote: »
    Does all this mean his second arena will be really low

    we dont know , if everyone thinks it will be low then they will think they have a chance so scores will be high
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    CuteshelfCuteshelf Posts: 747 ★★★
    Carnage is definitely a Champion players are going to have to get used to.....

    You guys said the same thing about 12.0. Look how that turned out.

    He needs a buff plain and simple.
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    GargameshGargamesh Posts: 66
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    Carnage is definitely a Champion players are going to have to get used to.....

    You guys said the same thing about 12.0. Look how that turned out.

    He needs a buff plain and simple.

    Omg, didn't see that...so it's not just me who thought that ^^
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    Draco2199Draco2199 Posts: 803 ★★★
    Carnage is way too weak very disappointing
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